theoretical explanations of media reps Flashcards
marxist belief
the media is part of the superstructure which is influenced and controlled by capitalism (the infrastructure)
marxism- milliband
media is the new opium of the people and has replaced religion. the media is an anaesthetic that numbs the pain of being exploited by the ruling class
marxism- curran
uses Rupert Murdoch as an example of the ruling class owning and controlling the media
neo-marxism belief
continued to look at the important role of the media in maintaining ruling class interests and hegemony
neo-marxism- sutton trust
journalists are usually white, male, middle class and over 50% went to private school
neo-marxism- gilroy
the reason why certain groups are marginalised in the media is because they threaten journalist’s position in society
pluralist belief
claim that the media representations are problematic because they reflect society and what people want to see
pluralism- whale
states that what we see in the press/ news is determined by its readers/ audiences
pluralism- williams
argues that journalists are vital in a democratic society as they provide people with unbiased, critical views of politics and allow people to live cultural and political lives.
pluralism- halloran
audiences are able to manipulate the media they see as they have ‘plural views of society’
feminist belief
patriarchal ideologies are supported in media representations
liberal feminism- mulvey
‘male gaze’ portrays women as passive objects of male desire
liberal feminism- connell
men portrayed as breadwinners and women as homemakers
radical feminism- wolf
‘beauty myth’- women feel pressure to conform to men’s image of the ‘ideal woman’ which creates ‘false consciousness’ distracting women from bettering their position in society
marxist feminism- beechey
women are a reserve army of labour- brought in during economic booms and thrown out in slumps
postmodernist belief
discuss diversity and choice in media images which people can pick and choose from
postmodernism- mcluhan
‘global village’- infromation spreads at speed of light as people are entwined with one another’s lives
postmodernism- strinati
media saturation- media plays a significant role in constructing identities since people are connected with devices on a daily basis
postmodernism- baudrillard
‘hyper-reality’- physical reality has become blended with virtual reality since people are ‘engulfed’ by communication
postmodernism- turkle
we are ‘alone together’. TV is more of a real world than the actual world we inhabit