What do radical feminists believe in?
- They feel like patriachy is a deliberate attempt of males oppressing females.
- They seek to abolish patriachy by challenging existing social norms and institutions. They think this is possible by ideally segregating men and women as men are only interested in sexual and domestic violence, meaning they cannot live with women without acting on this.
(they basically hate men) (talk about dworcian)
Who’s a famous radical feminist? What’s their study / theory?
What do liberal feminists believe in?
- They focus optimistically on the progress women have already made legally. For example, the Equal Pay Act 1970 and the Equality’s Act 2010.
- They feel like change should come from political change.
- They feel like socialisation is a factor for the ongoing existence of patriarchy.
Who’s a famous liberal feminists? What’s they’re beliefs and theories?
Oakley - worried ablut socialisation.
What do marxist feminists believe in?
- They feel patriachy is a tool of capitalism. They think having women perform free domestic labour aids the bourgeoisie.
- They believe white rich men are at the top, working class men are at the middle leaving working class women are at the bottom. This helps the boss because the wives cook nutritious meals for their husband (making them healthier) and keeps the wages low as the husbands don’t have to tend for housecleaning looking after their children etc. A single dad would need more money to look after the kids etc..
Who’s a famous marxist feminists
Ainsley - Takers of shit
What were the foour focuses of feminism and their focuses (think time periods)
First wave of feminism (mid 1800’s): Owning property, better access to education,right to vote and the right to divorce
Second wave of feminism (1960’s-1970’s): Job equality (equal pay and equal opportunity), rape and murder against women, free contraception / abortion on demand, 24 hour nurseries
Third wave of feminism (1990’s): Individuality
Fourth wave of feminism (2000’s-): Fighting patriarchy in DC
The main idea of post-modernism is that they disagree with meta (big) theories. so in this case they disagree with Marxists (big opinion on capatalism) and Functionalists. (big value concensus throey)