Demography Flashcards
What is the total fertility rate?
1.83 in 2014 compared to 2.95 children in 1964s
What’s the reason for the change in fertility and birth rates?
- More women remaining childless
- More women postponing having children - avg age is 30
What are 4 reasons for the decline in the birth rate?
- Changes in womens position
- Decline in infant mortality rate
- CHildren now economic liability
- Child centerdness
Why are changes in womens position one of the reasons for the decline in the birth rate?
- More women in paid employment, easy access to divorce, easy access to contraception/abortion
What does Harper (2012) see as the reason for the decline?
Education of women. Change in mindset > fewer children. Now see possibilities outside traditional housewife/mother > delay children
- small families become norm > seen a less deviant/acceptable
What is the infant mortality rate?
- In Uk - 154 compared to 117 in 2024 in Afghanistan.
What are 4 reasons for the fall of infant mortality rate in the 20th century?
- Improved housing + better santitation, clean drinking water, infants > less infection
- Better nutrition
- better knowledge of hygiene, child welfare, medicine
- Better healthcare system - mass immunisation (whopping cough)
What do Brass and Kabir (1978) argue?
The trend to smaller families began not in rural areas where the Imr began to fall but in urban areas where the IMR remained higher for longer
Why were children seen an economic liability in the late 19th century?
- THey could be sent out to work from an early age to earn an income
Why have children started to become an economic liability
- Laws banning child labour, compulsory schooling - children remain economically dependant on their parents for longer and longer.
- Changing norm - children right to expect from parents - material terms
What happens as a result of child centeredness of families?
- Shift from ‘quantity’ to ‘quality’ parents now have fewer children & more attention
Why have there been an increase in birth rates since 2001?
- Increase in immigration. Mothers outside the UK have higher fertility rate - account for 25% of births in 2011.
What are 3 effects of changes in fertility?
- The family
- Dependency ratio
- Public services and policies
How does the family affect fertility?
-Smaller families > women more free to go to work > create dual-earning couple.
- better off couples able to have larger families and still afford childcare so can work full time
How does the dependency ratio affect fertility?
- Fall in number of children reduces the ‘burden of dependancy’ of working population.
What does Vanishing children mean
falling fertility rates > fewer children > childhood lonely > childless adults
Why do lower birth rates have consequences for public services?
Fewer schools and maternity and child health services may be needed. Affects cost of maternity/paternity leave.
What is one effect of women having fewer children?
Ageing population. More old compared to young.
Tranter – death rate
Death rate has declined so heavily in 19th/20th century due to fall in deaths from infectious diseases
→ Particularly TB
→ HOWEVER these have been replaced by diseases of affluence
- Heart disease, cancer
- Affect the old, rather than the young
Reasons for decline in death from infection
→ Improved nutrition
→ Medical advancements
→ Reduction in smoking?
→ Public health measure
→ Other social changes
McKeown – DR/nutrition
Nutritional accounts for half the reduction in deaths from infectious disease
→ Increased resistance for those infected
→ But, how come women live longer even though they tend to get smaller shares of the food supply?
Medical advancements – DR
→ Antibiotics/immunisation
→ NHS gives care to people
→ Bypass surgeries + medication for heart disease
Reduction in smoking – DR
→ May be counteracted by rise in obesity
- Deaths from this kept low due to medication
- Rise of American health culture where lifestyles are unhealthy, but long lifespan is achieved via medication
Harper – DR/smoking
Greatest fall in death comes from reduction in smoking
Public health measures – DR
Help to improve quality of the environment
→ Clean Air Act
→ Improved housing quality
→ Pasteurised milk