theorists Flashcards
reception theory
Stuart Hall
•Dominant, negotiated and oppositional text. stances which people take towards a media text.
representation theory
Stuart Hall
•Producers give events meaning and try to portray the event to suit their messages
identity theory
David Gauntlett
•Identity is complicated; everyone’s got one. he thinks the media do not create identities, but just reflect them instead
post colonial theory
Paul Gilroy
•Disporia - a scattered population whose origin lies in a separate geographic locale
media effects theory
Albert Bandura
•Bobo doll experiment with kids. what we see has an effect on our thoughts and actions
end of audience model
Clay Shirky
•We are no longer simply consumers, we are also producers by sharing and promoting products
fandom theory
Henry Jenkins
•Fans enjoy media texts so much that they create content based upon the text and form communities around it
binary opposites theory
Levi Strauss
•All narratives are organised around the conflict between binary opposites
Power and Media Industries Theory
James Curran and Jean Seaton
•Concentration of ownership gets smaller causing less variety
•Applies to the narrow range of political opinions expressed by British national newspapers
Genre Theory (repetition and difference)
Steve Neale
•Films are defined by how much they follow and also subvert conventions of their chosen genre. films must follow a pattern to attract audiences but also seem new and original.
Post Modernism Theory
Jean Baudrillard •For Jean Baudrillard the post-modern age is a world where people respond to media images rather than to real people or places. Separating out reality from representation has become impossible when all that exists is ‘hyperreality – the mixing of the two • real • heightened reality • simulacra
Regulation Theory
Livingstone and Lunt
•Regulation is needed to make sure the media promotes the public’s interests. also traditional forms of regulation are being challenged by globalization and developments in technology
Gender Performativity Theory
Judith Butler
•She argues that sex does not determine our gender and our gender is created in accordance to society’s expectations and stereotypes
Semiology Theory
Roland Barthes
•Semiology is the study of signs. signs consist of a signifier (a word, an image, a sound, and so on) and its meaning – the signified. denotation and connotation
Narrative Theory
Tsvetan Todorov
•Stages of a narrative: equilibrium, disruption of equilibrium, recognition of disruption, attempt to repair, new equilibrium
Character Theory
Vladamir Propp
•Character types: hero, villain, donor. dispatcher, helper, princess, false hero
Feminist Theory
bell hooks (no caps) •Feminism is the struggle to end oppression of women. women are often objectified and sexualized in the media
Cultivation Theory
George Gerbner
•We watch media products that reinforce our viewpoint
•Repeated exposure to something makes us desensitised
Feminist Theory
Van Zoonen
•We exist in a patriarchy
•Negative portrayal of women in media leads to stereotypes in women’s roles
Cultural Industries Theory
David Hesmondhalgh
•Most products are consumed when used and have to be bought again, but media products are bought once and continually used – they never wear out
•Consequently, producers must make their products safe in order to gain lots of money on their initial release as they cant resell the product multiple times
•This leads to house hold celebrity names and intertextuality to gain popularity