Thinking and decision making Flashcards
What is decision making
cognitive process which is responsible for choosing between some alternatives.
what is thinking
to be able to choose we must analyze and that requires thinking
Thinking is a prerequisite of any act of decision making.
Thinking and decision making def
Thinking and decision making is a very complex cognitive process and multiple models have been proposed to describe the real life processes of human thinking and decision making.
Theory used for thinking and decision making and reasercher
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
Martin Fishbein (1967)
What does the Theory of Reasoned Action propose
choice of a particular behavior is based on the outcome of that behavior
this creates behavioral intention amnd it is determined by attitudes and subjective norms
What happened to the theory in 1985?
Theroy expanded
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Study to support TPB and TRA
Albarracin et al (2009)
meta analysis of TRA and TPB
Aim of Albarracin el al (2009)
the attitudes and behavioral predictors of condom use, as a way of preventing HIV and STD.
understand why people chose or not to use condoms.
meta analysis
comprised 42 published articles and a total of 96 data sets and brought them together in a data matrix.
Results (3p)
- Both TRA and TPB succesful predicators of condom use
- Behavior being assesed retrospectivley or prospectivlet makes a difference
- People more likely to use condoms if they have previously formed the corresponding intention
Intentions to use condoms appear from / conclusion
These intentions to use condoms appear to derive from attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavior, therefore supporting the TRA and TPB models.
- Definition of decision making and thinking
-TRA Martin FIshbein 1967
- what TRA proposes
-Albarracin et al (2009)
- metanalysis Tra tpb
- aim
- method
- Tra and TPB predicators of condom use
- retrospecyibe or prospetibley
- more likley to use condoms if they have a previous corresponding intention
These intentions to use condoms appear to derive from attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavior, therefore supporting the TRA and TPB models.