theories & methods- social action theory Flashcards
traditional action
doesn’t require conscious thought, eg going to college, expected of us
affective action
based on emotions of the actors, eg smiling because you’ve done well in a formal
value-rational action
achieve an important goal, eg choosing a levels
instrumentally rational action
calculate most efficient way to achieve goal, eg 5 power hours of revision a week
AO3 Weber
how can we ever get verstehen as we can never be sure we have understood motivations of others
structure + action = real understanding, to gain validity through verstehen we need to look at 1) structures and 2) actions based on the structures as we not passive puppets, gave 4 explanations
social action theories
own choice, interpretivist, micro, bottom up, structures not dictate our behaviour, we not passive puppets, criticises functionalist determinism
symbolic interactionism
we create social world through our actions, our actions based on meanings we give which determines how we respond, meanings conveys through symbols and this creates how we act in reponse
to understand social world, have to understand the meanings they give, allows verstehen
1) actions not automatic
2) meanings not fixed at interaction
3) meaning comes from taking role of others
functionalists- we are passive puppets as we have to conform to norms and values in order to keep society functioning
looking glass theory- we become what others see us as, achieve role of other, see ourselves through someone else’s eyes, makes SFP, ability to change our behaviours
dramaturgical model- we construct our self instead of being passive to other people’s labels, manipulate own behaviours to change way people label us and view us
ways to give a convincing performance
1) impression management- have to manage how audience percieves us and is responding, present particular image, control impressions our performance gives, change body language, tone, props to fit desired role
2) roles- are not fixed within a label, we have loose scripts, freedom because we have ‘role distance’, we never aware of our true self
AO3 Goffman
Reynolds- lacks structure, ignores power and class conflict, not everyone has free choice
AO2- links to Weber
structuration theory- structures and free will helps us understand how society works, similar to Weber
duality of structures- we have choice if we conform or not
Giddens 5 assumptions
1) we are aware of structures
2) people are not puppets
3) sociology not a science
4) people create and reproduce existing structures
5) structures have set of rules
reproducing structures
rather than changing, carry on conforming
1) structures give us rules
2) contain how to live our lives
provides ontological security
changing structures
we can change through our actions
1) reflecting to find new course, more likely in PM society
2) actions have unintended consequences, eg Fletcher romantic love
Giddens AO3
tries to overcome division and explain importance of both but Archer- ignores structures resistant to change and some not have power to change