*theme A - relationships & families Flashcards
what do christians believe about traditional roles in a family?
- some interpret genesis as evidence that men are superior to women: god fashions eve out of rib of adam to be helper
- some look to bible for evidence that man meant to be head of family
- CoE still allows option in vows for woman to ‘love, honour and obey’ her husband
- some look to Mary, Jesus’ mother, as role model for obedience
- St Paul also gave his advice to Early Church that women should obey their husbands
what do muslims believe about traditional roles in a family?
- families are at heart of every muslim community. family life created by Allah to keep society together
- Muhammad was married & raised a family
- traditional muslim family is an extended family, most believe that extended families mean greater stability
what do Christians believe about a modern interpretation of the family?
- most modern christians don’t believe men superior to women
- they point to creation story where it says: “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male & female he created them.” Genesis 1:27
- St Paul also says: “There is neither… male or female… for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28
- most believe in equal relationship between men & women
what do christians believe about gender roles?
- many think of members of religion as one big family
- St Paul taught that women shouldn’t teach men
- some argue that bc Jesus chose 12 men as disciples, only men should be leaders within the church
- RCs argue Jesus chose St Peter to be head of church
- CoE ordained first female priests 1994
- both Baptists & Methodists allow women to become ordained as ministers
- some look to Gospels & Jesus’ treatment of women as guide to how women should be treated in society & the church
- women present at foot of Jesus’ cross when rest of disciples hid in fear
- first people to discover Jesus’ tomb empty were women
what do muslims believe about marriage?
- marriages in islam often arranged (by the 2 families of bride & groom) but can only take place w consent of both parties
- if someone forced to marry, then marriage would be invalid
- courting or ‘going out together’ not encouraged & couple who may be married only allowed to meet each other when members of family present
- muslim man may marry jew or christian, but woman may only marry muslim man
what usually happens in muslim weddings?
- usually takes place in the home or mosque, and they give their consent before a minimum of 2 witnesses.
- the Aqd Nikah (marriage contract) read, couple sign 3 copies of this to show they’ve agreed to marriage
- contract specifies the mahr (dowry), which groom gives to bride, & belongs to her for life
what do muslims believe about gender roles?
islamic law & practise recognise differences between sexes, resulting in different roles & obligations for men & women, which should complement each other - belief that it’s different but equal value
why is the wedding ceremony important for christians?
- both a civil & religious commitment for them
- each part of ceremony has meaning which is closely linked to christian teaching about marriage
how is a CoE wedding ceremony structured?
- beginning: welcoming of congregation & statement of what christian marriage means by priest
- declarations: couple make promises in front of God that they’ll love, comfort, honour & protect partner if they both shall live
- vows: couple make vows to each other
- rings: couple exchange rings, ring symbol of unending love - christian marriage meant to be for life
- proclamation: priest tells couple that they’re now husband & wife, priest says “what therefore god hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”
- prayers: prayers said for couple, may include prayer for gift of children
- readings & sermon: readings from bible & a sermon, sermon often talks abt importance of love in marriage
- signing of the register: bride & groom, along w 2 witnesses, sign register (legal requirement). they receive legally binding marriage certificate
what do catholics teach about marriage?
marriage is:
- a living sacrament - an outward sign of the love of God
- exclusive - just between a husband & wife
- permanent - couple can’t be separated
- life giving - open to possibility of children
what do christians believe about homosexuality?
- many christian churches condemn same-sex relationships. pope recently suggested they were acceptable if in civil partnership
- some like Quakers less judgemental, allow homosexual couples to get married in their meeting rooms
what do muslims believe about same-sex relationships?
- “the sins of the people of Lut (Sodom & Gomorrah)” synonymous w homosexuality in Qur’an
- some muslim lawyers have argued it’s a crime which should be punished by death
what do christians believe about contraception?
- RCs reject idea of artificial birth control, based on Natural Law, church teaches that marriage should be open to possibility of children
- as alternative to many forms of artificial contraception it teaches that couples should only use natural methods which depend upon woman’s monthly cycle
- other christian churches agree purpose of marriage is to have children but don’t see anything wrong w couples using contraception if they want to limit size of family
what do christians believe about divorce?
- christian couples enter marriage w expectation that it’ll last “till death do us part”
- jesus taught marriage for life
- debate within christianity about whether married couples should be allowed to divorce & marry again
- RCC doesn’t allow divorce, however permits couple to separate & live apart.
- in exceptional cases RCC may grant annulment if proven marriage not valid in first place - e.g. if proven couple under-aged, forced to marry, of diminished responsibility or not consummated
- divorce permitted in CoE bc jesus taught right course of action is most loving thing to do, some point out he allowed divorce on grounds of unfaithfulness
- orthodox church grants religious divorce
what do christians believe about re-marriage?
- RCs don’t accept remarriage after civil divorce
- they believe marriage can’t be dissolved
- any re-marriage would be same as adultery
- CoE allows divorced couples to remarry but leaves it to discretion of priest as some vicars don’t believe it’s right
what do muslims believe about divorce?
divorce is allowed, although regarded as last resort - accept that sometimes marriages break down
- as legal contract between 2 ppl, can be ended. this done if marriage brings unhappiness to couple, their children & relatives
- man can’t seek divorce from wife until certain she’s not pregnant, as he might change mind. during period of 3 months (iddah) reconciliation should be attempted. if it doesn’t work, then divorce can take place
- man & woman can remarry twice, but after 3rd divorce remarriage to each other can’t take place unless woman been married to another man in meantime
- woman can also obtain divorce, either by an agreement w husband or bc of his treatment of her
what do christians believe about sexual relationships?
- sex gift from god
- expression of love between husband & wife
- casual sexual encounters are wrong
- one of 10 commandments forbids “adultery”
- jesus called his disciples to purity: “anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matthew 5:28
- many RCs & Evangelical Protestants believe person should remain virgin until married
- some in america wear rings to show commitment to abstain from sex before marriage
- Quakers non-judgemental about sex, which they see as gift of God. their attention focused on way it’s used in relationships
what do muslims believe about sexual relationships?
- men & women required to dress modestly, said to help them avoid embarrassing one another
- also seen as way of discouraging adultery - adultery regarded as very serious crime
- sex gift from god, husband & wife should enjoy it
- only between husband & wife though, extramarital sex forbidden