★ theories as a whole Flashcards
what does durkhiem say are the two functions of education?
- creating a social solidarity - a commitment to society
- pledge of allegiance
- citizenship/british values
- teaching of british history/literature/uniforms/assemblies - teaching specialised skills for work
- complex industrial societies need specialised skills for the economy
parsons - meritocracy
- system where rewards go to the most able and talented and who have put in the hardest work
- schools work on meritocratic principles
- everybody has an equal opportunity, and individuals achieve rewards through their own effort and ability
parsons - focal socialising agency
- education is a bridge between family and society
- in the family the child has an ascribed status (assigned at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life)
- in wider society we have an achieved status (position in a social group that one earns based on merits or choices)
- all individuals have to change from particularistic standards of the family to universalistic standards of society
davis and moore - role allocation
- the most able and talented must be filtered into the most successful and important jobs in society
- those with lower grades end up in lower skilled jobs
- the education system shifts, sorts and grades us all
blau and duncan - education provides human capital
- human capital = the skills, knowledge and experiences possessed by an individual
- blau and duncan say the modern economy requires human capital for prosperity
- a meritocratic education system allocates people to their most suitable roles
- this makes the most effective use of their talents and maximises productivity
three criticisms of the functionalist view on education
- MULVIN TUMIN says functionalists put forward a circular argument of why a job is highly important and rewarded
- MARXISTS argue that education only transmits the ideology of the ruling class instead of creating shared values
- DENNIS WRONG says functionalists assume pupils are ‘over socialised’ and are puppets of society. functionalists wrongly imply that pupils passively accept authority and never reject school.
- NEOLIBERALS/NEW RIGHT argue that the state education system does not adequately prepare young people for work
what is neoliberalism?
set of economic ideas that support:
- a free market (not government involved-competition)
- consumer consumption
- privatisation
- low government interference
- reduced public spending
what is the new right?
- a conservative political group of sociologists that incorporates neoliberal economic ideas
- big influence on educational policy in the UK
what are three similarities between the new right and functionalism?
- education should run on meritocracy
- education should prepare people for work
- education should teach shared values and instil a national identity
chubb and moe - consumer choice/consumption
- chubb and moe compared the achievements of 60,000 pupils from low income families in state schools and private schools
- students from low income families do better in private schools than state schools
- private schools do better because they are answerable to the fee paying customers aka parents
what is the marketisation of education
- reduction of government control of education
- introduce competition in an educational marketplace like a workplace
- give parents more choice - parentocracy
- this will give schools incentive to improve and raise school standards
what is parentocracy?
give parents more power as parents are given more information which will raise standards
three criticisms of the new right perspective
- marxists say education does not impose a shared culture but the culture of the dominant class
- social inequality is not about state education but about inadequate funding
- ‘healthy’ competition will always benefit the middle class who can use their money and cultural advantages to get into the best schools
what is the hidden curriculum?
- learnt through the experience of going to school
- feminists say it produces patriarchy
- functionalists argue its vital and not hidden
BOWLES + GINTIS - correspondence principle
- correspondence principle between school and work which operates through the hidden curriculum
- E.G. hierarchy, punctuality, boring tasks, rewards