Theory of Psychosexual Development - Sigmund Freud Flashcards
Greatest need: security
Greatest fear: anger, anxiety
Oral Phase (Birth - 18mos)
Narcissistic: pleasure seeking is through eating and sucking; primary narcissism (self-love)
Mouth: erogenous zone, area of satisfaction
Oral Phase (birth - 18mos)
Insecurity in parting with breast or bottle may cause fixation
Tension is relieved by sucking and swallowing
Oral phase (birth - 18mos)
Sucking needs are independent of hunger satisfaction
Oral phase (birth - 18mos)
Primary source of pleasure is elimination or retention.
This is the critical period for toilet training.
Anal phase (18-36mos)
The anus is site of
tension and sexual
Greatest need: power
Anal phase (18-36mos)
First experience with
discipline and authority
Anal phase (18-36mos)
Retention and expulsion (forcing out
are experienced as pleasurable especially because these functions come under child-control)
Anal phase (18-36mos)
Child uses his new skill to please or annoy parenting adults
Anal phase (18-36mos)
Resolution of oedipal
Latency (5-11 or 13yrs old)
Genitals are the focus of interest, stimulation, and excitement.
Masturbation is
Phallic or Oedipal (3-5yrs old)
Sexual drive is channeled into socially appropriate activities
such as school work and sports
Latency (5-11 or 13yrs old)
Involves the capacity
for true intimacy.
Genital (11-13yrs old)
Final stage of psychosexual
Genital (11-13yrs old)
Occurs when the client displaces onto the therapist attitudes and feelings that the client originally experienced in other relationships
Occurs when the therapist displaces onto the client attitudes or feelings from his or her past