Theories of the family Flashcards
What do functionalists believe about the family?
They believe that the family is just like an organ in the body. They believe that family enables society to function to maintain social order and social cohesion.
Who are the two functionalists in sociology?
Murdock (1949) and Parsons (1955).
What does Murdock believe that family performs?
He believes the family performs essential functions to meet the needs of society and its members.
What are the four essential functions?
- Stable satisfaction of sex drive
- Reproduction of next generation
- Socialisation of the young
- Meeting its members’ economic needs so the state doesn’t have to pay.
What are 2 criticisms of Murdock?
- Other institutions and family types can perform these functions.
- He has a rose-tinted, harmonious, consensus view.
What is a feminist criticism of Murdock?
Feminists believe that family serves the needs of men and oppresses women.
What is a Marxist criticism of Murdock?
Marxists believe that family meets the needs of capitalism, not the family members as a whole.
What does Parsons (1955) believe about the family?
He believes that the functions the family performs would depend on the needs of society.
What does Parsons argue that the family in modern society has become?
A unit of consumption.
What does Parsons believe the nuclear family needs?
Primary socialisation of children and stabilisation of adult personalities.
What are the two kinds of family structures according to Parsons
- Nuclear family
- Extended family
- Fit the needs of the society in which it’s found
According to Parsons what are the two basic types of society?
- Modern industrial society
- Traditional pre-industrial society
- Nuclear family meet the needs of modern industrial society and extended family meets the needs of a traditional pre industrial society.
According to Parsons what were the two types of workforces used in the traditional pre industrial society and modern industrial society?
- Geographical mobile workforce
- Nuclear family better fitted to the need that modern industry has for a GMW. - A socially mobile workforce
- Nuclear family better equipped to meet the needs of industrial society.
- Mobile nuclear family structurally isolated from kin, may keep in touch compared to before where they had a duty.
What do Marxists think about the family?
They see the family as a weapon to control the poor.
What do the capital class, the bourgeoisie, own?
They own the means of production.
What do the working class, the proletariat, do?
Their labour is exploited by the capitalist for profit.
What do Marxists believe the functions of the family are performed for?
The benefit of the capitalist system.
What does Engels believe about the family?
He believes the family developed so that men could control children and women and allow them to pass property for biological offspring.
What does Engels believe the family is used for?
Inheritance of property.
What does Engels believe women turned into?
An instrument for the production of children.
What does Zaretsky say about the family?
That they are a unit of consumption and a prop to the capitalist system.