class differences in schools (external) Flashcards
what is cultural deprivation?
being deprived of cultural attributes necessary for educational success e.g. working class may not benefit from informal education from their parents
language - FEINSTEIN
educated parents use language that challenges their children to evaluate their own understanding
less educated parents use language that only requires children to make simple descriptions
language - BERSTEIN
the working class use restricted speech codes (short sentences, use of gestures)
the middle class use elaborated speech codes (correct grammar, complex sentences, wide vocab)
the education system uses elaborated speech codes
parenting styles - FEINSTEIN
educated parents socialise their children in a way that supports their education
parenting focuses on consistent discipline, high expectations, encouragement of learning and helping in the middle class
less educated parents tend to be harsh and inconsistent, with a ‘do as you are told approach’
how have subcultures emerged?
some sociologists argue that the lack of parental interest in education reflects the subcultural views of the working class
what is working class subculture according to SUGARMAN?
fatalistic - accepts situation
present time orientated
immediate gratification - dont make sacrifices for the future
collectivism - being part of a group
what is middle class subculture according to SUGARMAN?
optimistic - make your own luck
future time orientated - think ahead
deferred gratification - make sacrifices
individualism - individual action and working
BOURDIEU - 4 different types of capital
financial/economic capital = money
educational capital = qualifications
cultural capital = knowledge, attitudes, values tastes
symbolic capital = possession of status
BOURDIEU - explaining how the 4 different types of capital work
middle classes have more of each capital
middle class children acquire cultural capital through their socialisation
in education cultural capital converts to educational capital, which can then be converted to financial/symbolic capital through work
how to middle class parents use their cultural capital to ensure their children get into the best schools?
have more knowledge of the admissions system
know how to make effective choices
have the right social networks
know the procedures
often visit the school
can move to different catchment areas because of financial capital
can pay for private tuition through financial capital
DIANE REAY - mum interviews
interviewed WC & MC mums
all wanted their children to do well but MC had more knowledge of education system
MC had more confidence
MC could help with homework
MC have more cultural capital
KEDDIE - myth of cultural deprivation
argues cultural deprivation is victim blaming
children cant be deprived of their own culture
wc children are disadvantaged as the education system is dominated my mc values
wc experience a culture clash and find the atmosphere unfamiliar
what is material deprivation?
lack of resources and the ability to purchase goods and services needed to succeed in the education system
links between poverty and underachievement
FSM used to measure underachievement
exclusion rates higher amongst poorer kids
90% of failing schools are in deprived areas
poor housing
poor diet
part time work
hidden costs
what is compensatory education?
designed to help children in deprived areas
- head start
- education action zones (a million pounds given to help with homework clubs/saturday clubs/cultural activities etc)
- sure start
- free nursery / parenting classes
- pupil premium at about £900 per child, per year
- aim higher scheme