christian practises Flashcards
what’s the definition (ish) of worship?
acts of religious praise, honour, or devotion
why is worship important?
- allows christians to praise & thank god for blessings, ask for forgiveness or help
- helps develop relationship w god
what are the seven sacraments & who are they used by?
- baptism
- confirmation
- Holy Communion
- marriage
- Holy Orders
- reconciliation
- anointing of the sick
Catholic & Orthodox Christians
what do many protestant churches believe about the sacraments?
they see baptism & Holy Communion as most important rituals, because Jesus instructed them to be done
what are sacraments and why are they important?
- holy rituals
- express an inner, spiritual experience
- can help strengthen relationship w God & affirm unity within Christianity
- can help remember things (like Jesus’ life/sacrifice, with Holy Communion)
what is Holy Communion also known as?
the Eucharist
which denominations believe in transubstantiation?
Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and some Anglicans
what do catholics believe about Holy Communion?
that the sacrifice of Jesus is made present once again during the ritual
what is Holy Communion also known as?
the Eucharist
why is holy communion important?
- brings believers together, strengthens commitment to faith and gives encouragement
- HC is a shared meal = equality
- also reminds them of those who’re w/o and encourages them to work for equality & justice for all those around the world
what do Protestants believe about Hooy Communion?
they take communion as a reminder of the Last Supper and believe the bread & wine are symbolic
how does the Orthodox Church celebrate Communion?
Divine liturgy in Orthodox Church:
- service takes place on an altar in the sanctuary behind a screen (iconostasis) representing divide between Heaven & Earth
- priest passes through iconostasis using Royal Doors
- Liturgy of the Word: hymns, prayers and reading from Bible. Priest chants the Gospel
- Liturgy of the Faithful: Priest comes through Royal Doors, receives wine and bread. Consecrates one loaf which is then divided into 4 parts
how do Catholics celebrate Communion?
Catholic Mass:
- begins w greeting from priest
- Liturgy of the Eucharist: Priest gives Eucharistic Prayer using words of Jesus at Last Supper, bread & wine distributed, priest blesses the people
how does the anglican church celebrate communion?
- begins w hymn & prayer of praise, congregation prays for the world
- ‘open table’ for those who want to take communion to come forward
what’s the definition of a pilgrimage?
a journey made for religious reasons
are pilgrimages compulsory for christians?
why are pilgrimages important?
- physical but also spiritual journey towards God, grow closer to him
- opportunities for prayer and worship
- strengthen faith
- ask for forgiveness
- pray for something special
- ask for healing
- experience a holy place
info about Lordes?
- south-west France, dedicated to Virgin Mary, Bernadette had vision of Mary who told her to dig for a spring of water which was discovered to have healing power
- thousands of pilgrims visit Lourdes to pray for healing - it’s claimed 67 miracles and over 6000 other cures have taken place
info about Iona?
- island off west coast of Scotland, Irish missionary brought Christianity to Scotland & established small community there
- now home to ecumenical Iona Community and place of pilgrimage dedicated to Virgin Mary
- remote place of Scotland - many Christians see it as place where nature reveals God’s power & presence
- Iona Community hold daily services in the abbey church and lead hikes to holy & historic spots
what’s the role of Church in the community?
- church as building provides location for Christians to meet, pray & socialise but church not confined to a building
- Church involved in local community (i.e. food banks)
what’s the Trussell Trust/whats it do?
- provides emergency food, help & support to those in crisis in UK (based on principles found in Parable of the Sheep and the Goats)
- care professionals such as doctors, health visitors and social workers identify people in crisis and issue a food voucher
what do street pastors do/believe in?
- Christians believe they should show agape (selfless love) based on Jesus’ teachings
- street pastors patrol the streets in urban areas after training aiming to help and care for vulnerable people in society
- they don’t preach but their work is there to listen to people’s problems & help discourage anti-social behaviour like drunkenness
what does Parish Nursing do?
Parish Nursing Ministries UK: Christian charity which supports whole person healthcare through the local church, and give extra support to NHS
Church has a role to….
restore people’s relationships with God & one another (sacrament of Reconciliation)
Society for Human Rights claims __% of religious discrimination is directed at Christians
what’s the Barnabus Fund?
gives financial support to projects that help Christians suffering from discrimination
what’s Christian Solidarity Worldwide?
a Christian human rights organisation that campaigns for religious freedom for all by raising awareness, pressurising governments, and helping the oppressed to speak up for themselves
definition for prayer?
communicating with God, silently or through words of praise, thanksgiving or confession, or requests for God’s help or guidance
how do people pray in Orthodox services?
people stand to pray & use icons to aid prayer
how do Nonconformists pray?
often sit, Anglicans may kneel, and other Christians raise their hands to invite the Holy Spirit into their lives
what do catholics often use during prayer?
a rosary
what are set prayers?
prayers written down and said more than once (e.g. Lord’s prayer)
what is informal prayer?
prayer made up by an individual
why is prayer important?
- private worship helps Christians build up discipline to help them through times of trouble
- encourages reflection & through prayer Christians may find peace & relationship w God
- Lord’s Prayer: gives individuals a pattern for prayer
- reminds them that God is the Father of the whole community, not just the individual
- Lord’s prayer can bring sense of unity & spiritual purpose, and is often used at non-religious events too (e.g. time of tragedy)
why is private worship important?
- allows individuals to spend time w God, either alone or w close friends or family
- helps Christians build up a discipline to help them through times of trouble
what does private worship involve?
involves prayer, meditation, studying Bible
which churches do non-liturgical worship?
non-conformist churches like Methodist, Baptist & United Reform churches, there may be an order to suit a theme though
what do people do in non-liturgical worship?
- no set order or ritual
- emphasis on word of God in Bible
- communion usually focused on Bible readings & a sermon based on readings
- informal worship can be spontaneous prayers or sharing thoughts
- may involve dancing, clapping, speaking in tongues (e.g. Pentecostal Church)
how do quakers worship?
mainly silent, non-liturgical, people only speak when prompted by Holy Spirit
what style does non-liturgical worship follow?
style follows some of early Christians who met to hear about Jesus after Pentecost (this might just be for pentecostal church idk though)
why is non-liturgical worship important?
- christians can share personal interpretations of Bible
- people can take active part in church by praying aloud or speaking w/o formal training
- may encourage personal connection/revelation from God
what do people do in liturgical worship?
- services that follow set pattern
- priest leads congregation in formal prayers that have set responses
- bible passages read out, particularly from the gospels
what are some examples of liturgical worship?
celebration of Eucharist in Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican churches
why is liturgical worship important?
- people receive forgiveness through action of priest & living presence of Jesus in Communion
- worldwide set order of service - familiar to all
- rituals passed down through generations so sense of tradition
what is important about baptism?
- for many churches, is an initiation rite to become members of the Christian Church
- ppl acknowledge Jesus as their saviour
- example of Jesus’ baptism - dove from Heaven/baptised by his cousin John
which denominations practise infant baptism?
catholic, orthodox, anglican, methodist and united reform christians
why do catholic and orthodox christian’s do infant baptism?
believe everyone is descended from Adam & Eve so all sinful - even babies need forgiveness; infant baptism removes original sin
what happens in infant baptism?
- priest or minister pours blessed water over baby’s head & promises are said to bring the child up in the Christian faith
- sign of cross sometimes made with oil
- child often dressed in white
what happens in believers’ baptism?
- usually involves full immersion (symbolic of dying to sin, raised in a new life with Jesus)
- bible passages & prayers often read/said
- promises recited by believer
which christians believe in believers’ baptism and not infant baptism?
baptists and pentecostalists
why do some denominations do believers’ baptism?
- some christians (i.e. baptists & pentecostalists) think baby is too young to understand meaning behind baptism
- baptism only when someone’s old enough to make decision themselves - baptism doesn’t save a person, but is symbolic of their dedication to follow jesus
what do people do in christmas?
- remembers the incarnation of jesus
- celebrations last 12 days and ends with feats of the Epiphany
- decorate with lights to show Jesus as light of the world. seen as time or peace & goodwill
what do people do in easter?
- most important christian festival, celebrates resurrection of jesus
- week leading up to easter known as Holy Week
- jesus crucified on Good Friday and rose again 3 days later (Easter Sunday)
- many churches organise open-air sunrise services and eat eggs as sign of new life
what is mission?
to go out and spread faith, often through charitable work
what is evangelism?
spreading christian gospel
why is mission & evangelism important?
christians called to make jesus known to others (matthew - The Great Commission)
what is the Alpha Course? (mission and evangelism)
began at Holy Trinity Church, Brompton and aims to help non-Christians & new Christians to understand basics of christian faith
what is Christ for all Nations?
charity working worldwide to help spread Christianity (74 million new Christians claimed)