Personal relationships Flashcards
Evolutionary explanations for the formation of personal relationships
Many Relationship formation fundamental explanations come from evolutionary theories (need of a partner to continue the species)
Beneficial behavior is passed on through genes over generations
This theory states that mate selection and relationship formation are inherited through genes
Evolutionary theories for mate selection should be universally applicable to all homo sapiens and transcendent cultures.
Universal traits we find attractive in others
Characteristics that signal health, youth and reproductive capacity
Smooth skin, muscle tone, lustrous hair, full lips (Buss 1989)
Hormone that acts on organis in the body and as a chemical mssanger in the brain. It is associated with empaphy, trust, sexual activity and relationship buidling. plays a key role in childbirth and breastfeeding.
Major histocompatability genes
Area of reasech or how major histocompatability complex can affect mate selection
Major histocompatibility complexes (MHC) are a group of genes that encode proteins on the cell surface that have an important role in immune response.
Normally parents pass stronger MHC genes to children.
Evolutionary psychologists believe that we may have evolved ways of detecting levels of similar MHC in others.
We prefer the scent of those with more differect MCH genes
A pheromone is a chemical substance produced and released into the environment by an animal, affecting the behavior of others of their species.
Cognition and interpersonal relationships - cognitive determinants of attraction (4)
- Reciprocity: this theory argues that we like those who like us. Also reciprocity increases over time the more you like me the more I like you.
- Familiarity: The familiarity hypothesis states that we like things that we see repetitively. The more we see an object or face the more we like it.
- Attraction Similarity model: we are attracted to those we perceive to be similar to ourselves. ethnicity, age, culture, social class, or other areas.
- Matching hypothesis: Predicts that individuals assess their own attractiveness or social desirability and select partners who match their levels in these areas.
Culture and interpersonal relationships
Finding a partner has many environmental and cultural factors.
The mere exposure effect proposed by Zajone says that people tend to develop a preference for things simply because they are familiar with them.
Love seems to manifest differently based on culture and change perception and behavior of people towards romantic relatiosnhips (social norms). For example verbalization some i love u normal some not
Social penetration theory
The role of communication in personal relationships
Atlman and Taylor (1973) argues that relationships develop over time and exchanges betwen individuas move from a more shallow level to a deeper/ intimare level of emotions, thoughts and feelings
Attribution Style theory
The role of communication in personal relationships
This theory states that we attribute reasons/ causes to our behaviours and the behaviours of others.
In a healthy relationship we will have a positive bias toward one´s partner while in a negative relationship tehre is a negative attribution style. Consistent negative attributions can lead to the end of the relationship
Patters of accomodation
The role of communication in personal relationships
Accomodation is when positive, constructive strategies are used to mantain a relationship. It is how individuals respond to conflict
Active stragegys: Voice, Exit
Passive strategies: Loyalty, neglect
Why relationships end or change
The role of communication in personal relationships
Communication is essencial for a stable and healthy relationship
Gottmans Four Horsemen. Claims this 4 elemenrs are helpfull in preducting divorce and that they enter a marriage in following order
1. Critisism : negative attributional bias
2. Contempt: treating someone with disrispect or mocking sarcasm
3. Defensivness: self defense mechanism, puting blame in others, victim claims to be attacked for no reason
4. Stonewalling: Listener withdrwls the conversation, shuts down comunication wth partner
Knapp and Vangelistti model of relationship change with two main stages
Growth and breakdown
- InitiationL fiest impressions
- Experimenting: starts to explore mates charactertiscs
- Intensigying: disclosure increaes
- Integrating: romantic or friedns beigns
- bondingL public stage of relationshoo
6. Differentiating
7. Circumscribing: obolematic
8. Stagnating
9. Avoiding
10. terminating