Things from the practice tests :) Flashcards
Developed therapeutic technique of systematic desensitization
Known for the development of emotion focused and problem focused coping styles
Known for the therapeutic technique of psychodrama in which clients act out their life experiences they are struggling with
Cognitive Structuralists
Fundamental belief is that a child is an active part of their own development
“Moving Away from Others”
Horney concept as a part of how children adapt to basic anxiety
Everything to do with assimilation/accommodation. Inspired Cognitive Structuralist. Four Stages of Cognitive Development. Utilized the clinical method.
Law of Effect
Developed by Thorndike - (puzzle boxes for cats/pigeons).
Cognitive Maps
Suggested by Tolman, because he learned that rats utilized internal maps of mazes to determine how to solve them if there were roadblocks.
E.O. Wilson
Any question about Wilson is probably about sociobiology, and is concerned with the fitness of various species
Auditory Transduction
Takes place in the Organ of Corti
Standard Deviation
Measures Variability
Pre-operational Stage
Piaget 2nd cognitive stage. Time in which children begin to have the ability to internally represent the world
Spatial Organization
Mostly handled in the non-dominant hemisphere
Olds and Milner
Rats will electrically stimulate themselves in the septal nuclei (pleasure center, inhibits rage)
Studied individual differences as a way to study personality
When therapist has the client imagine a fearfully conditioned stimulus as a way to begin desensitizing someone (i.e. flooding, but imagined)
Dual Code Hypothesis
Developed by Paivo. Asserts that concrete information (i.e. vocabulary) is encoded both visually and verbally when possible. This means that if a word/idea has better mental imagery associated with it, it will be remembered better
Hippocampus Lesion
Anterograde Amnesia
Used to treat acute schizophrenia episodes
Hypothetico-Deductive Method
When a hypothesis is formed, and then studied, and then a new hypothesis is reevaluated.
Avoidance-Avoidance Conflicts
When one needs to make a choice about the lesser of two evils.
Filling in memory gaps with distorted material (sometimes happens in disorders which effect memory)
Mental Chronometry
Use of response times to study the cognitive processes.
Eye Process in Dim Lights
Utilize rods mostly, No rods in fovea. During dim light, hard to determine shapes from fovea in dim light.
The Thicker the Myellin Sheath….
The faster conduction is
Expression/Comprehension of Language
Handled in dominant hemisphere
Ratio IQ Equation
(mental age/chronological age)*100
GABA is…
Inhibitory neurotransmitter
Social Facilitation vs. Social Influence
Facilitation: improves performance
Influence: bystander theories (i.e. Darley/Latane)
Studying to avoid failing a test is…
avoidance (i.e. negative reinforcement)
Genetic degenerative disease in childhood. First one to be testable easily. Requires early intervention.
Lewin and Personality
Rigid and fluid boundaries of personality regions
Witkin and Personality
Personality is formed via one’s perception of the world
Nature = Maturation Nurture = Environment
Geniculate Nucleuses
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus: Vision
Medial Geniculate Nucleus: Audition
Volley Principle
Proposed by Wever and Bray:Concept that nerve fibers work together to vibrate the basilar membrane for frequencies of over 1000
Criticized Kohlberg morals and suggested that there was a stage method, but that there were gender differences (girls were more interpersonally focused, and men were more concerned with hedonistic results)
Importance of Autoshaping
Autoshaping demonstrates that operant conditioning is partially due to classical conditioning functions
Categorical Perception
The ability to ignore sound differences if they are not meaningful, and the ability to hear sound differences which are subtle but denote meaningful differences
Signal Direction requires…
ROC Curves!
Studied honeybee “dancing” communications
Studied aggression in sticklebacks
Rod and Frame Apparatus
Utilized in studies of field dependence
Kin Selection explains…
Altruism in animals, because while altruism doesn’t explain them increasing their fitness, by kin selection they are increasing their inclusive fitness
Spatial Processing happens in the…
Parietal Lobe
Sign Stimulus triggers…
FAP (fixed action patterns)
People like being their own scientists, and so personality is driven by them wanting to control the environment around them.
Substantia Nigra
Basal Ganglia Structure. Decrease of dopamine here is what leads to parkinson’s symptoms.
Which cognitive ability is LEAST LIKELY to decline in old age?
semantic memory
Sherrington thought rapid stimulation of synapses was due to…
temporal summation
ventral/dorsal streams
ventral = what dorsal = where
Erikson’s crisis are considered a revamp of..
Freud’s psychosexual stages
Rapid Eye Movement is associated with…
Mixing paints changes the colors because…
the colors mixed will absorb all the wavelengths except the one they mix to become.
Baddeley and Hitch
Theories on working memory. If two tasks require the same component of WM, performance will be weakened on one or both tasks.
False Consensus Effect
When one overestimates the extent to which their opinions/beliefs are typical of others
Rat damage to the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus
will interfere with the biological clock that is synchorinized with light
Changing from a two tailed to one tailed test…
increases the power of the statistical test
Johnston and Heinz Multimode Theory of Attention
Flexible and selective attention.
If two tasks require attentional resources, can be misallocated.
Where is the action potential triggered in the neuron?
The axon hillock
Gonodal Hormones effect on mate selection is called…
An Organizational Effect
(aka decentration). Piaget. Time during concrete operational where kids learn to consider multiple aspects of a situation, and learn about conservation.
Amyloid Plaques and Neurofibrillary tangles are characteristic of…
Alzheimer’s Disease
Damage to the ear’s hair cells results in..
difficulty hearing people in noisy situations (but no problems in quiet areas)
Cephalocaudal Development
Developm ent which proceeds from head to tail
Kubler-Ross stages of coping with death
(denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance).
Limited theory bc not everyone experiences every stage
Subliminal Messages can…
maybe influence short term attitude changes
Tolman thought behavior was understood as…
molar (ie continuous) and purposive
General Adaption Syndrome
Stage 1: alarm reaction (shock and countershock)
Stage 2: resistance
Stage 3: exhaustion
The Phi Phenomenon
Perceiving motion from series of immobile pictures or light flashes
Philosophy that if something works well it’s true.
Heavily influenced the creation of functionalism
First to use twin studies methodology
Francis Galton
Eliciting sympathy to create a positive impression.
Normative Influences…
Conformity motivated by fear of social rejection
Personal Fable
When a teen believes they are special/unique
Adler’s theory of individual psychology
resulted from his disagreement with freud re; universal biological forces. Adler focused on the strive to superiority instead.
Delirium vs Dementia
Delirium is temporary, dementia is permanent
Rooting Reflex
Breastfeeding reflex where if baby’s cheek is touched they turn towards it and suckle
Authoritarian Personality
Person who is unquestioning/obedient and submissive to external authority and in doing this oppresses out-groups
Premack Principle
More probable behaviors will reinforce less probably behaviors
Loftus creating false memories
25% of students remembered false events, and if they did they were usually quite confident in it
Stats test for two continuous measures
t tests on the two means
The type of Glial Cell responsible for producing myelin sheaths
proximity (being close to someone)