Families and social policy Flashcards
How do functionalists view social policy?
They see the state as acting in the interests of society as a whole and social policies as being for the good of all. They see policies as helping families to perform their functions more effectively and make life better for their members.
What does Fletcher (1996) argue about social policy?
Argues that the introduction of health, education and housing policies in the yers since the industrial revolution has gradually led to the development of a welfare state that supports the family in performing its functions more effectively.
- Family is more able to take care of it’s members when they are sick
What are two criticisms of the functionalist view on social policy?
- Assumes that all members of the family benefit equally from social policies.
- Feminists argue that policies only benefit men at the expense of women. - Assumes that there is a ‘march of progress’. With social policies making family life better and better.
- Marxists argue that policies can reverse progress made e.g. by cutting welfare benefits
What type of view does Donzelot (1997) have of the family and social policy?
Has a conflict view of society and sees policy as a form of state power and control over families.
What does Donzelot (1997) mean by ‘the policing of families’?
Argues that social workers, health visitors and doctors use their knowledge to control and change families.
Why is surveillance not targeted equally on all social classes?
Poor families are more likely to be seen as ‘problem’ families and the cause of crime and antisocial behaviour.
How does the state seek to control and regulate family life according to Condry (2007)?
By imposing compulsory Parenting Orders through the courts.
- Parents of badly behaved children forced to attend parenting classes.
Why does Donzelot reject the functionalist march of progress view that social policy and professionals who carry it out have created a better/humane society?
Sees social policy as a form of state control of the family
What are some criticisms of Donzelot?
Marxists and feminists criticise Donzelot for failing to identify who clearly benefits from social policies of surveillance. Marxists - benefit the capitalist class. Feminists - Men
What is the New Right view?
In favour of nuclear family, division of labour. See this family type as self reliant, capable of caring and providing for its members and successful socialization of children.
What do they argue is threatening the conventional nuclear family?
- Changes that have led to greater family diversity, increase in divorce/cohabitation/same sex partnerships. Producing welfare dependency & crime
What are some examples of social policies that have helped undermine the nuclear family?
- Divorce Reform Act (1969)
- Civil Partnerships Act (2004)
- Marriage (same-sex couples) Act 2014
Why do the New Right argue that the state doesn’t see marriage as special or better anymore?
Increased rights for unmarried cohabitants such as adoption rights and pension rights when a partner dies.
Who is a New Right sociologist?
Murray (1984;1990)
Why is Murray critical of welfare policy?
Argue that providing generous welfare benefits such as council housing for unmarried teenagers and cash payments to support lone parent families, undermines the conventional nuclear family and encourages dysfunctional family types.