Biological Beginnings Flashcards
natural selection
evolutionary process by which those individuals of a species that are best adapted are the ones that survive and reproduce
On the Origin of Species, adaptation to survive & pass on genes
adaptive behavior
behavior that promotes an organism’s survival in the natural habitat
evolutionary psychology
emphasizes importance of adaptation, reproduction, and “survival of the fittest” in shaping behavior
evolution pervasively influences our aggression, fears, and mating habits
extended childhood of humans
to develop large brain and experiences necessary to become competent adults before reproducing
benefits conferred by evolutionary selection decrease with age, thereby making old age filled w/diseases & disorders like Alzheimer’s that would have been weeded out through natural selection if it affected more 20 year-olds
bidirectional evolutionary view
just as our environment shapes us, we shape our environments, cyclical
nucleus of human cells, threadlike DNA structures
complex molecule w/ double helix shape (like a spiral staircase) that carry genetic info
units of hereditary info, short segments of DNA, humans have about 20,500 genes that collaborate with each other and with nongenetic factors inside & outside the body
cell reproduction wherein nucleus duplicates itself and then cell divides, each w/ 23 pairs of chromosomes
person reproduction where cell of the testes or ovaries duplicates its chromosomes but then divides twice, forming 4 cells with half the genetic material each so that each egg or sperm has 23 unpaired chromosomes
egg & sperm fuse to create a single cell, called a zygote
X & Y chromosomes
females-23rd pair is XX
males-23rd pair is XY
genetic variability
combining genes of 2 parents is valuable b/c there are more characteristics for natural selection to operate on
all of a person’s genetic material