Christian Beliefs & Practises Flashcards
What is Monotheistic?
Monotheistic: A religion which believes in one God
What is Holy?
Holy: Separate and set apart for a special purpose by God
What is Omnipotent?
Omnipotent: Almighty – unlimited power
What is Benevolent?
Benevolent: all-loving
What is Justice?
Justice: what is right and fair
What is the Trinity?
Trinity: God the father, Son and Holy Spirit
What is the Holy Spirit?
Holy Spirit: Gods presence in the world
What is God the Son?
God the Son: Jesus – enables humans to have a special relationship with God
What is Creation?
Creation: God bringing the universe into being
What is the Word?
The Word: Jesus – as described in the book of John
What is Genesis?
Genesis: The first book in the bible which has the creation story in it
What is Incarnation?
Incarnation: God in human form – Jesus.
What is resurrection?
Resurrection: coming back from the dead
What is Blasphemy?
Blasphemy: saying or doing something which goes against God
What is Crucifixion?
Crucifixion: Roman method of execution where a person is nailed to a cross
What is the Ascension?
Ascension: 40 days after the resurrection when Jesus returned to God in heaven
What is the Afterlife?
Afterlife: What happens when you die
What is the Day of Judgement?
Day of Judgement: God will judge all souls at the end of time
What is Heaven?
Heaven: Eternal happiness, being in the presence of God
What is Hell?
Hell: Eternal suffering, absence of God
What is Purgatory?
Purgatory: Catholic belief in which souls are cleansed in order to enter heaven
What is Sin?
Sin: Any action against God
What is the Original Sin?
Original Sin: first sin in the world committed by Adam and Eve which means all humans are born with this in them
What is Salvation?
Salvation: saving the soul from sin and going to heaven thanks to Jesus’ sacrifice
What is Grace?
Grace: A quality of God which shows to humans that God loves them which they don’t need to earn
What is Forgiveness?
Forgiveness: pardoning someone for their wrong doing
What is Atonement?
Atonement: restoring the relationship between people and God through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
What is Mass?
Mass: Ceremony, also called Eucharist, in which the death and resurrection of Jesus is celebrated using bread and wine
What are denominations?
Christianity has existed for over 2000 years. In that time there have been many changes. Many different groups (denominations) belong to it, with different names, but all calling themselves Christians.
What is the Bible?
The Bible is the holy book. It is a collection of 66 separate books and is divided into two sections; the Old and the New Testament.
The Old Testament begins with the book of Genesis. It contains 39 books in total and details the history of the Jewish people, there are stories about Adam. Noah, Abraham, Moses, Isaac and David and all this history leads to the life of Jesus, who was Jewish by birth.
The New Testament contains 27 books in total. It starts with the four Gospels (good news) from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Then there are the books and letters that record the spread of Christianity after the death of Jesus. Four of them
What is the Apostles Creed?
What does it mention about the holy trinity?
Many Christian churches have statements of faith, or ‘Creeds’, which were put together by Christian Councils in the early centuries of the Christian church. They sum up the basic beliefs of the Christian faith.
The Apostles’ Creed was put together around the 6th or 7th century. It summarises basic Christian beliefs and is often recited by Christians during worship.
The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
What is the Nature of God?
Christians believe that God is totally different from anything in the universe and beyond human understanding. However, they believe that God has revealed something of Himself through nature and the stories in the Bible.
From this Christians believe that God has many attributes and can describe these one but exists in three different ‘persons’.
What does it mean to Christians if God is Omnipotent?
God as omnipotent
This means God is ‘all-powerful’. By ‘all powerful’ most Christians mean that God is able to do anything that it makes sense for God to do. The evidence for this includes the creation of the world, the resurrection of Jesus and the miracles performed by Jesus and those miracles that are claimed to occur in the modern world.
What does it mean to Christians if God is Omnibenevolent?
What quote supports this?
God as omnibenevolent
God is all-loving.
- Christians believe that this is expressed in many different ways. God sacrificed his own son for humanity, which shows how much he loves all human beings without exception. When referring to God’s love the New Testament writers used the word ‘agape’ which refers to a self-sacrificial love.
- The quote below demonstrates this love. Christians believe that because of the sacrifice of Jesus human beings have the chance to enter heaven in the afterlife.
‘……for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.”
John 3:16
What does it mean to Christians if God is Just?
Christians believe God is fair to all and he forgives those who say sorry for their actions. The Bible portrays God as just and says that He expects believers to behave in a just way as well. This means not only treating fellow human beings fairly, but also doing what it takes to relieve suffering and injustice
How is the nature of God challenged by the existence of evil and suffering?
The nature of God is often challenged by the existence of evil and suffering. Christians are very aware of the evil and suffering going on in the world and for some it can be difficult to reconcile their idea of God to the problem of evil.
Two types of evil?
Moral evil refers to human actions which are morally wrong and result in suffering, such as murder or theft.
Natural evil refers to natural disasters that result in suffering, such as earthquakes or volcanoes.
What are solutions to the problem of evil challenging the existence of God?
God gave humans free will, so although he exists he cannot interfere in any suffering humans experience either as a result of choices they have made or consequences from the natural world.
Experiencing bad things could be a test of faith. For example, in the Holy Bible, Job is tested on many occasions but still keeps his faith in God and ultimately receives a reward.
Humans need evil to appreciate good. According to many Christians, balance is essential.
God is beyond human understanding, but God is fair so the good will be rewarded in Heaven.
Experiencing bad things is all part of God’s plan and humans should respond positively.
What is the Trinity?
Christians are monotheistic, this means they believe in one God.
Most Christians believe that God has revealed himself to the world in a number of ways:
As the creator and sustainer of the universe (God the Father)
As Jesus, who became incarnate (born in human flesh) and lived, died and rose again (God the Son)
As the source of strength, the power of God which is active in the world, drawing people towards God (God the Holy Spirit)
What is the significance of God the Father on Christians?
God the Father
Christians refer to God as the Father. ‘God the Father’ is the creator of all things, the world and everything in it. God is also viewed as a loving father. This means that he cares and loves humanity, as a father loves his son. This is shown in the Parable of the Prodigal Son. (Luke 15:11-32) In the parable, despite the son having squandered his early inheritance, the father still welcomes him home with open arms and a celebration. In the same way, God welcomes back those who have sinned and now seek to be reconciled with him.
What is the significance of God the Son?
What quote supports this?
God the Son refers to Jesus Christ, the Son of God. For Christians, this is Jesus as God in human form, who was sent to save humanity. God chose to reveal himself as a human being in order to spread his teaching, to show how life should be lived, and to represent humanity for their salvation. Jesus (the Son of God) was sacrificed for the sins of humankind, which allows humans to be reunited with God after death. Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God on Earth:
“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” (John 1:14).
What is the significance of Holy Spirit?
What quotes supports this?
The Holy Spirit is the power of God at work on the Earth. Once Jesus had left the Earth the Holy Spirit came to guide, influence and sustain the world. Christians feel its presence in their daily lives. In the Bible it is often depicted as wind, fire or in the form of a dove. The Holy Spirit is connected with life and the soul. Christians believe that the Holy Spirit continues to act through people, producing characteristics which show a true Christian.
“All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:25-26
What do Christians believe about the Creation?
Christians believe that God created all things. The story of Creation is found in the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible.
What quote proves the existence of God the Father?
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and desolate, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” Genesis 1:1-3
What quote proves the existence of the Trinity?
“Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky…” Genesis 1:26
There is a Plural “THEM”
What Quote proves the Existence of God the Son?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made…” John 1:1-3
The ‘Word’ is believed to be a reference to the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and repeats the words from the opening lines of Genesis reminding Christians of the idea of God as the Trinity.
What does the book of Genesis explain to Christians?
Genesis 1 explains how:
God is the only creator.
God existed before he created the world.
The world was well planned and is sustained by God.
God blessed creation; all creation is holy.
God created everything in Heaven and on Earth in six days.
On the seventh day, God rested.
What do Christians believe the Genesis story?
Christians believe that the message within Genesis 1 is true and that they live in an ordered universe, created and sustained by God. The universe does not exist by chance and human lives have meaning and purpose.
Christians believe God created humans in his image. This does not mean that humans physically have the same appearance as God. Instead, they have certain characteristics that they share with God, such as being loving. Christians believe therefore that they have a responsibility to treat everyone equally and to show love to all created beings, human and non-human. This also means that Christians should take care of planet Earth and do everything they can to maintain their special relationship with him.
What are the different Interpretations about the Creation Story?
- Some Christians (Creationists) believe the story of Creation to be a literal account of how God created the world and that it tells the story exactly as it happened.
- Some Christians do not think the Bible was actually written by God – instead, they believe that the writers of the Bible were inspired by God’s actions. They interpret Genesis 1 as fact but believe each day was actually an era that lasted millions or billions of years.
- Some Christians interpret the Bible metaphorically. They believe the creation story describes why God created the world, but that science, including the Big Bang theory and evolution explain how. What is important for these Christians is the message of the Genesis account of creation, which is that God created the world, and gave humans a special role, status and purpose in it.
What quote supports the existence of life after death for Christians?
Christians believe there will be some sort of ‘life’ after death. The resurrection of Jesus gives Christians hope that they too will be resurrected and have ‘eternal life’.
Christians believe that after death, they will be taken into the presence of God and they will be judged for the deeds they have done or failed to do during their lifetime.
“I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live.” John 11:24-25
What do Christians believe about why God gave his only son to humanity?
Christians believe that God also gave his only Son so that humanity could have eternal life.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” John 3:16
What is the Parable of the Net and how does it support judgement after death?
The Parable of the Net
“Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
What is the parable of the sheep and goats and how does it support judgement after Death?
“The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left. “(Matthew 25:32)
What do Christians believe will happens after death?
When a person dies Christians believe that it is not the ‘end’. After their time on Earth they believe that as long as they have followed the teachings of Jesus and repented (said sorry) for their sins humans will have eternal life in the afterlife. Christians believe that all humans have a soul. They believe the soul to be a non-physical part of humans that lives on after the death of the physical body. Many believe that it is the soul that will live on in the afterlife.
Most Christians believe that they will either go to Heaven or to Hell.
What are Christian beliefs about Heaven
What quote supports this?
Heaven is described as eternity in the presence of God, as Heaven is a state of being rather than a physical place. Heaven is the ultimate aim for all Christians, for their soul to be reunited with God and united with Christ.
“In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way to the place where I am going.” John 14:1-4
What are Christian beliefs about Hell?
What quotes supports this?
Hell is often depicted as a place of unquenchable fire and during the Middle Ages the pictures painted of Hell were used to frighten people into believing. Today many Christians have rejected that idea and instead view hell as an eternal separation from God. Human beings have free will. Hell is not what God decides for people instead it is what people decide for themselves when turning away from God
‘Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, but God’s wrath remains on them.’ John 3:36
What is Purgatory?
Roman Catholics believe that after death, souls that are not entirely free from sin but are ultimately destined for heaven are held in a temporary state, place or condition of punishment known as purgatory.
What is the Incarnation and how does it influence Christians?
What quote supports this?
The incarnation is the Christian belief that God ‘became flesh’ in the form of Jesus. Incarnation literally means ‘to take on flesh’. For Christians, the incarnation shows that Jesus was fully God and fully human. It is an essential part of belief in the Trinity, and in many ways it forms the basis of Christianity.
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
Before his birth, Jesus’s mother, Mary, was visited by angel Gabriel who told her….
‘…you have found favour with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.’ Luke 1:30
Why is the Birth of Jesus significant for Christians?
The birth of Jesus is a special and significant event in Christianity for a number of reasons:
- This was the moment when God was incarnated in human form.
- It was also when God’s grace was revealed to humans.
- It reminds Christians of the miraculous power of God, as Mary (the mother of Jesus) was able to conceive and give birth even though she was a virgin.
What does the Incarnation allow?
Through the incarnation of Jesus, humans were able to start repairing their damaged relationship with God. This relationship had been imperfect since Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Through Jesus’ incarnation, God began the process of salvation from sin, making it possible for humans to have a full relationship with him and go to Heaven.
In Jesus, humans can see what God is like. By becoming incarnate, God came closer to human understanding. Jesus acted as a messenger who was able to reconnect humanity to God’s teachings.
What was the Crucifixion and how does it influence Christians?
The night before his crucifixion Jesus shared a final meal with his disciples ‘The Last Supper’. Christians remember this meal on Maundy Thursday (which is part of Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter). During the meal, Jesus predicted that one of his disciples would betray him. The Last Supper holds a special significance for Christians as it forms the basis of the Eucharist, a key Christian church service:
“And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” Jesus offered wine to his disciples, saying to them: Drink from it, all of you. This is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you”. Luke 22: 19-20
What is the Covenant?
The ‘covenant’ (agreement) shows that, through the sacrifice Jesus was about to make, a new relationship would be formed between God and humanity.
What happened during Jesus’ arrest, trial and crucifixion?
Jesus was talking to some of his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane. Judas (one of Jesus’ disciples) arrived, leading the chief priests and their guards to Jesus. Jesus’ disciples wanted to defend their leader, but Jesus told them to put their swords away. Jesus was led away to the house of the High Priest.
Jesus was put on trial by the Sanhedrin. They considered Jesus’ claims to be the son of God blasphemy and found him guilty of this charge.
The next morning, Jesus was taken to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. Pilate did not think that Jesus was guilty so he gave the assembled crowd a choice: he would release either Jesus or a Jewish freedom fighter, Barabbas. The crowd chose Barabbas to be released. This meant Jesus was to be crucified.
Jesus was crucified on a Friday alongside two robbers, one on each side of him. A sign above his head read “King of the Jews”. As he was being crucified, Jesus cried out:
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)
One of the robbers confessed to Jesus that he had sinned and said that he and the other robber deserved to die for their crimes. The robber also acknowledged that Jesus was innocent. Jesus told this robber that they would meet again in Paradise.
Why is the crucifixion significant for Christians?
Jesus was crucified on a Friday alongside two robbers, one on each side of him. A sign above his head read “King of the Jews”. As he was being crucified, Jesus cried out:
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)
One of the robbers confessed to Jesus that he had sinned and said that he and the other robber deserved to die for their crimes. The robber also acknowledged that Jesus was innocent. Jesus told this robber that they would meet again in Paradise.
Christians believe that Jesus’ crucifixion was a crucial moment in his life as this act brought humans salvation from sin.
What is the Resurrection and how is it significant to Christians?
The resurrection of Jesus is, for most Christians, the most significant event. It is seen as the ultimate miracle and indicates that death is not the end.
Christians believe that Jesus came back to life three days after he died on the cross. The Gospel of Matthew includes a detailed account of how Jesus’ followers discovered that he had been resurrected:
After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.
There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.
The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”
So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” (Matthew 28:1-10)
Why is the belief in resurrection central to Christians?
Belief in the resurrection is central to Christianity. It shows that Jesus defeated death, and it is considered by many Christians to be proof of life after death. Many Christians also think of Jesus’ resurrection as evidence of God’s omnipotent and omnibenevolent nature.
What is the Ascension and why is it significant to Christians?
The Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts contain a description of the ascension of Jesus. Ascension means to rise up and refers to Jesus being taken up to Heaven.
A summary of the key points:
• The Ascension took place in Bethany and the disciples were present
• It happened 40 days after the resurrection.
• It marked the end of Jesus’ life on earth.
• Two men appeared in white robes and a cloud received Jesus
• It was the point at which the disciples became joyful and were no longer sad.
• It is also the point at which the disciples began to worship Jesus.
• It showed the truth of Jesus’ promises about heaven and proved Jesus was right.
• It proves to Christians there is life after death
The ascension reminds Christians that Jesus has gone to Heaven to prepare a place for them, so they do not need to fear death. Spreading the word of God and doing good deeds continues to be a duty for all Christians today.
What is a sin?
A sin is anything that goes against religious laws. According to Christian belief, sin separates humans from God, bringing lasting punishment. God gave humans free will so it is up to humans to decide for themselves how to behave.
what is the original Sin and how does it influence Christians?
Many Christians believe that everyone is born with the ability to sin as a result of Original Sin. Original sin occurred when Adam and Eve were tempted and committed the first (original) sin in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3 tells the story of how they ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge after God had instructed them not to, and for this they were banished from the garden. Evil had now entered the world - this is known as the Fall.
Christians believe that only God can solve the problem of humans being full of sin. To do this, he offered salvation through the sacrifice of Christ. God has given humanity the opportunity to make this right through the incarnation and sacrifice of God the Son (Jesus). By following the teachings of Jesus and by carrying out good works, humanity can be saved from eternal punishment and separation from God.
Many Christians believe that all of humanity has free will. This means that any decisions they make are completely their responsibility, rather than having their life predetermined for them. Humans have the right and the choice to make their own decisions, so when it comes to judgement, no one else can be held responsible.
What is Salvation?
Salvation is the saving of the soul from sin and death, leading to a life in heaven. Following the mistake made by Adam and Eve, which led to evil entering the world, God offered salvation. This means human souls can be saved from eternal punishment (or separation from God) and are allowed to enter Heaven (and be in the presence of God).
In order for this salvation to happen, God set a process in motion:
• God gave his only son, Jesus, so that all humans could be saved.
• Jesus was a perfect human - he had no sin.
• God placed the sins of the world upon him at his crucifixion.
• Jesus’ actions meant that there was reconciliation between God and humanity - his death atoned or made up for human sin.
How can salvation be achieved?
Salvation through Law
Some Christians believe that people can achieve salvation by following God’s teachings and carrying out good deeds that will please God. An example is caring for those who are less fortunate or giving to charity.
Salvation through Grace
This means being saved by Jesus’s sacrifice. Grace is not earned but is a gift from God and as long as you believe in God and his son Jesus Christ you will receive god’s grace.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith … it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8
Salvation through Spirit
Christians believe that the Holy Spirit guides them to live a good life and follow the teachings of their faith. It helps Christians to follow the teachings of God, and God recognises that everyone will sin but that they will turn to God in repentance (Acts 20:21). This means that, despite sinning, humans will try to make amends and ask for forgiveness by agreeing that God exists
What is Atonement?
Atonement means making up for, making amends.
It is the reconciliation of God and mankind through Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the cross to win forgiveness from God for the sins of mankind. It was a powerful act of love, where God gave his only son to save others.
“Greater love has no one than this; that one lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command”. (John 15:12-14 2:8
1 Mark question - Beliefs
Which one of the following is the idea that God is three-in-one? (Specimen)
a) Trinity
b) Atonement
c) Incarnation
d) Salvation
The one mark questions are multiple choice.
You have to choose the correct answer from a choice of four. Have a look at the examples from previous years.
Two mark questions - Beliefs
Give two ways a Christian can achieve salvation.
The two mark questions are asking for you to name or give examples of TWO beliefs/actions.
This example response would get you 2 marks: God’s grace, following Christian teachings/ law
What are four mark questions? - Beliefs
Explain two ways in which the crucifixion influences Christians today.
The four mark belief questions are where you show your understanding of the religion you have studied, and how a person’s beliefs have an influence on their lives.
One way Jesus’ crucifixion influences Christians today is that they will ask God for forgiveness when they have done something wrong. This is because Christians believe Jesus died for the sins of humanity and they have to do their part by being good Christians and if they stray they must ask for forgiveness fi they want to have eternal life.
A second way the crucifixion influences Christians is that they will try to continue the work done by Jesus because he gave the ultimate sacrifice in giving up his life. Christians believe that they can pay back for this by helping others. They may carry out volunteer work in the community to help bring about social justice because they believe this will help to create reconciliation in the world.
Five Mark Questions - Beliefs
Explain two Christian teachings about judgement
The five mark questions ask you to ‘explain Christian teachings/beliefs about’, ‘explain two ways in which Christians put their beliefs into practice’ or ‘explain two ways in which Christians believe practices to be important’.
You MUST include a relevant religious teaching in these responses.
One Christian belief about judgement is that humans will be judged by God on how they have behaved in this life. In the Apostles’ Creed it says that ‘he will come to judge the living and the dead’ this means that Christians believe after you die you will be judged.
Another Christian belief about judgement is that some people will be rewarded with heaven and some will be sent to hell depending on how they have lived their life. This idea is made very clear in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats. Jesus tells his followers this parable and explains clearly that they must help others if they want to go to heaven.
Twelve Mark Questions
‘A loving God would not send anyone to hell.’
The twelve mark questions are worth 50% of your whole paper so it is essential you have a good technique. DREARER C is one of those techniques:
R – REASON to disagree
E – EXPLAIN in depth explanation of that reason
R – REASON to agree
E – EXPLAIN in depth explanation of that reason
C – CONCLUSION – this is where you get to give your own reasoned opinion, but only if it is different to the arguments you have already used (avoid repetition)
‘A loving God would not send anyone to hell.’
On the one hand some would disagree with the statement ‘a loving God would not send anyone to hell’ because although God is loving, he is also just and the way God can deliver justice is to send sinners to hell. In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats Jesus explains to his followers that God divides people like a shepherd separates the sheep and goats. Those who have done the right thing will be rewarded with eternal life and the rest will go to hell for their sins. Christians believe God created the universe and believe he would not create a ‘hell’ if there was no purpose or need for it. It is believed by some to be ‘separation from God’ and by not believing in God humans are responsible for their own ‘hell’.
On the other hand some Christians would agree with the statement ‘a loving God would not send anyone to hell because forgiveness is a key Christian teaching. Forgiveness is mentioned in the Apostles’ Creed, where Christians profess their belief in ‘….the forgiveness of sins’ and for God to send someone to hell shows that forgiveness hasn’t been given for that person’s sins. During his ministry Jesus repeatedly told his followers about the importance of forgiveness. He told Peter to forgive ‘not 7 times but 70 times 7,’ This suggests that no matter how bad the sin it can always be forgiven. Jesus also teaches love throughout the Bible, even in the face of sin and crime. This is seen as Jesus teaches ‘love thy neighbour’ but even more prominent ‘ love thy enemy.’ If Jesus teaches to ‘love thy enemy’ it shows that it is essential to love and forgive in the face of sin and therefore a benevolent God wouldn’t sentence anyone to such an unloving life as Hell.
In conclusion I believe a loving God would send people to hell because it is only fair that those that do the wrong thing are punished. Hell is the ultimate punishment and knowing this will keep people faithful to God.
What is Agape?
Agape: unconditional, unselfish love
What is the Alpha Course?
Alpha course: An example of evangelism trying to tell others about Christianity
What is Baptism?
Baptism: A sacrament in which believers are washed with water to remove sin and
become part of the church community
What is Believers Baptism?
Believers Baptism: Where a person is old enough to choose to follow God and choose
that they want to be baptised
What is Christmas?
Christmas - celebration of Jesus’ birth
What is Evangelism?
Evangelism - Spreading the Christian message through preaching the Christian gospels
What is the Great Commision?
Great Commission
( The): Jesus instruction to his followers to go and spread his message
“Go and make disciples of many nation s”
What is the Holy Communism?
Holy Communion:
A service of thanksgiving where bread and wine are consumed to
remember Jesus’ death and resurrection.
What is Infant Baptism?
Infant Baptism: A child Baptism in which they are not old enough to choose but promises
are made on their behalf. It welcomes them to the church community and washes away
original sin.
What is Informal Prayer?
Informal prayer:
Made up prayer using your own words
What is Informal Worship?
Informal Worship:
Informal worship is not always carried out in a church. It is often based on spontaneous prayers and sharing of thoughts. Many Christians believe the Holy Spirit is present. It may also include singing, clapping and ‘speaking in tongues’ (unknown languages). Informal worship is popular with Evangelists
What is Liturgical Worship?
Liturgical worship:
Liturgical worship is a church service that follows a set pattern of hymns, prayers and readings, usually found in a printed book. Liturgical worship is part of a long-standing tradition and can therefore be found in churches all over the world, helping Christians to feel part of the wider church community.
What is the Lord’s Prayer?
Lords Prayer : The prayer taught to the disciples by Jesus. Example of set prayer.
What is the Mission?
A calling where an individual or group go out and spread the word of God.
What is a Missionary?
A person sent on a religious mission to promote Christianity in a different
country through pre aching or charity work
What is non-liturgical worship?
Non - liturgical worship: less formal and has less structure. For example, the sermon could be on a topical theme, and prayers could be in the service leader’s own words rather than those written in a book. Some Christians believe that non-liturgical worship offers a more personal experience, allowing them to express their love and devotion to God in a more relevant and connected way.
What is Persecution?
hostility or ill treatment, because of race or religious or political beliefs.
What is Pilgrimage?
A special religious journey to a holy site. Also an act of worship
What is Poverty?
When people live without having basic human rights such as having enough
food, water or shelter
What is Prayer?
Communicating with God
What is Private Worship?
Private Worship:
Private worship allows Christians to form a personal relationship with God and usually takes place within the home. It can include reading the Bible, praying or even singing hymns. Private worship helps Christians feel more connected with God because it can happen whenever they wish.
“And when you pray go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6)
What is Reconciliation?
A sacrament in the catholic faith, also making up after an argument or
What is set prayers?
Set Prayers:
Prayers that have been written down and said more than once. E.g. The
Lord s Prayer
What is a Sacrament?
Rites and rituals through which the believer receives a special gift of grace.
’An outward sign of an inward grace’
What is Worship?
Act of religious honour or devotion
4 types of worship?
There are four main types of worship that Christians can engage in:
Liturgical worship
Non-liturgical worship
Informal worship
Private worship
Christians can be involved in all four of these forms of worship. Examples of activities that may take place at some or all of these forms of worship are readings from the Holy Bible, prayers and the Eucharist.
Why and how do Christians pray?
Christians communicate with God through prayer. They believe God hears all of their prayers, whether these are silent prayers or spoken aloud. Some choose to use formal, set prayers, whereas others opt for more personal, informal prayer.
What are the different forms of Prayer?
The different forms of prayer include:
Adoration – Expressing love and praise for God
Confession – Admitting sins and saying sorry in order to seek forgiveness
Thanksgiving - Thanking God
Supplication - Asking for something
A fifth common component is intercession:
Intercession - Praying on behalf of someone else e.g. for someone who may be ill.
Why is the Lord’s prayer so significant?
The Lord’s Prayer is the most well-known Christian prayer. It was said to be the prayer which Jesus taught to his followers and reveals teachings about God.
‘Our Father, who art in heaven’ expresses the belief that It shows that God is the Father in heaven – this links to the Christian idea of heaven in the afterlife and God’s role as creator in the Christian idea of the Trinity.
‘Your will be done’ refers to allowing God’s command be carried out so that what God wants, will happen.
‘Forgive us our sins’ this is an important link to salvation and shows Christians that they should also forgive.
What are sacraments?
Sacraments are rituals that teach, strengthen and express faith.
Beliefs about the sacraments vary between different denominations. Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians believe there are seven sacraments, whereas Protestants generally believe that Jesus only gave instruction for two – Baptism and the Eucharist.
What is Baptism and what is it used for?
What quote supports this?
- The sacrament of baptism is used to welcome people into the Christian faith and Christians believe that through baptism, believers can be cleansed of Original Sin.
- Jesus was baptised, and after his resurrection he told his disciples that they too should be baptised. Jesus also commanded his disciples to use the act of baptism to welcome new disciples into the Church. This is known as the Great Commission.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19)
What are the two types of Baptism?
Infant baptism is the practise of baptising of a baby. The sign of the cross is made on the baby’s forehead and water is poured three times over the head to represent the three parts of the Trinity. In some Christian communities (Orthodox) the baby is fully immersed in water, as Jesus was when he was baptised (as an adult). Denominations that have infant baptism will hold a ‘confirmation’ ceremony when the child is old enough to ‘confirm’ their belief in God and Jesus.
Believers baptism is followed by Baptist and Pentecostal denominations and believe a person should make their own choice to become a Christian when they are old enough. Believers are immersed fully in water just as Jesus was.
What is the Eucharist?
The Eucharist (Holy Communion) is celebrated by almost all Christian denominations (Quakers and Salvation Army are an exception to this) It has many names, such as the Lord’s Supper, the Breaking of the Bread, the Liturgy, Holy Communion, Mass. The central features are the same. The connection with the Last Supper, the giving of thanks for the bread and wine and using Jesus’ last words at the Last Supper:
“Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until the day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” Mark 26:27-29
What are the different types of Eucharist?
The Christian denominations that celebrate the Eucharist attach great significance to it. Some celebrate it daily or weekly, thinking that it is so important that frequent celebration is necessary. Others celebrate it monthly or less because they think it is so important that they want to avoid the danger of losing its significance or overuse.
Some Christians, such as Roman Catholics, believe in transubstantiation; the literal conversion of bread and wine into the flesh and blood of Jesus during Mass.
Anglicans hold a range of beliefs, most believe in consubstantiation believing that the bread and wine hold the spiritual presence of the body and blood of Christ rather than becoming it.
Others, like Methodists, believe the Eucharist is just a memorial; the bread and wine being purely symbolic of Jesus’ death, which brought salvation.
What is the significance of Pilgrimage in Christianity?
Christians believe pilgrimage can help them develop spiritually and bring them closer to God. It is not essential that Christians carry out a pilgrimage but many choose to do so to strengthen their faith.
A pilgrimage entails a visit to a place regarded as holy for the believer. They have special meaning, often making people feel a sense of spirituality and that they are closer to God.
Places of pilgrimage are usually linked to Jesus or a saint, to events of religious significance or to healings that are seen as miraculous.
What are 3 places of pilgrimage that were significant to Jesus?
Places of pilgrimage can include places of significance in the life of Jesus:
- Bethlehem – Christians believe this is where Jesus was born. Many Christians will travel to Bethlehem at Christmas time and attend services in the Church of the Nativity
- Nazareth – Christians believe this is where Jesus spent his childhood and is also the place where Mary was visited by Angel Gabriel and given the news that she would give birth to a son who should be named Jesus.
- Jerusalem – Christians believe this is where Jesus spent his final weeks before his crucifixion. Pilgrims will visit The Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed before he was arrested by the Roman soldiers. Church of the Holy Sepulchre which is believed to be built on the site where Jesus was crucified. Via Dolorosa is a special route Christians pilgrims will walk, usually on Good Friday retracing the steps of Jesus when he carried his cross to the place of his death.
These places of significance are all mentioned in the Bible and help Christian pilgrims feel closer to God.
Why do Christians travel to Lourdes?
Many Christians visit the small village of Lourdes in the south of France to bathe in the natural springs as they believe that it has been the location of many miracles.
In the 19th century, a young girl named Bernadette had several visions of the Virgin Mary. During one vision, Mary told Bernadette to drink from the waters of the spring that had appeared at the place of the visions.
Some Christians visit the site in the hope of being cured of illnesses. In the UK Roman Catholic churches organise pilgrimages for the sick and disabled. Volunteers accompany them and look after them. Some Christians see this as a way of fulfilling a Christian duty to help others.
Most of those who go to Lourdes do not experience any healing but come away feeling they have been healed spiritually and those with terminal illnesses often feel able to face their imminent death more positively.
Why do Christians travel to Iona?
Iona is a small island off the west coast of Scotland and was where St Columba, an Irish monk, settled and introduced Christianity to Scotland in the 6th century. Christians often travel here to spend time in prayer and quiet reflection.
Christians go to Iona to reflect and to live in a specific type of community, not for miracles.
What is Easter and it’s significance?
Easter is the most important celebration for Christians as it celebrates Jesus’ victory over death. Easter begins with Lent, which is the name given to a period of 40 days leading up to the day of resurrection. The final week of Lent is known as Holy Week and contains a number of holy days for Christians.
What is Holy week and the order of its days?
Holy Week
The week leading up to the resurrection is known as Holy Week and there are special services held in Christian churches across the week:
- Palm Sunday
- Ash Wednesday
- Maundy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
What happens on Palm Sunday?
Palm Sunday – The Sunday before Easter marks the beginning of Holy Week and Jesus’s arrival into Jerusalem on a donkey where crowds placed palm leaves on the floor and cheered. Christians attend church and will receive a palm leaf, sometimes shaped into a cross.
What happens on Ash Wednesday?
Ash Wednesday – remembers the betrayal of Jesus by one of his disciples Judas. Christians will attend church and have the burnt ash of last year’s palms placed on their forehead in the shape of a cross. It is a solemn occasion.
What happens on Maundy Thursday?
Maundy Thursday – Christians remember Jesus’ Last Supper, which included the bread and wine and was shared with his disciples on the night before he died. This day marks the beginning of a time of sadness and reflection for Christians.
What happens on Good Friday?
Good Friday – This marks the day Jesus was crucified. The term ‘good’ reflects how his sacrifice brought about salvation and proved he was the Messiah. Many churches hold services during the afternoon at a similar time to when Jesus died (3pm).
What is Easter Sunday?
Easter Sunday – This is a joyous event because Christians remember that Jesus rose form the dead, proving him to be the Son of God. Some churches hold an Easter vigil on the Saturday evening before a service on the Sunday. A paschal candle will be lit which symbolises ‘The Light of Christ’. On Easter Sunday Christians will attend church and gather together as a family to share a meal. The message of Easter is one of the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, hope over despair and life over death.
Why do Christians celebrate Christmas?
Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, as told in the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke. The festival of Christmas does not fall on Jesus’ actual birthday, and different denominations celebrate it on different dates. Protestant and Catholic Christians celebrate Christmas on 25 December, while Orthodox Christians celebrate it on 6 January.
What is Advent?
Advent is the season leading up to Christmas. In Western Christianity, Advent includes the four Sundays before Christmas Day. In Eastern Christianity, Advent begins in mid-November. The word comes from the Latin ‘adventus’, which means ‘arrival’. During this period, Christians prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth or ‘arrival’ at Christmas. The last day of Advent is Christmas Eve.
How do Christians celebrate Christmas and why?
Celebration of Christmas
Christmas is seen as a time for generosity and for thinking about the needs of others. Churches run events to provide food and temporary shelter to people in need.
In the UK, Christmas is celebrated in both a religious and a secular way. There are church services with carols on Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day is a national holiday on which many Christians attend church services to thank God for his gift of Jesus. Many people, including non-religious people and people of other faiths, have parties with food and gifts.
What is Church and what is its purpose?
The Church is primarily a place for Christians to meet and worship, but it also has a key role in the wider community. It brings people together and creates a sense of belonging for those involved.
What is Church and what is its purpose?
The Church is primarily a place for Christians to meet and worship, but it also has a key role in the wider community. It brings people together and creates a sense of belonging for those involved.
What does the parable of sheep teach to Jesus’ followers?
In the parable of the Sheep and the Goats Jesus set the example and told his followers that if they wanted a place in heaven they must help those less fortunate than themselves:
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)
What does Christianity teach about achieving salvation through Charity and Churches?
Christianity teaches that salvation can be achieved through following Jesus’ example and helping others.
Churches work to unite and help people in the community in the following ways:
Food banks – a place where people living in poverty can go and collect some food
Salvation Army – a Christian denomination who help those who are suffering
Help for the homeless – Housing Justice is a Christian charity who try to
ensure everyone has a home
What are the other function of a Church?
There are also many non-religious functions that can take place in a church building, eg:
crèche facilities and baby/toddler groups
youth groups/scouts/guides
community meeting places (e.g. coffee mornings/keep fit classes)
adult education classes
charity events
What is the Trussell Trust?
The first food bank to appear in the UK was opened in 2000 by the Trussell Trust, a Christian charity. The Trussell Trust’s mission is to ‘bring communities together to end poverty and hunger in the UK by providing compassionate practical help with dignity whilst challenging injustice. The Trussell Trust work with people of all faiths and none, and are founded by Jesus’ words:
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me” (Matthew 25:35-36)
What are Street pastors?
Street pastors are Christian volunteers from local churches who go out onto the streets of some of the big cities in the UK to care for the physical and spiritual needs of young people who might be clubbing, drinking heavily, taking drugs, getting into fights and so on. They are there to care for, listen to and provide help for all they come across. Before they go out they will gather for prayer and remember the way Jesus worked with the outcasts of society. Street Pastors is about Christians rolling up their sleeves and getting involved in practically responding to the problems of crime and safety…”
What do Christians believe about evangelism?
Some Christians believe evangelism is more important than ever in the UK’s changing society. Between 1983 and 2015, the proportion of Christians in Britain fell from 55% to 43%, however worldwide the population of Christians continues to grow.
Some Christians spread their faith through knocking on doors, preaching in the streets or through initiatives such as the Alpha course (a series of talks exploring Christianity).
Some Christians choose to spread the Christian message abroad through missionary work. For example, The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) ‘help churches send missionaries to establish reproducing churches in other nations to the glory of God’. They work to improve the healthcare, education and community development, as well as provide disaster aid to people in need.
What are alternate views about Evangelism?
Not all evangelists talk directly about their faith. Some groups, such as the Salvation Army, demonstrate agape (selfless love) by helping the needy in the community. Some Christians view evangelism and missionary work as potentially negative, as it can be considered a form of discrimination to try to convert people of other religions.
What Persecution and what are Christians taught about it?
Persecution is hostility and ill-treatment usually because of prejudice.
The early Christians faced extreme persecution including being hunted and executed.
Jesus taught his followers to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute you, Christians should not respond with violence:
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you…Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.” Matthew 5:11-12
Following New Testament teachings Christians are encouraged to respond to persecution with forgiveness and love rather than with vengeance and hate. These teachings also encourage Churches which are not suffering persecution to help those who are.
What do Christian Freedom International and Open Doors do?
Christian Freedom International and Open Doors are examples of organisations in the UK who help persecuted Christians. Their work in helping these Christians has involved:
smuggling Bibles into countries where Christians are
training Christians and church leaders to support them through the trauma they may have suffered
providing advice and support to Christians who have been victims of disaster
speaking on behalf of Christians to help raise awareness of the situation they are in
What are Christians taught about reconciliation?
Reconciliation is the process of bringing together people who are opposed to one another. Christians are taught to always work towards reconciliation. Jesus sacrificed himself to bring about reconciliation between God and mankind. It is therefore important for Christians to follow his example so that sins can be forgiven.
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.’ Ephesians 4.32
What is Corry Meela?
The Corrymeela Community is a Christian organisation based in Northern Ireland. It is both a place for people to visit and a movement. It was set up when there were tensions between different Christian denominations in Northern Ireland. Throughout the year it runs various programmes to help people both people from the local community and abroad:
Working with families needing support
Working with schools to help encourage active citizenship
Working with other communities experiencing tension.
What is the Community of the Cross of Nails?
The Community of the Cross of Nails is a worldwide network of over 235 churches, charities, peace-building centres, and educational and training organisations. Their work is inspired by the Coventry story of destruction, rebuilding and renewal, and active in reconciliation in our own ways.
The name Cross of Nails has its history in WWII when German bombs destroyed St. Michael’s Cathedral in Coventry. In the midst of the rubble, a priest took three large roofing nails forged in the Middle Ages and bound them with wire. In the terrible aftermath that followed, he wrote “Father Forgive” on the smoke-blackened wall of the wreckage. The cross of nails is a very powerful and inspirational symbol worldwide of reconciliation and peace. After the Second World War, crosses of nails were presented to Kiel, Dresden and Berlin, cities shattered by Allied bombing.
What are examples of Christian Charities?
Looking after and giving to others, in the form of charity, is an important part of Christianity, as Christians believe that God gave humans stewardship. This means humans are responsible for looking after and protecting those in need.
- Christian Aid - Christian Aid helps people across the world, sometimes those in need as a result of wars or natural disasters.
- Tearfund - Tearfund is a Christian charity that aims to help the poor. They base their work on Christian beliefs and teachings, such as love thy neighbour. They travel to disaster areas to help ease poverty and provide support for refugees. Tearfund also works to help develop communities, envision churches and influence local, national and international policies.
- CAFOD - The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) works in disaster areas and has more than 500 partners in less economically developed countries.
How do charity organisations help?
- Emergency Aid – is an immediate response, usually to a disaster. Food, bottled water, medical kits, blankets and temporary shelters will be provided by volunteer staff
- .Short-term aid – this takes over as emergency teams start to leave, homes will be rebuilt, children will be returned to school and families reunited.
- Long term aid – this enables communities to become self-sufficient so they can look after themselves. This includes educational programmes, well-digging and training medical and health workers.
Two mark - Practises
Give two examples of Christian worship
The two mark questions are asking for you to name or give examples of TWO beliefs/actions.
This example response would get you 2 marks: liturgical and non-liturgical
Four Mark Questions - Practises
Explain two contrasting views about infant baptism.
The 4 mark questions in the practices section of the paper are where you show your understanding of the diversity within religion.
Some Christians think infant baptism is a good thing because it welcomes the child into the Christian church and cleanses the infant of Original sin meaning if anything happened the child would go to heaven
Some Christians think adult or believers baptism is better because the person is choosing the faith for themselves. It also follows the example of Jesus who was baptised as an adult.
Five Mark Questions - Practises
Explain two ways in which Christians mark the approach and celebration of Easter
The five mark questions ask you to ‘explain Christian teachings/beliefs about’, ‘explain two ways in which Christians put their beliefs into practice’ or ‘explain two ways in which Christians believe practices to be important’.
You MUST include a relevant religious teaching in these responses.
During Lent, the 40 days before Easter, some Christians fast or choose to give something up. They do this to remember the story in the Gospels of Jesus fasting in the desert for 40 days.
On Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified, Christians will attend church and remember Jesus’ suffering. In some churches the service will last for 3 hours. According to the Bible this was the length of time the sky was dark for ‘At noon, darkness cam over the whole land until three in the afternoon’. Mark 15.33
Twelve Mark Questions - Practises
‘Private worship has more meaning for a Christian than public worship.’
The twelve mark questions are worth 50% of your whole paper so it is essential you have a good technique. DREARER C is one of those techniques:
R – REASON to disagree
E – EXPLAIN in depth explanation of that reason
R – REASON to agree
E – EXPLAIN in depth explanation of that reason
C – CONCLUSION – this is where you get to give your own reasoned opinion, but only if it is different to the arguments you have already used (avoid repetition)
On the one hand some would disagree with the statement ‘private worship has more meaning for a Christian than public worship’ because public worship helps to strengthen the community. It gives structure to prayer and allows people to be part of something bigger than just themselves. In public worship there will be someone to lead them and this helps to make sure the worship has meaning.
Although private worship is important it does not help to build and strengthen a religious community.
Some would argue that Christians need both private and public worship because each has a different meaning. Private worship allows believers to feel close to God but public worship ensures they are part of something bigger. One type of worship does not have more meaning than the other.
On the other hand, some Christians might agree with this statement because an individual Christian can choose how he or she wants to worship in private. In public worship they have to follow what everyone else is saying and doing. Private worship has more meaning because a Christian cannot pretend or just copy everyone else when they worship in private, it is likely to be real worship. In addition, Jesus told his disciples to pray in private because God would see them, Christians believe that God sees everything they do and Jesus said “go into your room, close the door.” Matthew 6:6 Private worship will have more meaning because they are following Jesus’ teaching.
In conclusion, I think that private worship has more meaning for a Christian than public worship because it is more personal, it can be carried out at any time and anywhere. They do not have to wait for a particular time so ensures a close relationship with God at all times.