Theraputic Communication Flashcards
The development of self-awareness requires a willingness to be __________
The process of understanding ones own beliefs, thoughts, motivations, biases, and limitations, and recognizing how they affect others
Phases of a Nurse-Patient Relationship
Preinteraction phase, orientation phase, working phase, termination phase
What phase is the relationship when there is self-exploration (prejudices, misconceptions, fears, anxiety) by the nurse
Printeraction phase
What stage may you see testing behaviors? Is this normal?
Orientation phase and testing behaviors is fairly normal
If the nurse is thinking “why does the client need help?” What phase is this
Orientation phase
What happens in the working phase of a nurse-patient relationship?
When more of the therapeutic work is done, client insight, change in behavior
What goes on during the termination phase?
It is a difficult but important phase. There should be discussion on feelings and progress. May feel loss, sadness, rejection, and/or anger that need to be discussed. You should prepare for the termination stage in advance so you can work through separation
What are some reactions to termination
Client may deny separation, deny importance of relationship, express anger, regress to earlier stage, cope with anxiety about separation, can be difficult for nurse as well
What does restating show?
Repeating the main though of the patient shows you are listening
What type of space is 12 feet or more
Public space
What type of space is 9-12 feet?
Social-consultative space
What type of space is 18 inches-4 feet
Personal space
What type of space is up to 18 inches
Intimate space
What are the four body zones
Intimate, personal, social, public zones
What zone will the patient allow the nurse to enter? When will they express discomfort?
Will allow nurse to enter the personal zone but may express discomfort if the nurse breaches the intimate zone
Being specific in terminology
Open, honest, sincere
“unconditional positive regard”
Understanding another’s situation as if it was your own but remembering the “as if” quality
Empathic understanding
What is the goal of a therapeutic relationship
To achieve the patients optimal growth
That are some verbal communication techniques
Listening, acceptance, broad openings, restating, and clarification
What are some techniques that inhibit communication
Advice, agreement, challenges, reassurance, disapproval
Does reassurance help or inhibit communication? Why?
Inhibits because telling the patient everything will be ok may not be true. The patient is blocked from exploring their feelings
Is advice a good communication technique?
No telling a patient what to do inhibits communication because the nurse solves the patients problem, which may not be the appropriate solution and encourages dependency on the nurse
Is agreement a good communication technique?
No it inhibits communication because the patient is denied the opportunity to change his or her view now that the nurse agrees
What is nurse self-disclosure
Revealing of personal information
Release of feelings
Emotional catharsis
Unconscious assignment to others of the feelings and attitudes that the patient originally associated with important feelings
The providers emotional reaction to the patient based on personal unconscious needs and conflicts