the new right/neoliberal perspective on education Flashcards
what is neoliberalism
a set of economic ideas based around policies that support:
- free market (not government involved = competition)
- consumer consumption
- low government interference
- reduced public spending
what is the new right?
- a conservative political view that incorporates neoliberal economic ideas
- big influence on educational policy in the uk
what is the new right perspective on education?
- similarities to functionalism
- should run on meritocracy
- should prepare young people for work
- should teach shared values (e.g. competition and instil a sense of national identity)
what do neoliberals/new right sociologists believe is the role of education?
- education should enable the UK to compete in the global marketplace
- schools should be managed more like a business
-parents/pupils have power to choose (be more like consumers) = parentocracy
- driving up competition between schools will drive up standards (and produce a better workforce)
what are the new right opinions on state schools?
- parents had little, or no say
- do not meet the needs of local employers
-state schools waste money and are inefficient - most schools were comprehensive - very little competition to drive up standards and people of any ability could go
this results in:
-lower standards of education
-less qualified workforce
-less prosperous economy
how did new right/neoliberals believe they could improve British schools?
the ‘marketisation’ of education
- increased competition will drive up standards
- increase choice and diversity to the consumer
who were Chubb & Moe: consumer choice
- new right researchers Chubb & Moe compared the achievements of 60,000 pupils from low-income families in state and private schools
- students from low-income families do better in private schools than state schools
- private schools do better because they are answerable to the fee-paying customer = parents
- they propose a system whereby families are given vouchers to spend on buying an education of their choice
A03: evaluation of new right ideas
- competition will always benefit the middle class who can use their money and cultural advantages to get into the best schools
- social inequality is not about state education but about inadequate funding of state schools
- marxists say that education does not impose a shared culture but the culture of the dominant ruling class