Theme D Flashcards
What is Conscientious Object?
Conscientious objector - a person who refuses to do something, here fight in war, because of their conscience
What is Conventional Warfare?
Conventional warfare – war using conventional weapons
What is Holy War?
Holy war - rules around fighting a war acceptable to Islam
What is Just war?
Just war – rules around fighting a war acceptable to Christianity and Sikhism
What is Nuclear Proliferation?
Nuclear proliferation – the spread of nuclear weapons to countries not recognised as ‘nuclear weapon states’
What is Reconciliations?
Reconciliation – making up between two groups after disagreement
What are Christian beliefs towards Peace, Justice and War?
There is not a definitive answer about whether war is permitted or not.
Most Christians believe that war should be avoided if possible, and should only be undertaken if all efforts to resolve an issue by peaceful means have failed.
Many Christians see war as the result of a failure to live by God’s standards. Christians believe that justice comes from God and they should work for justice. “Defend the rights of the poor and orphans; be fair to the needy and helpless. Rescue them from the power of evil men.
Psalms 82”
What are Muslim beliefs about Peace, Justice and war?
Muslims are always striving for justice and this can be seen with ‘jihad’ – a striving for justice.
Peace is central to Islam and the religion aims to achieve a world without conflict or unjust rulers. A peaceful solution to any situation of conflict must be sought and if an enemy offers peace Muslims should accept it. The Qur’an reminds Muslims that Allah is always watching and taking account of their actions. This belief is clearly expressed in the following verse:
“If the enemy inclines towards peace, then you should also incline towards peace and trust in Allah, for He is the One that hears and knows all.”
Qur’an 8:61.
What are Christian beliefs and quotes about Forgiveness and Reconciliation?
Religion teaches that we should forgive.
In the Bible, Jesus told his followers to forgive:
“**Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times”**
Matthew 5:39
What are Muslim Beliefs about Forgiveness and Reconciliation?
In the Qur’an Muslims are told:
“those who pardon and maintain righteousness are rewarded by God. He does not love the unjust.”
Why does Violence occur during Protest?
Violence can occur during protests if people do not feel their views are being heard. Violent protest is when aggression is used by protesters to express an objection to what someone has said or done.
What are Christians beliefs about Violence and Violent Protests?
Many Christians try to put Jesus’ teachings into action and work to put an end to violence. Because of their belief in peace Christians tend to use passive resistance against injustice and campaign without violence. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa and Oscar Romero are all well-known Christian pacifists who promoted non-violent protest as a way of getting their voice heard.
Most Christians are against violent protest but some would argue that it can sometimes be justified. When Jesus saw people using the temple as a market place he got angry and ‘overturned the tables of the money changers (Matthew 21:12)
What are Muslim beliefs about violent protests?
Islam promotes living a peaceful existence. The Qur’an reaches that people should be kind to each other and Muslims believe that Allah sees everything and will judge people.
The Arab Spring of 2011saw many Muslims in countries such as Egypt, demanding more political power for ordinary people. Many demonstrations were carried out peacefully with a focus on passive resistance.
What is Terrorism?
Why do people carry out Terrorism?
Terrorist acts are often directed at civilians and because of this many would consider a terrorist act to be unlawful acts of war and violence.
In the modern world there have been many recorded acts of terrorism. In 2017, the Manchester Arena was bombed in a terrorist attack that killed 22 people. The attack on the World Trade Centre in New York in 2001 was the worst terrorist attack in history. It claimed 2,977 lives.
Terrorism is often carried out to achieve political, religious or ideological aims. Terrorists claim that:
They are fighting against social and political injustice, where a group fo people are being denied their human rights
They are fighting against poverty
They are fighting to assert their religious beliefs, especially where they feel these are being denied to them.
When people are fighting for a cause they believe in, some are prepared to go to any lengths to have their voice heard.
What is War?
Why do people carry out war?
War is an organised conflict usually consisting of intense violence carried out by one state or states against another state or states.
What are the reasons for conflict? SRG
Self-defence – all holy books, including the Bible and the Qur’an suggest that war may be necessary in self-defence. If a country or religion is under attack then conflicts can happen. It would be seen as entirely right to defend your country against attack. .
Greed – this is a war to gain more land, power or resources. Most religious teaching would disagree with this as a reason for war.
Retaliation – at times a country will be attacked in a way which provokes retaliation. The first World War began as retaliation against a political assassination. Religious communities would accept this as a reason for war.
What is Holy War?
In Christianity and Islam?
A holy war is a war fought in support of a religious cause.
In the Old Testament there are numerous examples of ‘holy wars’ fought in the name of God. Soldiers believed God was on their side and had an influence over the outcome of battles. The Crusades (1095-1291) were fought to capture control of the Holy Land. The Christian soldiers believed they were fighting for a religious cause.
In the Qur’an the word ‘jihad’ is used to describe a struggle. It can have two meanings. The lesser jihad can also mean ‘holy war’. If in a disagreement with another nation, when talking the issues through has not succeeded, war becomes a religious duty for Muslims.
What is just war theory?
What are Christian beliefs about Just war?
Many Christians look to the Just War theory to decide if a war is acceptable or not.
Thomas Aquinas (1225 – 1274), a Christian philosopher put together the seven rules. The basic message of the Just War theory is that sometimes if you do not fight you allow a greater evil to occur so the right solution is to fight.
- War must be started and controlled by a proper authority such as a government.
- There must be a just cause for the war, it must not be aggression towards an enemy.
- The war must have a clear aim to promote good and overcome evil.
- War must be a last resort, every effort must have been made to resolve the conflict peacefully.
- There must be a reasonable chance of success, it would be wrong to risk lives with little or no chance of success.
- The war must be conducted fairly. Only reasonable force should be used and the risk to civilians minimised.
- There must be a good outcome and peace restored
What Christian and Muslim Quotes are against war?
For Christianity:
“It is impossible to conceive of a just war in a nuclear age.”
Pope John 23(write it in roman numerals XXIII)
For Islam:
“Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits….if they cease let there be no hostility.”
What are Muslim beliefs about Holy war?
What conditions does Shariah Law state for war to take place?
The term ‘jihad’ means ‘struggle’. It has two meanings.
Greater jihad is a believer’s internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible.
Lesser jihad is the struggle to defend Islam and improve the world, this can be done with force if necessary
Shariah law sets out very strict rules that must be obeyed for a war to be considered just:
• It must only be fought in defence
• Civilians must not be harmed
• Holy buildings must not be damaged
• Crops must be left alone
• POWs should be treated with respect
“To those against whom war is made, permission is given to fight, because they are wronged;- and verily, Allah is most powerful for their aid.”
Qur’an 22:39
What are Christian beliefs about pacifism?
Pacifism is the belief that all violence is morally wrong.
Pacifists will not participate in any war, regardless of the reasons for that war.
The Quakers are a Christian group that believe in and promote pacifism. They do not join armies, and refuse to participate in any violence. They are committed to peace-making.
“We utterly deny all outward wars and strife and fighting with outward weapons, for any end or under any pretence whatsoever, and this is our testimony to the whole world. Quaker statement to King Charles II, 1660” - Quakers
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5:3” - Beatitudes
What is Pax Christi
Pax Christi International is a global Catholic peace movement working worldwide to establish:
Respect for Human Rights
Justice and Reconciliation
Pax Christi was founded in Europe in 1945 as a reconciliation movement bringing together French and Germans after World War II. Today, the movement has 120 Member Organisations active in more than 50 countries worldwide
What is the Muslim Peace Fellowship?
Muslim Peace Fellowship is a group of Muslims who want to promote peace, justice and non-violence. Founded in 1994, it was the first Muslim organization specifically devoted to the theory and practice of Islamic nonviolence.
What are examples of WMDs
A weapon of mass destruction is any nuclear, biological or chemical weapon that can cause widespread devastation and loss of life
Examples of WMD:
Chemical weapons – A chemical weapon uses non-living toxins such as nerve agents or mustard gas, they can contaminate a large area, causing severe reactions to any living thing. Chemical weapons are very indiscriminate as they can be blown anywhere by the wind.
Biological weapons – a biological weapon uses living diseases such as bacteria and viruses (e.g. anthrax) to bring about the death or serious illness in people. As with chemical weapons they are indiscriminate in their spread.
The use of biological and chemical weapons is banned (under the Chemical Warfare Convention) because of the widespread devastation they cause.
• Nuclear weapons – also known as atomic bombs; they cause immediate destruction of all life and structures within their range. In 1945 the first nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. This one small bomb killed about 150,000 people within the first four months. The immediate impact was 60,000 deaths, the rest were as a result of radiation sickness. A second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki nine days later and Japan surrendered, ending World War Two. Since then, no power has used a nuclear bomb in war, though many tests have been
carried out on them.
Arguments in support of Nuclear Wepons?
DETERRENT – some people see nuclear weapons as an effective deterrent to war, helping us to ensure peace and preventing further wars
UTILITARIANISM – More lives can be saved as war is finished quiker
MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) Countries that possess nuclear weapons may not want to attack each other, as they risk their own country being destroyed by the other
UNSTABLE DICTATOR - It is preferable for the major powers to have these bombs for deterrence than for an unstable dictator to use them in war
Arguments against Nuclear Wepons
NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION – They could fall into the hands of those not recognised as agreed ‘nuclear weapon states’. There is no effective protection against them and people cannot control who has access to them.
SANCTITY OF LIFE – All religions teach the importance of caring for God’s earth and His creatures. Nuclear weapons cause widespread destruction.
Helping Victims of war
There are many organisations that promote peace, reconciliation and offer support to victims of war.
The United Nations (UN) was formed in 1945, after the Second World War, with one central mission; to maintain international peace and security. It works to prevent and resolve conflict and to ensure lasting peace.
There are also religious organisations that work to promote peace and help victims of war.
What are Christian beliefs about helping victims of war?
Christianity CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) is an example of a Christian charity that helps people in countries affected by war and natural disasters. Some of the things that CAFOD does to help victims of war include:
Campaigning for justice where government decisions have damaged poor countries
helping to rehabilitate children who have fought as child soldiers in war, offering them education, counselling and support
encouraging groups in conflict to reconcile
providing refugees fleeing conflict with emergency aid, such as food, shelter and cooking equipment
What are Muslim beliefs about helping those less fortuanate in war
Charity is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims give zakah which amounts to 2.5% of annual savings.
Muslim charities such as Muslim Aid and Islamic Relief help victims of war by:
providing refugees with the essentials for survival
protecting children who have been orphaned by war
assisting the injured
sending food and clothing
raising funds
praying for victims
providing education