theories of social change as attempts to explain change, and resistance to change, within societies and cultures in relation to: Flashcards
why are theories of social change made?
to explain how societies change and develop
What is structural change?
consists of rules, institutions and practices that are effective in influencing the behaviour of large no. of ppl
what does structural change include?
o Demographic shifts: ageing population in Germany
o Urbanization: mass movement of ppl from rural to urban areas in Timor Leste.
o Secularization: loss of religious influence in Ireland
o Conflict and war: WW1/2
o Social dislocation: upheaval of some communities in USA resulting from declining manufacturing.
o Strengthening of civil society: empowering poor and marginalized groups in Laos
Growth of institutions with their differentiation and specialization
where can the process causing aspects of of society to change, or to remain the same, come from?
come from within, e.g. technological change, but many of the substantial changes that have occurred come from outside society through Acculturation, i.e. first hand contact with another group, usually a more powerful one.
what have been many of the reasons for the sig. changes within countries?
first colonialism, and then globalisation in the post colonial-world.
what can the process of social change be seen as?
S: socio-cultural (e.g. urbanisation, ageing population)
T: technological (e.g. internet access, alternative energy sources)
E: economic (e.g. globalisation, western consumerism)
E: environmental (e.g. climate change)
P: political (e.g. democratisation, war)
What do societies pursue?
certain directions of change where characteristics of westernisation, modernization and sustainability are actively integrated into policy.
what are the 3 major directions of change?
linear patterns
cyclical patterns
dialectical patters/directions
what is linear pattern?
as suggested in evolutionary theory, claim change is cumulative, non-repetitive and linear,involving transition from small, less developed culture to large, developed societies
what is cyclical patterns?
imply change is repetitive, which can explain rise and fall of civilisations, but also political and economic cycles
what is dialectical patterns?
combination of linear and cyclical patterns, making spiral pattern where short-term repetitive change, but long term directional change are evident.
Other directions of social change: in terms of relationships?
highly likely there will be enhanced rel/ship between ppl, society and enviro with greater emphasis and moves towards environmental sustainability in an effort to reverse enviro damage of 20th century
Other directions of social change: in terms of demographics?
changes in demographics. e.g. different age cohorts have diff needs and make diff contributions to social change
young ppl push for social change and lead movements while older ppl are more conservative and appreciate continuity.
Other directions of social change: diffusion on a global level?
through globalisation, increased transference of cultural norms and values of West (westernisation) to other cultures, esp. developing societies.
increased prevalence of globalisation across the world and continuance of westernisation and modernization.
Other directions of social change: technological?
advances in tech development which some sociologist believe will be most imp aspect of culture
Other directions of social change: societies become more complex?
evolutionary theory
most societies desire to reach standards of living in western civilization (Charles Darwin survival of fittest)
Other directions of social change: functionalist theory?
suggests that as society evolves, there is more social order and stability (probs because of increased power and size of social institutions like gov and policy/making laws.
Other directions of social change:migration?
expect further migration from rural areas to urban
Other directions of social change: more materialistic?
attitudes and values impacted across world as it becomes more materialistic due to growth of capitalism.
Other directions of social change: religion?
members of western societies less likely to follow an organised religion (growth of secular societies)
Other directions of social change:family structures?
will continue to be diverse ie. an increase in mixed families, de facto rel/ships, same sex re/ships, indiv choosing to live alone