media reps of social groups Flashcards
traditional ethnicity- van djik
ethnic minorities negatively stereotyped as being dependant, unimportant, abnormal, criminal and a threat
traditional ethnic identity- hall
black people stereotyped as being slaves, natives and entertainers
traditional ethnic identity- children now fairplay research
86% of heroes in video games were white
changing ethnic identity- malik
reality TV is increasingly inclusive of ethnic minorities
changing ethnic identity- barker
eastenders is giving ethnic minorities more significant roles and meaningful storylines
changing ethnic identities- nayak
‘white wannabes’- working class white males adopting black culture
traditional gender- billington
men presented as dominant, women as subordinate
tradiitonal gender- easthorpe
violence is presented as a biologically male trait and therefore a natural aim for boys
traditional gender- glascock
men presented as physically aggressive and women as verbally aggressive
traditional gender- tuchmann
women face symbolic annihilation due to lack of roles in the media
changing gender- gauntlett
women have ‘tougher’ roles in action films and men have more caring roles
changing gender- nixon
the ‘new man’- launderette advert in 1985 meant men were sexualised in media
changing gender- westwood
traditional representations of gender have changed. ‘transgressive female roles’ go beyond gender expectations
traditional class- nairn
royal family are portrayed as a family who are ‘like us but not like us’
traditional class- mertens and d’haenens
middle class use media to be more educated, digital divide
traditional class- jones
‘chavtainment’ presents the working class as slothful, bigoted and aggressive
traditional class- baumberg et al
0.7% of benefit claims are fraudulent
changing class- reiner
people with huge amounts of wealth have their success celebrated by the media
changing class- leech
middle class presented as ‘ideal’ in advertising, cereal packet family
changing class- dodd and dodd
eastenders presents a nostalgic view of traditional working class families
changing class- price
poverty porn- underclass have their conditions exploited for entertainment and shock value
traditional age- heintz knowles
content analysis on kids tv shows- found kids were more motivated by relationships than school and religion, also ethnic minority groups are underrepresented
traditional age- cohen
youths are over reported which leads to moral panic and labelling as folk devils
traditional age- carrigan and szmigin
elderly stereotyped as being smelly and incontinent
changing age- postman
idea of childhood is disappearing as children are exposed to more adult content and are sexualised in media
changing age- ogersby
recurring theme of ‘youth as trouble’- fighting for social change is seen as deviant and norm breaking
changing age- blaikie
grey £ is valued by large corperations making the elderly an important consumer group