*theme d: religion, peace & conflict (fill in the gaps) Flashcards
“if a person _________ and makes _______________, his ________ is due from God” surah 42:40
- forgives
- reconciliation
- reward
“take not life - _________________________________ - except for ____________” Surah
- which God has made sacred
- just cause
“the Greatest Jihad is to __________________________, to fight _____________________________” Hadith, Prophet Muhammad
- battle your own soul
- the evil within yourself
“and fight for the ____________, those who fight you, but do not be ___________, for surely God does __________________________” Qur’an
- cause of God
- aggressive
- not like the aggressors
“none of you is a _______ until you ______________________________________ ________________” Hadith, Prophet Muhammad
- believer
- love for your neighbour what you love for yourself
“blessed are the _____________ for they shall be called _________________” Matthew
5:9 - the sermon on the mount
- peacemakers
- children of God
“proclaim this among the nations, ________________! Rouse the warriors, let all the ________ men draw near and ________.
Turn your ____________________________ & your _________________________.” Joel
- Prepare for War
- fighting
- attack
- plough shares into swords
- pruning hooks into spears
“Greater ____ has no one than this, that he ____________________________________” john
- love
- lay down his life for his friends
“_________ be the Lord, my rock, who _______________________, and my _______ ____________” psalm 144:1
- blessed
- trains my hands for war
- fingers for battle
“the Lord tests the ________________ but his soul ________________ and the ____ ___________________” psalm 11:5
- righteousness
- hates the wicked
- one who loves violence
“but i tell you, do __________________ _____________. if anyone _____ you on the right cheek, ___________________ ________________.” Matthew 5:39
- not resist an evil person
- slaps
- turn to them the other cheek also
“if there is a ____________ , you are to _______________________________________ ______” exodus 21:23-24
- serious injury
- take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth
the story of the _________________ (bible)
good samaritan