identities Flashcards
social class- scott
upper class practice social closure to keep their wealth
social class- kenway
upper class girls are critical of state educated girls
social class- bourdieu
middle class have cultural capital
social class- saunders
middle class practice conspicuous consumption
social class- goodwin
middle class ‘yummy mummies’ dress theur kids in designer to portray their wealth and gain status
social class- willis
working class ‘lads’ are fatalistic and follow in their dads footsteps
social class- mac an ghail
working class faced high unemployment and loss of identity
social class- murray
underclass are lazy and workshy
social class- jordan
underclass want to work but can’t
social class change- pakulski and waters
we are now defined by what we buy rather than our social class
social class change- offe
there are no more jobs for life
social class change- skeggs
people have instrumental attitudes towards work- it’s a means to an end
gender- oakley
family socialises us into hegemonic gender roles- canalisation, manipulation, verbal appellations, domestic activities
gender- mcrobbie
girls are involved in bedroom culture
gender- ferguson
content analysis of media and found a ‘cult of femininity’ where women are persuaded to focus on appearnace, marriage and family
gender- skelton
hidden curriculum promotes the patriarchy
gender- willis
lads follow in dads footsteps and adopt anti-school subculture
gender- mac an ghail
working class boys faced crisis of masculinity
gender- adkins
vertical and horizontal segregation takes place in workplace
gender change- connell
there are new, different forms of masculinity. e.g. suborinate masculinity, hypermasculinity
gender change- abbott
men care more about their appearance
gender change- nixon
‘new man’ came about after launderette advert in 1985, men bought things to improve their appearance
gender change- mort
men now being sexualised in the media
gender change- jackson
ladettes- heavy drinkers, aggressive, loud
ethnic identity- cashmore and troyna
rastafarians ‘turned inwards’ resisting racism
ethnic identity- ghuman
Asian parents push children to conform to Asian culture
ethnic identity- anwar
culture clash between Asian parents and westernised kids
ethnic identity- coard
education is ‘ethnocentric’ and focuses on British history
ethnic identity- gillborn
black Afro- Caribbean boys face institutional racism in education
ethnic identity- sewell
black Afro- Caribbean boys have hypermasculine role models
ethnic identity change- Back
black, white, Asian youths sharing cultures in South London
age identity- parsons
family socialises people into their age identity
age identity- griffin
youths labelled by media as dysfunctional, suffering a deficit, deviant
age identity- mcrobbie
bedroom culture participated in by girls
age identity- sewell
black boys adopting hypermasculine identity
age identity- brannen
middle age are a ‘pivot generation’ facing a dual burden
age identity- saunders
middle age are targeted as a consumer group because of conspicuous consumption
age identity- carrigan and szmigin
elderly are stereotyped as being smelly and incontinent
age identity- johnson
elderly face institutional ageism in the workplace
age identity- voas
the elderly turn to religion for comfort
age identity change- blaikie
elderly are now valued and targeted as a consumer group for the ‘grey £’
age identity change-clarke and warren
old age is now a period for active ageing and making friends
age identity change- pilcher
different phases of life are becoming more blurred
sexual identity- mccormack
6th formers have pro-gay attitudes
sexual identity- weeks
straight people don’t talk much about their sexuality but for homosexual people it’s a big part of their identity
sexual identity- plummer
homosexual men are comfortable with labelling because they want to be in subcultures with other homosexual men
disabled identity-
2/3 of people felt ‘awkward’ talking to disabled people
disabled identity- medical model
focuses on disability being a medical problem which is part of people’s identities
disabled identity- social model
focuses on disability as a social problem- design of buildings and discrimination
disabled identify- barnes
disabled people are stereotyped in negative and oppressive ways in the media
disabled identity- shakespeare
disabled people have ‘victim mentality’ and lack of positive role models
national identity is significant- phillips et al
national identity is reinforced through national curriculum and history lessons
national identity is significant- schuden
all british people are socialised into a common national identity through various means. e.g. eurovision, world cup
national identity is significant- giddens
people assert their own culture to resist globalisation and westernisation ‘reverse colonialism’
national identity is LESS significant- kumar
missionary nationalism- english people find it hard to define what being english means
national identity is LESS significant- fairweather and rogerson
computer software, advertisements and antisocial behaviour promote western norms, values and ideals
national identity is LESS significant- hall
countries display 3 reactions to globalisation- cultural homogenisation, cultural hybridity, cultural resistance
disabled identity is DIFFERENT to able bodied- shakespeare
disabled people socialised into a ‘victim mentality’
disabled identity is DIFFERENT to able bodied- barnes
mass media reps of disabled people are oppressive and negative. e.g. undateables are presented as sexually abnormal
disabled identity is DIFFERENT to able bodied-
2/3 of people feel awkward talking to disabled people
disabled identity is SAME as able bodied- murugami
disabled people can construct their own identities so they see themselves as a person 1st and their disability as a characteristic
disabled identity is SAME as able bodied- barnes
increasingly, disabled people are presented as ‘normal’. e.g. paralympics
sexual identity- weeks
straight ppl don’t see their sexuality as a big part of their identity whilst homosexual people do
sexual identity- mccormack
6th formers have pro-gay attitudes
sexual identity- plummer
once gay men have been laballed as ‘homosexual’, they seek out subcultures where homosexual traits are the norm. shows how peer groups reinforce sexual identity