Theories Flashcards
Name the components of the promotion mix
SALES volume
High power high interest
Manage closely - shareholders , senior managers
High power low interest
Meet needs - government
Low influence low interest
Regular minimal contact- local community
High interest low power
Keep informed- Regular customers
Name the 5 components of Blake moutons grid
Impoverished management
Country club management
Middle of the road management
Authority complaince management
Team management
Low cost Broad target
Cost leadership-lowest costs
Low cost narrow target
Cost focus- focusing on costs but not the lowest
Differentiation , narrow target
Differentiation focus in a niche market
Differentiation broad target
Differentiation- Ferrari cars
Existing product , existing markets
Market penetration- increasing market share
New product existing market
Product development- Amazon launching bookstore online
New market existing product
Market development-Tesco launching into America
New product new market
Diversification - Nissan gtr
Elkintons triple bottom line
People , profit , environment
Kaplan and Norton- measuring business focususes
Business procedure
Learning and growth
Elkingtons triple bottom line
People place profit
Measuring business performance
Kottler and schislinger reasons for resistance
Self interest
Different assessment of situation
Low tolerance for change
Kottler and scheslinger ways to overcome change
Education and communication
Participation and involvement
Facilitation and support
Explicit and implicit cohertion
Negotiation and bargaining
Maslow heirachy of needs
Physiological factors
Safety and security
Love and belonging
Self esteem
Self actualisation
Types of sampling
Stratified- pick people within demographic
Systematic- every 5 people
Name the features of lewins change model
What is unfreezing (lewins model)
Reducing strength of the forces which maintain equilibrium
Moving (lewins model)
Developing new organisational values