Research Methods In Sociology Flashcards
What is random sampling?
A method where the subjects are chosen at random giving everyone an equal chance.
What is opportunity sampling?
A method where the the subjects are picked based on if they’re available and willing to take part e.g a class.
What is stratified sampling?
A method where certain groups are picked in a way that will match the population.
What is Quota sampling?
Quotas are used to determine how many people with particular characteristics are studied.
What is snowball sampling?
Where participants will recruit other people they know to be in thee research like family or friends.
What is systemic sampling?
Where participants are picked in a list from and computer or program in a fixed interval.
Why are Questionnaires useful for sociologists?
They can find out about peoples beliefs attitudes and opinions and can be administered easily online or in post.
What are some examples of research using Questionaires?
Dewson et al. 2001 to working class students, Hite 1991 about love passion and emotional violence. The Government Census. Schofield 1985 Sexua behaviour of teens.
What are non-participant observations?
When the researcher observes a groupr or event without taking part in it.
What are participant observations?
When a researcher is also taking part in the group activities or even whilst observing others.
What are overt observations?
When the researcher is open about what they are doing and makes their true indentity know to ppts.
What are covert observations?
When a researcher carries out stufy under cover taking on false identy and role.
What is an example of a covert research
Paul Willis’s Learning to labour study studied working class high svhool chilfren and attented all their classes found boys were uninterested in school.
What is an example of a covert observation?
Patrick Glasgow gang study was in a gang observed them covrrtly after getting in through a gang higher up. He left after being afraid of gang.
What is an IV and DV and an experimental group and control group?
An IV is the variable you manipulate and the DV is the one u measure. Experimental group is the group who is being tested and the control who aren’t.