Theorists- representation Flashcards
Bell hooks
Feminism is a lifestyle, fighting to end patriarchal oppression and ideology of male dominance
A combination of race and sex determines the extent of which individuals are exploited or oppressed
Van Zoonen
Idea that women being objectified is a core element of western culture
Media representation often portray women as belong to family and domestic life and men to social and work life
david gauntlett
Media provides us with ‘tools’ and resources that we use to shape our identities.
we have a wide range of media
models — a pick-and-mix of different ideas that we can choose from.
Stuart Hall
representations are made up of steryotypes.
Stereotyping reduces people and things to a few simple characteristics or traits.
Stereotyping tends to occur where there is disparity of power, with subordinated/excluded groups being different or “other”.
judith butler
Identity is performatively constructed by the very “acts” or “expressions” that are thought to be its results.
There is no inherent gender identity behind the expressions of gender.
Performativity is not a singular act, but a repetition or ritual.
Colonial discourses continue to inform contemporary attitudes to race and ethnicity.
“Civilisationism” constructs racial hierarchies and sets up binary oppositions based on notions of “other”ness