Theories of the Family Flashcards
What are George Peter Murdock’s 4 points on Functionalist views on families purpose?
Analysed 250 diff types of societies in his book and proposed universal functions of families in which every family in the world does these things:
- The sexual function: sexual gratification for spouses
- the reproductive function: makes new members for society
- the educational function: socialises members into shared values/norms
- economic function: provides members food and shelter
What does Talcott Parsons argue are the two basic functions of the family?
- primary socialsation of children into shared values and equipping then with basic skills to go into society
- stabilisation of adult personalities (warm bath theory): mother creates warm and loving environment allowing family adults to release tensions of outside world
Suggest family provides female and males with specific roles as caregiver and homemaker
What are some criitisms of the warm bath theory?
Very patriarchal-women serve man
Outdated-doesnt consider same sex/dual earners
Dark side of the family-abuse to release tension
What is Talcott Parsons Functionalist fit on the nuclear family theory?
It has not awlays existed, family adapts itself to society.
Reason it exists now is to meet needs of industrail society as pre-industrial society it was largely extended families.
Family provided employment and education also security and healthcare being unit of production
After industrialisation roles performed by family are now done by society so move away from being unit of production to unit of consumption
What do liberal feminists believe?
They believe equality between the sexes does exist but they fight to achieve equality through legal means. laws like the sex discrimination act (1975) are making womens lives better.
What does the liberal Feminist Jenny Sommerville believe?
Feminist failed to recognisse progress women have made to equality especially in marriage. New policies should be made which provide equality in relationships, e.g many jobs are still based on idea of male breadwinner.
What are some positives of the Liberal Feminist approach?
Supporting evidence that liberal feminist ideas are in society like laws and attitudes, Sommerville also recognises changes over past few decades and suggest how to make feminism more appealing.
What are some critisms of Liberal Feminists approach?
Sommervilles ideas are largely based on review of other feminists. Radical feminists would disagree as it ignores men are inhernetly patriarchial. It also does not offer praticcal solution for future change,
What is the Radical Feminists approach to society?
They see exploitation of women as result of men dominating society. The patriarhcy leads to subordination of women and children at home, rape and sexual assualt.
What are the Radical Feminists Andrea Dworkins views on marriage?
Marriage devolped from rape as a practice and represents ownership of women (eg changing their last name)
What are the Radical Feminists Germaine Greers views on Marriage.
Men beneift from marriag more than women. 3/4 of divorces are applied for by women. Motherhood is devalued by society.
What are some positives of the Radical Feminists approach to family?
Greers work is very provocatuve and makes important points about women in society. There are also supporting evidence of family being patriarchail like domestic violence stats.
What are some critisms of the Radical Feminist approach to family?
Too deterministic make generalisations about all men, other feminists live Liberal feminists would argue it fails to acknowledge the progress women have made.
What are Marxists Feminists approach to the family?
Look at how women are exploited and how it beneifts capatalism, e.g when the man is out working women is cleaning the house (unpaid labour)
What are the Marxist Feminists Margret Benson views on the family?
The unpaid labour women do in the home supports capatalist system. If man has wife and child to support he becomes bound to his wage labour/weakens the bargaining power to ensure better working conditions.