Theories Of Development Flashcards
Psychosocial Stages Trust vs. Mistrust-birth-1 yr. Autonomy vs. Shame-1-3 yrs. Initiative vs. Guilt-preschool Industry vs. Inferiority-elementary Identity vs. Identity Confusion-teen Intimacy vs. Isolation-early adulthood Generativity vs. Stagnation-adulthood Integrity vs. Despair-late adulthood
Psychosexual Stages Oral-birth-1.5 yrs-mouth Anal-1.5 yrs-3yrs-anus Phallic-3-6 yrs-genitals Latency-6 yrs-puberty-repression Genital-puberty onward-sexual
Cognitive Developmental Stages
Sensorimotor-birth-2yrs., coordinate sensory experiences with physical actions
Preoperational-2-7yrs., represent the world with words, images, drawings but cannot perform operations
Concrete Operational-7-11yrs., perform operations (internalized mental actions) involving objects with logic and reason
Formal Operational-11yrs.-adulthood, think in abstract & logical terms
Sociocultural Cognitive Theory
emphasizes how cultural and social interactions guide cognitive development
Information-Processing Theory
individuals gradually develop increasing capacity for processing info, allowing them to acquire increasingly complex knowledge & skills
Operant Conditioning
Consequences of a behavior produce changes in the probability of the behavior’s repeated occurrence. Rewards increase likelihood; punishment decreases likelihood.
Social Cognitive Theory
Cognitive processes have important links with environment and behavior, including learning by watching others.
Behavior is strongly influenced by biology, tied to evolution, characterized by critical or sensitive periods.
Studied geese and imprinting during the critical period, ethology
Attachment theory, that attachment to primary caregiver has important effects throughout lifespan, ethology
emphasizes environmental factors
Ecological Theory
Development reflects the influence of several environmental systems:
microsystem-setting in which someone lives, family
mesosystem-relations between microsystems, family-to-school
exosystem-links between non-active social setting and person’s immediate context, child affected by mother’s work environment
macrosystem-culture in which someone lives
chronosystem-patterning of environmental events and transitions over the lifespan