Islam and Christianity things i have missed Flashcards
Stages of HAjj
Muslims must try to make the journey once in their lifetime as long as they are healthy enough and can afford it. All pilgrims wear white as a sign of being equal before God. Stages of the pilgrimage:
- Circling of the Kaabah 7 times (Tawaf)
- Drink water from Zamzam well
- Run between the hills of Safa and Marwa
- Visit Mount Arafat where pilgrims will pray and meditate
- Camp at Muzdalifah and collect 7 pebbles
- Throw pebbles at the three pillars at Mina
- Some pilgrims will visit Madinah to see the Prophet’s burial place.
- Returning to Makkah to carry out Tawaf.
Many find this journey helps to strengthen their faith and increases unity between Muslims. Some hadith say it cleanses the hajji of all sins. ‘he will return (after Hajj free from all sins) as if he were born anew’ 26:596
What did Musa and Isa Do?
Musa was the only prophet that Allah spoke to directly, rather than through angel Jibril.
Isa was sent by Allah when people were straying from Musa’s teachings All of these prophets came before the final prophet – the Seal of the Prophets - Muhammad
What do Mikail, Azrael and Israfil do?
Mika’il asks Allah to forgive people’s sins.
Izrail is th angel of death. He takes souls from people’s bodies when they die.
Israfil will blow the trumpet o the Day of Judgement.
Salvation is offered through Jesus, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus”. Jesus’ death makes up for original sin. Humans can receive forgiveness for their sins because of Jesus’ death and then receive eternal life. His sacrifice provides atonement, which means our relationship with God is restored. This removes the effects of sin and allows humans to get back to God. “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins and for the sins of the whole world”. Jesus paid the price for the sin of all mankind through his death and Christians believe if you put your trust in him you can receive eternal life with God. Salvation is a gift you must choose through belief in Jesus and following his teachings.
What happened at the ressurection and ascension?
Jesus was buried in a tomb and left there until Easter Sunday because it was the Sabbath no-one could touch the body until after this. When Mary Magdalene returned to the tomb it was open and empty. An angel appeared and said Jesus had risen from the dead. The resurrection is one of the most important parts of Christianity as it proves Jesus was divine and not just a human. For the next few days and weeks Jesus appeared to several people including his disciples to tell them to spread the news that he had risen and that they should continue his message. The ascension happened 40 days after the resurrection when Jesus went up to heaven. “He left them and was taken up into heaven.” He told his disciples to carry on his teachings, “Go and make disciples of many nations, baptising them in the name of the father, Son and Holy Spirit”. The significance for Christians today is it shows the power of good over evil and that they can be resurrected and therefore shouldn’t fear death. God will forgive sins and they can become closer to God. The holy spirit will be there to guide and comfort. The resurrection gives the point to the Christian faith.
What do Christians believe about Judgement?
Christians believe there is another life. Christians believe that they have eternal life but what happens to them depends on their belief in God. Judgement will happen at death or at the day of judgement. The Apostles creed says, “…he will come to judge the living and the dead…” The parable of the sheep and Goats shows how people will be judged by God. The sheep are the good and the goats the bad, going to heaven and hell. Jesus also said,
”I am the way the truth and the life, no-one comes to the Father expect through me.”
Treating others well and believing in God is important to guarantee a good afterlife.
What do Christians believe about The Crucifixion
It is believed that Jesus was arrested, tortured and then put to death by Pontius Pilate through crucifixion. As Jesus was fully human he suffered pain as an ordinary human did. “Father, into your hands I command my spirit” Jesus forgave the guards who crucified him and one of the criminals who was crucified next to him, “You will be in paradise with me this day”. One of the Roman centurions said, “Surely this is the Son of God”.
The crucifixion influences Christians today by accepting Jesus sacrifice they can be forgiven for sin and go to heaven.
They can acknowledge that suffering is a part of life and God can understand what it is like for someone to suffer.
What are Christians belief and Response to persecution?
They help,pray or speak out for the persecuted
Persecution doesn’t always have a negative effect as Christians believe it can develop and strengthen their faith. It also allows people to understand the suffering that Jesus went through in his life and death. “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness.” Christians are encouraged to show love even when being persecuted or illtreated, “overcome evil with good”.
In the bible St. Paul says that the members of the church are like different parts of the body, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it”. The Barnabus fund sends financial support to projects that help Christians who are being persecuted because of their faith. The Christian Solidarity Worldwide is a Christian human rights organisation that campaigns for religious freedom for all.
Quotes for Baptism, communion Easter, Christmas
Baptism – “Get up, be baptised and wash away your sins”
“Whoever will be baptised will be saved”
“Jesus was baptised too”
Communion – “When he was at the table with them, he broke bread, gave thanks, broke it and gave it to them” “This is my body, do this in remembrance of me”
Easter – “He said ‘it is finished’, with this he bowed his head and gave up his spirit”
“He is not here, he is risen!”
Christmas – “The word was made flesh and made his dwelling among us”
What do Christians do on Christmas and Easter?
Christmas – Remembers the birth of Jesus – his incarnation. It is celebrated on the 25th December. Trees and homes are decorated with nativity scenes. Lights remember Jesus is the light of the world. Carol services happen in Churches with readings from the bible. Children act out nativity plays and midnight mass takes place on Christmas Eve. “I bring you glad tidings that today a king is born”
Easter – It is the most important festival which celebrates Jesus’ resurrection from the dead leading up from holy week. Jesus was crucified on Good Friday and rose on Easter Sunday. Special services take place and processions led by someone carrying a cross. On Easter Sunday special services take place with hymns which celebrate the resurrection. Eggs are used as a reminder of new life. “Christ is risen from the dead”.
How does the Church help the local community?
Street Pastors, Trussel Trust and Oasis Project
The Trussell Trust: Founded in 1997 it provides emergency food help and support to people in the UK. Based on the parable of the sheep and goats to aim to end poverty and relieve hunger of people. Due to rising prices, cut in benefits, redundancy and other family issues people need help with food to survive. Food is donated by churches, supermarkets, schools and business and care professionals identify people in need and give vouchers so that they can get food to help them in the short term.
The Oasis Project: Part of Plymouth Methodist Church which is a community hub with an internet café, creative courses, job club, training opportunities and a base for meetings. 200 people use the centre each week. It supports people with disabilities, ill-health, learning needs, domestic violence, substance abuse, low income and housing problems
- *The role of church in the local community:**
- *Street Pastors** The parable of the sheep and goats shows how Christians should help others and show agape. Street pastors work on the streets to patrol areas to provide a reassuring presence to people at night. The try to focus on responding to anti-social behaviour, drunkenness and fear of crime. They want to help people in practical ways working with the council and the police. They wear blue reflective uniforms to be seen so they can be spotted for people to come to them if they need help. They go out to listen to people, giving advice about where they can go. They do not actively go out to preach but work off the basis of the teachings of Jesus to offer help to people who need it.
What is the importance of the worldwide church?
The importance of the church is also to work for reconciliation. This is get others to put differences behind them and come together. Jesus came to restore the relationship between humans and God and so Christians should work to restore or reconcile issues between others.
One of the seven sacraments of the Catholic church is reconciliation and this is because in the bible it teaches Christians should work to not only be reconciled with God but with each other.
There have been examples where even parts of the Church have fallen out, for example Protestants and Catholics in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The Irish Churches Peace Project (ICPP) was set up to bring together Christians from all over Northern Ireland to discuss initiatives to develop peace and understanding.
Despite reconciliation work it is estimated that 80% of religious discrimination is directed towards Christians. Persecution ranges from Christians having to pay more tax to not giving them jobs, attack on homes or not allowing them to build Churches. The Corrymeela Community in Ireland was set up to promote peace making and healing racial, political and religious divisions. It is to get all sorts of different people to come together and talk about their differences to work together.
How does Adalat influence muslims
Muslims believe that there will be a Day of Judgement , where they will prove their faith and take responsibility for their actions on Earth. The Qur’an explains that all good deeds benefit the soul, but each person is also responsible for the things that they have done wrong.
The Qur’an teaches that God will not burden anyone with more than they can bear because he is fair to everyone (Surah 23:62).
This means that Allah is just and created the world in a fair way.
Explain two contrasting understanding of Salah
Give two rituals that Muslims perform during Salah.
Sunni Muslims:
they must pray the 5 daily prayers at 5 different times/they only combine prayers during hajj or whilst travelling, etc
they prostrate by putting their heads directly on to a prayer mat/or they may use any clean place, etc.
Shi’a Muslims:
they can pray at three different times during the day/they combine the afternoon and evening prayers, etc
they must pray on natural material that cannot be worn or eaten/many use a special clay tablet to prostrate on, etc
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of religion and belief, including beliefs, practices and sources of authority.
Bowing down
recite the Qur’an
crying out ‘God is great’
Explain two Shi’a beliefs about the Imamate.
rightful successors of Muhammad/part of the Ahl al-Bayt (family of Muhammad)/Imam is appointed by God, first through Muhammad and then through each Imam in turn
- Ali was the true successor/there have been 12 Imams (Twelver Shi’ism) or 7 Imams (Severners)
- the Imam of this age is hidden and will reappear as the end of the world approaches/the authority of the Imam is the authority of God/the Imams are human, etc.
Sources of authority May include the Hadith of the pond of Khumm – The Prophet said ‘ Of whoever I am mawla, Ali is mawla’ or hadith commanding love of the Prophet’s household or of Ali, or ‘the hadith of position’ saying that as Aaron was to Moses so Ali will be to Muhammad – Aaron is named as the successor to Moses in the Qur’an. Any relevant sources may be used.
Explain two ways in which the Ka’aba isimportant in the Muslim hajj
Students may include some of the following points, all other relevant points must be credited:
- Muslims circle 7 times around the Ka’aba – it represents the single point around which Muslim life focuses, the oneness of God. Qur’an 2:125
- the Ka’aba is the direction of prayer. In daily prayers, Muslims make a spiritual journey to it, during pilgrimage many will make a once in a lifetime journey to that point so that the whole of their life is focused on God. Qur’an 3:96–7
- pilgrims unite at the Ka’aba, although they come from all over the world and from different sects in Islam, so it unites the Ummah. Qur’an 5:97.
God cannot be loving because people suffer(12 marks)
Evaluate this statement
Arguments in support
letting people suffer is cruel; humans who allow others to suffer are denounced for it. No acceptable reason can be given for the suffering of so many innocent people, particularly children
if there is a purpose to suffering, it could be achieved in some other way that does not result in such misery. So much suffering as part of the evolutionary process suggests a creator that does not care
even if God is not the cause of suffering, he should be able to stop it; since he doesn’t, he must not be loving.
Arguments in support of other views
if God constantly intervened to prevent suffering, it would remove one of his greatest gifts to humans, free will
suffering enables spiritual growth and deepens trust in God. The existence of suffering inspires people to reflect the love and compassion of God in their response to those who are suffering
humans are limited and so cannot understand God’s purposes for his world; as the book of Job states, they are called to trust.
The best way to achieve salvation is by following the law of God
EValuate this statement
Arguments in support
- Christians are commanded to keep the law of God, as set out in the Bible, for example in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) and the teaching of Jesus
- Christians believe that God judges the thoughts and deeds of individuals/the parable of the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25:31ff) shows the righteous entering the kingdom and the unrighteous the fires of hell
- following the law and doing what God commands seems to be the way to enter heaven/which is the reward for doing good.
Arguments in support of other views
- keeping laws on its own is too difficult – people are human and they sin
- keeping laws only because of the reward they bring is wrong as salvation requires God’s grace and forgiveness.
- salvation comes through belief in Jesus/because in Jesus God paid the price for human sin.
Without Jesus’ death and ressurection there would be no salvation(12 marks)
Evaluate the statement
Arguments in support
Jesus’ death was atonement for the sin of all humans – he bore the consequences of sin including the original sin of Adam and Eve.
The death and resurection is seen as God choosing to take the initiative in reconciling humanity to God.
Without humanity being reconciled to God and forgiven, salvation is not possible
‘The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ, Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23).
Jesus’ death and resurrection restores the relationship between God and humanity which makes salvation available to all.The resurrection means humans can receive forgiveness from God which opens the way to salvation for those who ask in faith to be forgiven etc.
Reference to John 3:16, Matthew 1:21 (‘he will save his people from their sins’) etc
Arguments against
Salvation is achieved through doing good works, having faith in God and following his laws and so has nothing to do with Jesus’ death and resurrection.
God chooses who is saved as a gift to the faithful.
As God is benevolent, he would not have allowed Jesus to die and so his death was an unfortunate event. His benevolence also prevents God from allowing people to suffer after death so salvation is automatic for everybody.
Christianity would not exist had Jesus not risen from the dead(12 marks)
Evaluate this statement
The resurrection was the final proof that Jesus was God in human form
without the resurrection there would be no salvation
it fulfilled prophecy
the resurrection shows that good defeats evil
Jesus’ resurrection showed that resurrection is possible for Christians so they need not fear death
references to resurrection Corinthians 15:14
the resurrection makes God’s forgiveness possible
if Jesus had not risen, Christianity would not have spread
his followers would have fallen away, disappointed at the outcome
disciples would have been discouraged that he was not the hoped for Messiah
Jesus would have been seen as just a preacher who fell foul of the authorities
Validates Jesus as someone special and worth following
- *Christianity exists even if the resurrection is not true**
- * resurrection is impossible**
- * Jesus’ teaching and example is more of an influence for Christians than the resurrection**
- * believing that Jesus’ resurrection made resurrection possible for Christians is wrong because followers are human, Jesus was God.**
- * belief in Jesus not just centred on the resurrection, can be achieved through belief in his ability to perform other miracles, his teaching, the nature of his conception**
- * Christianity might still have existed on the basis of Jesus’ moral teachings alone**
- *** other religions exist without their founders or prophets
- * Jews, for example, still await a Messiah and yet their religion continues, etc.**
‘The resurrection of the dead is the most important Christian belief.’
- For most Christians, suffering, and death are the worst things they have to deal with / so if they believe that the dead are resurrected, then they no longer have to fear suffering or death.
- Christians fear separation from their families at death / so belief in resurrection to heaven means that they will be reunited with those they love.
- Christians believe that after their resurrection they will live forever in God’s kingdom / in a state of perfect happiness.
- Ideas such as these are the central claim of Christianity: that Jesus was God incarnate / crucified, resurrected and ascended / and is the means of salvation from sin, since Jesus’ death and resurrection atone for human sin.
- St Paul states clearly that God raised Jesus from the dead / and if he had not done so, then the (human) dead are not raised either / in which case faith is futile, for Christians are still in their sins / and those who have already died will remain dead (1 Corinthians 15:15-19) .
Arguments in support of other views
- belief in God as Creator is the most important Christian belief / since for resurrection to be important to believers, people have to be created first.
- In the same way, some might argue that the most important belief is that God is good as if God is not good then there will be probably be no resurrection.
- Equally, some might argue that the most important Christian belief is not just in the resurrection of the dead but in resurrection to judgement / this can be seen in the Parable of the Sheep and Goats (Matthew 25)
- Some might argue that all Christian beliefs are equally important / and that the incarnation / crucifixion / resurrection / ascension / Pentecost are all equally necessary for Christian belief
Explain two beliefs about the ascension
The Bible states that Jesus ascended to God ‘40 days’ after resurrection. They believe the Holy Spirit lifted him to God the Father. His return to heaven was physical: “he left them and was taken up into heaven”.
Some Christians also belive that Jesus’ ascension allowed for atonement. The gap between humans and God after ‘the Fall’ was bridged back together. Therefore, humans could now go to heaven and be with God. Good overcame evil.
Salvation through spirit
The Holy Spirit helps Christians to follow the teachings of God, and God recognises that everyone will sin but that they will” turn to God in repentance“(Acts 20:21). This means that, despite sinning, humans will try to make amends and ask for forgiveness by agreeing that God exists.
What was Jesus’ role in Salvation
Role of atonement
The ideas of salvation and atonement are very closely linked in Christianity. Atonement is the idea of the relationship between humans and God being healed, with God and humanity becoming united. Christians believe that Jesus’ death and therefore his salvation allowed humans to begin the process of atonement.
> For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.John 3:17
This quote from the Gospel of John shows the belief that God allowed the process of human atonement to begin by sending Jesus into the world.