(concerned with WHY behavior)
state in which an organism experience an inducement or incentive to do something
hypothetical states that activate behavior, propelling us toward goals
(a hypothetical state
within an organism that propels the
organism toward a goal)
state of deprivation
condition of arousal in an organism that is associated with need
(object, person, or situation) that can satisfy a need or is desirable for its own sake.
(inherited disposition) to activate specific behavior patterns that enable an organism to reach specific goals
Drive-reduction Theory
(view) organisms learn to engage in behaviors that have the effect of reducing drives
Primary and Acquired Drives
Primary: hunger, thirst, pain
Acquired: money
tendency of the body to maintain a steady state
(Maslow) believed that we are separated from other animals by our capacity for this
the self-initiated striving to become what we are capable of
Heirarchy of Needs
Maslow’s ordering of needs from most basic
(physiological needs such as hunger)
and thirst) to most elaborate and
sophisticated (self-actualization)
the state of being satisfied; fullness
Ventromedial Nucleus (VMN)
central area on the underside of the hypothalamus that appears to function as a “stop-eating center”
excessive eating (when VMN is cut off, the subject will continue to eat until its weight is doubled)
Lateral Hypothalamus
area at the side of the hypothalamus that appears to function as a “start-eating center”
under eating (however, will still eat if forced but at its own and levels off at a relatively low body weight)
adaptive thermogenesis
adaptive mechanism that causes the body to produce less energy (burn fewer calories) when we go on a diet.
Eating Disorders
characterized by the persistent gross disturbances in eating patterns
Anorexia Nervosa
(life threatening eating disorder)
extreme fear of being too heavy, dramatic weight loss, a distorted body image, resistance to eating enough to reach/maintain a healthful weight
Female Athlete Triad
problem affecting female athletes (especially in college)
1. low energy
2. menstrual problems
3. loss of bone density
Bulimia Nervosa
(eating disorder) repeated cycles of binge eating and purging
Activating Effect
arousal-producing effects of sex hormones that increase the likelihood of sexual behavior
periodical sexual excitement of many female mammals as governed by the levels of sex hormones
Sexual Response Cycle
Masters and Johnson’s model of sexual response which has 4 stages: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution