Theorists Flashcards
Livingstone and Lunt
- Technology makes regulation of media products very difficult
- Powerful companies use their power to get away with not appropriately regulating material
Curran and Seaton
- Media companies are dominated by a small number of giant conglomerates, for example in film companies there is the ‘big six’
- Due to focus on making money there is little variation in media products
Henry Jenkins
Fandom, fan made content. Fan art, fan discussion, fan fiction, fan reviews ect
- Companies want to minimise risk and maximise profit
- Vertical and Horizontal integration
- Work across a variety of media platforms and companies
- Focus on what’s popular causing a lack in variation
- Controlling the release schedule
- Detailed marketing (posters, website, ect)
Clay Shirky
- No longer such thing as a passive audience
We do things on social media to share content and discuss theories
George Gerbner
- Media repeats representations and people slowly think that these representations are truth
Stuart Hall (Reception Theory)
- Media products are encoded with hidden messages, this is the preferred reading
- Some audiences take on an oppositional reading
- Some audiences take on a negotiated reading
These different readings are caused by social class and time period
bell hooks
- Femenism is the fight to end patriarchal oppression
- Femenism is a political commitment and you need to be active politically to be a true femenist
- Women are not discriminated against in the same way (linked to ethnicity and class)
Van Zoonen
- We get ideas about gender from media products we consume
- Women are objectified by the media
- Women’s bodies are a core element of western culture
Judith Butler
- Performing masculine and feminine things as rituals construct our gender
Paul Gilroy (Post Colonialism)
Colonialism = Taking over a country a run and exploit it
- In media products you can still see ethnic minorities being shown as powerless, weak, strange and exotic
- Wateraid adverts make British people seem more powerful than Africans
The media doesn’t seek to replicate reality but to replace it
Who was in Paris?
David Guantlett
- We construct our identity through media products we consume
- Past = Stereotypical ideas about gender
Present = Diverse representations
Roland Barthes
Symbolic codes - codes that symbolise something else, cross = religion ect
Proairetic/action - a code that something will happen as a result of something else
Enigma - Hooks in the audience
Cultural codes - codes that only someone from a certain culture will truly understand
Binary oppositions - two things represented as complete opposites, put together in media products to create conflict and convey meaning
Hypodermic Needle Theory - The idea that the audience is passive and the media are powerful, the media inject the audience with messages and control them.
Blumler and Katz
Uses and gratifications theory
- Entertainment/escapism
- Education/information
- Social interaction/personal relationships
- Identification/Relatibility