Mental Health Status: Assessment Flashcards
An emotional state of an individual
The person’s capacity to vary the outward expression of mood
Different Types of Affect
Inappropriate Affect
Flat Affect
Blunted Affect
Labile Affect
Exaggerated Affect
Different Types of Affect
Disharmony between thought and emotional response
Inappropriate Affect
Different Types of Affect
No emotion attached to the content of speech
Flat Affect
Different Types of Affect
Significantly reduced intensity of emotional expression
Blunted Affect
Different Types of Affect
Change of emotion from happiness to tearfulness in very short span of time
Labile Affect
Different Types of Affect
Overly dramatic expression of emotion
Exaggerated Affect
False belief that others are against him or will harm him
Persecutory Delusion (paranoid)
False belief that cannot be corrected by reasons
False belief that one denies
existence of self or part of self.
In extreme cases, the person
believes that he is already
Nihilistic Delusions (Cotard’s Syndrome)
False belief that one thoughts
and actions are controlled by an
external force.
Alien Control
False belief that one’s thought
can be read by others.
Thought Broadcasting
False belief that one’s thought
is taken by others
Thought Withdrawal
False belief that others inserted
thoughts or ideas into his mind.
Thought Insertion
False belief that situations or
event in the environment are
directly projected into the
Ideas of Reference
False belief that one feels
unworthy, ugly, or sinful.
False belief that one is superior
and powerful.
False belief pertaining to body image or function
Somatic Delusions
Flow of unconnected words that convey no meaning to the listener
Word Salad
A persistent and irresistible thought that a person is driven to think again and again
A morbid belief that one is sick
Patient provide a lot of details
before finally answering the
A tendency to emit the same verbal or motor response again and again usually as a response to a stimulus
Verbal production is not at all
related to the question
Creating new words that only the client understands
Sudden stoppage of thought without apparent reason
Thought Blocking
Patient’s verbal production is impossible to follow due to lack of organization and lack of connection between ideas
Loose Association
Extreme form of loose association, wherein there is no two words that connect together to form and logical association
Word Salad
Patient speaks in rhymes
Clang Association
Over productivity of talk and
verbal jumping quickly from
one idea to another. Sometimes
ideas are superficially
Flight of Ideas
Patient has few ideas and focus
only on negative aspects.
Poverty of Ideas
False interpretation of the external stimulus
A feeling of detachment from the environment and self
False sensory perceptions that occur in the absence of an actual external stimuli and it may involve any of the 5 senses
A feeling of altered reality
A motionless, apathetic state in which one is oblivious or does not react to external stimuli
Catatonic Stupor
Client assumes position and will not move when effort is made to change in position
Client is unresponsive to the surrounding but is conscious
Client maintains his position which he has been originally placed
Waxy Flexibility
A state of constant purposeless agitation and excitation
Catatonic Excitement
Presence of motor restlessness and extreme over activity
Unpredictable and sudden outburst of activity
Unwanted urge to perform repetitive actions
Unconscious uncontrollable undirected activity
Client imitates actions of others
Client repeats words or statements of others
Unrelenting, rapid, often loud talking without pauses
Pressured Speech
Repetitive persistent motor activity or speech
Repetition of words or phrases may not have meaning to the listener
Unconscious twitching or jerking of muscles usually above the shoulder which are involuntary
Tics and Spasm
Persistent motor behavior
Forgetting further events
Client finds it difficult to remember things that occurred BEFORE a traumatic event
Retrograde Amnesia
Complete absence of memory
Forgetting recent events
Client finds it difficult to remember things that occur AFTER a traumatic event
Anterograde Amnesia (Goldfield’s Syndrome)
Incomplete absence of memory
Fabricating storied to fill up lapses of memory caused by anterograde amnesia
Amnesia experienced by alcoholics about behavior during drinking hour
Recollection of and belief in an event that did not actually occur
False Memory
Temporary inability to remember a name or proper noun
Familiarity of events that are unfamiliar “has seen”
Unfamiliarity of events that are
familiar “hasn’t seen”.
Jamais Vu
Familiarity of sounds that are unfamiliar “has heard”
Deja Entendu
Unfamiliarity of sounds that are familiar “hasn’t heard”
Jamais Entendu