Theme F Flashcards
What is Ageism?
Ageism – discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age
What is Compassion?
Compassion – loving kindness; helping because help is needed
What are Human rights?
Human rights – the rights a person is entitled to simply because they are human
What is the Humans Right Act?
Human Rights Act – a law which protects the rights of all human beings and allows us to
challenge when these are violated.
What is People Trafficking?
People trafficking – the illegal trade of humans for slavery
What is Positive Discrimination?
Positive discrimination – discriminating in favour of a person with a protected
What is Prejudice?
Prejudice – prejudging someone based on a characteristic they have
What is Social Justice?
Social justice – justice in terms of wealth and opportunities
What is Stewardship?
Stewardship – a duty to look after others
What is the UNDHR
UNDHR – United Declaration of Human Rights
Explain what Human Rights are the Human Rights Act of 1998.
Human rights are a set of universal rights that all humans are entitled to regardless of their
age, race, religion or gender.
In 1945, after the Second World War, 51 nations joined together and promised never to
allow such a conflict to occur again. This group of nations established the United Nations
(UN) to promote and encourage respect for human rights and freedoms.
On 10th December 1948 the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights a list
of 30 rights to which all people are entitled because of the fact they are human.
The UDHR sets out the rights
that all humans should be
entitled to. Many countries
have accepted the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
Christians and Muslims support
the UDHR because Article 18
protects the rights of humans
to practise their religion freely.
Human Rights Act (1988)
In the UK aspects of the UDHR
have been adopted into the
laws of the country. The
Human Rights Act 1988
ensures people’s human rights
are protected and respected by law.
What is Social Justice?
Explain two Religious beliefs on social justice?
Social justice refers to justice in terms of wealth distribution, the law, equal rights and opportunities for all people. Social justice aims to create an equal society where everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality and disability is treated with fairness and has equal opportunities. The UDHR is an attempt to create social justice.
Christians promote social justice by following the teachings of Jesus and helping those less fortunate. An example of this is the involvement of charities such as Christian Aid working in inner cities to help those living in poverty.
Muslims promote social justice by following the Five Pillars. The pillar that directly supports social justice is giving zakat. It is a very important part of the faith.
What is Article 18 of the UNDHR?
Explain two religious beliefs on Article 18?
Freedom of religion and religious expression Article 18 of the UDHR focuses on freedom of religion. In the UK today the right to religious freedom is protected by law.
Religious expression refers to the different ways that people choose to express their religion to others. This can be done through wearing certain clothes or displaying symbols.
People often choose to express their religion just to let others know what religion they belong to. Christian believers may choose to wear a cross or crucifix around their neck.
Many Muslim women choose to wear some form of head covering, not just for modesty but also to demonstrate their faith. In the UK these choices are protected by law.
Religious freedom is a complex issue for religious believers, as they have to balance their belief that their religion is the ‘one true religion’ with the idea of treating everyone as equals.
What are Christian Views on Freedom of Religon?
The Christian teaching ‘love your neighbour’ taken from the Parable of the Good Samaritan, suggests that Christians should show love to all, including those of different faiths and races. They also believe that they should spread the word of their faith while still respecting others’ beliefs.
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”. Mark 16:15
What are Muslim beliefs on Freedom of Religion?
Muslim views on freedom of religion Muslims accept the diverse nature of faith and believe that they should allow people of other faiths to follow their chosen religion but believe that leaving Islam to convert to another religion is unforgivable.
“Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.” Qur’an 2:256
What are the different Types of Prejudice?
Religious discrimination
What are the different causes of Prejudice?
- Ignorance
- Experience
- Upbringing
- Media
- Scapegoating
Explain Islamic views in Gender discrimination?
Gender Discrimination in Islam In Islam, men and women are moral equals in God’s sight and are expected to fulfil the same duties of worship, prayer, faith, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca.
In a mosque, prayer is led by an imam, and traditionally imams have always been male. Women are not obliged to attend the mosque, so many pray at home with their children. The mother’s role is important in teaching children prayers and readings from the Qur’an.
The practice of separating men and women is suspended when Muslims are on Hajj. At the Ka’ba men and women pray together.
Explain Christian views in Gender discrimination?
Gender discrimination in Christianity The role of women in Christianity differs between denominations. This can be a result of the different teachings found within the Bible and how they are interpreted by different believers. In the New Testament of the Bible, the following quote implies that women should not have authority in the Church.
‘A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet’. 1 Timothy 2:11-12
Nowadays, most Christian denominations accept female ministers as equal to male minsters. The Church of England has allowed women to be ordained as priests since 1994
What does Islam and Christianity teach about Homophobia?
Christianity and Islam traditionally teach that homosexuality is wrong but attitudes have changed in recent years. Many Christians believe that homophobia goes against Jesus’ teaching to ‘love your neighbour’ and treat people well regardless of sexuality. In modern Britain, Muslims are generally tolerant of it but most would not encourage it.
Christian Views on Prejudice
Christianity teaches that all forms of prejudice and discrimination are wrong:
‘There is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave or free, male or female. You are all one in Christ.’ (Galatians 3:27)
People should be treated equally, regardless of race, gender, status etc. The New Testament shows many examples of Jesus treating all people equally, helping men and women from all races. These examples of Jesus have influenced many Christians to continue these actions in their own life. The Bible emphasises that Jesus’ message is meant for all people, from every walk of life.
Islamic views on Prejudice
Muslims believe that Allah created all humans as equals, though not the same, and as such all deserve equal respect. Prophet Muhammad in his last sermon also taught that all people should be treated equally, regardless of race or religion. This belief in equality is demonstrated perfectly on Hajj when all pilgrims must wear the ihram (white robes) and perform the same actions.
Islamic views on Tolerance
Tolerance towards non-Muslims within Islamic societies stems from the Prophet Muhammad’s teaching that all ‘People of the Book’ should be treated with respect. This meant followers of other monotheistic religions who have a sacred text given to them by God. It says in the Qur’an:
‘And do not dispute with the followers of the book…except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit.’ Qur’an 29:46
What are Muslim views on Racism
Racism Racism in any form is considered unacceptable and wrong. Muslims believe that all people share in a common humanity. They believe that racism, whether as prejudice or discrimination, undermines the dignity of people.
However, prejudice and discrimination do exist in the Islamic world.
There are issues of inequality between men and women in some Muslim countries and communities. These inequalities may be cultural rather than religious.
Although there may be cultural differences, all men and women share in the same religious duties in Islam.
What is Wealth and Poverty?
Wealth is the value of a person’s money and possessions. People can become rich through: Inheritance, winning the lottery, successful business, highly paid job, talent, investments, savings, gambling and crime
Poverty is having less than the basic needs of life so that life is a struggle. People can be poor through: Climate, natural disasters, war, corruption these are likely causes of poverty in LEDC’s (Less Economically Developed Countries). Low pay, debt/high interest loans, unemployment, lack of education, addiction these are likely causes of poverty in MEDC’s (More Economically Developed Countries).
How are the poor exploited through Trafficking?
People trafficking – this is a modern-day slave trade. People are ‘sold’ for money purposes. People in LEDC’s are offered the ‘chance of a better life’ and will pay the trafficker a large sum of money to smuggle them into a wealthier country. The trafficking gangs take large amounts of money and because the people being smuggled are illegal immigrants the gangs are able to extort yet more money and force them into jobs such as slavery and prostitution.
How are the poor exploited through unfair pay?
Unfair pay – many people in the UK have poorly paid jobs, either because better paid jobs are not available, or they lack the skills to perform such jobs. Many of these low-paid jobs are essential to keep society functioning but the wage given to these jobs by the government or employers do not always reflect this. In the UK we have the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage in the UK, many argue that they are not enough to live on due to the rising cost of living.
How are the poor exploited through Excessive interest on loans?
Excessive interest on loans – some people take out ‘payday loans’ to cover urgent costs such as an unexpected car repair. However, interest can go up to thousands of percent, making it extremely difficult to pay back the money borrowed. This in turn worsens the debt, pushing the borrower further into poverty. This is also known as the ‘poverty trap’
What are Religious views on the poor?
Religion - Helping those in poverty is a key teaching in Christianity and Islam. Religious people should help the poor because it is their duty and helping the poor is seen as doing God’s work, or bringing social justice to the world. God rewards such actions
What are Christian teachings on the poor?
Christianity emphasises that those in need should be helped, regardless of their faith. For Christians part of reaching heaven is through good works; in other words, charity for the poor will help them achieve a place in heaven.
Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” James 2:14-16
What are Islam teachings on the poor?
Islam teaches that all wealth belongs to Allah and that it is cleansed through zakah. Zakah is one of the five pillars of Islam and is an important duty for Muslims.
Writing off debt for those who owe money is seen as a charitable act which will be looked upon favourably by Allah.
‘He who eats and drinks while his brother goes hungry is not one of us.’ Hadith
How does Charity help the poor?
Charities – a charity by its very nature is set up to help others. It collects money to help its cause ad therefore has the means to help. They should help the poor because it is the reason they exist. They are set up on religious or humanitarian principles, that is, compassion and wanting to reduce suffering.
How does Government help the poor?
Government – Governments are elected to look after the best interests of the country. They provide for the needs of society and individuals. They should help because they have the means to help; they collect taxes to finance the running of public services and they have the money, expertise and the access to coordinate helping the poor. Also their policy decisions and spending plans can have a direct impact for example cutting benefits or spending more money on dealing with homelessness.
How does the poor help the poor?
The poor – the poor need to want to help themselves. They should want to improve their situation rather than staying reliant on society and charity. Some people are poor due to their own action (e.g. addiction to drugs) or inaction (e.g. not gaining qualifications), so they have a responsibility to themselves to change this.
What are Christian Attitudes towards wealth?
Christianity teaches that there is nothing wrong with wealth in itself. It is how we use it that matters. Christians believe that wealth should be used to help others who are less fortunate than themselves. There are many teachings in the Bible about how wealth can lead to greed, so Christians try to ensure that they do not let wealth and greediness get in the way of their religion and always put God first. Many Christians believe people should use their wealth to help those who have less than they have. Humans have a duty to help each other as all are members of a global family.
“Jesus taught about wealth and what wealthy people should do with it. When a rich man asks Jesus how he can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, stating that he already follows the commandments, Jesus tells him to give up his wealth: ……”it is much harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.” Matthew 19:24
Many Christians believe that they will be judged on whether or not they have helped the neediest people
Parable of the Sheep and the Goats” Matthew 25:34-35
In this parable, the good people are those who care for others and they are rewarded with Heaven. The bad people do not help others and they are sent to Hell.
What do Christians do to help the poor?
Charity For many Christians donating or working voluntarily for a charity is an important part of their faith. Many Christians support the work of charities such as CAFOD, Christian Aid and Christians Abroad in LEDC’s and The Trussell Trust helping those living in poverty in the UK.
Tithes (1/10th of a person’s income paid as a tax to the church). Some Christians tithe some of their income for good causes and others donate their time, working in a charity shop for example. Some Christian organisations, such as Time for God, help volunteers take time out of their careers or education to help the less fortunate in the UK.
What are Islamic attitudes towards wealth?
Muslims believe that everything belongs to Allah. Because wealth also belongs to Allah, money should be used responsibly. Muslims believe they must be compassionate because everyone is a special creation of Allah. Giving to charity and helping others are considered good deeds and there should be no expectation of anything in return.
The third Pillar of Islam is Zakat. It is important in Islam that Muslims consider the welfare of others and make a contribution to society. They should ensure everyone’s needs are met.
“He is not a believer who eats his fill while his neighbour remains hungry by his side.” Hadith
What does Fasting during Ramadan teach Muslims?
Fasting during Ramadan teaches compassion for the poor, who are forced to go hungry because they do not have enough food.
Muslims believe Allah does not intend poverty for people. They recognise the responsibility to redress the balance where there is poverty, and for a just distribution of the wealth which they believe Allah has created.
Everyone is equally valued as a member of the global community, so all Muslims have a duty to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. This is a duty for all Muslims as stewards of Allah’s creation. Religious duties are also closely linked with ideas of social justice. By helping others, an individual lives a just life and will be rewarded by Allah on the Day of Judgement.
What does the Quran teach about Intrest?
The Qur’an teaches that Muslims should refrain from charging interest when lending money. They believe money should instead be reinvested into society. Many Muslims believe that the huge amount of debt created by MEDCs against LEDCs is unfair:
“You use your agreements in order to snatch advantages over one another, just because one nation may be more prosperous than another nation.” Qur’an 16:92
How do Muslims help the poor?
Charity and Voluntary work The willingness to give time to help others is seen as a good example of sadaqah in Islam. Islamic Help is an organisation, based on Muslim values, which enables Muslim volunteers to work in countries where people are suffering from extreme poverty. Muslim Hands is an organisation that encourages Muslims to volunteer in the UK to raise funds for people all over the world.