Theme 8 Flashcards
How did australopithecus become homo?
35% difference in average brain size, dietary change, increase in group living, migration, stone technology.
Homo Habilis
Found in 1960 in the Oldupai Gorge in Tanzania. Parietal bones, parietal mandibles, teeth and hand were found. Large cranial capacity of 680cc. 1.8-1.6 million years old. Parabolic dental arcade and stone tool use (Oldowan tools).
Early homo anatomy
Large brain relative to body size, rounded braincase, smaller face, reduced prognathism, parabolic dental arcade.
KNM-ER 1470
Larger cranial capacity, evidence of more than 1 species, homo rudolfensis, Koobi Fora location, 1.8-2.5 million years ago.
Stone tool usage
Oldowan industry, pebble tools, choppers, quarts, chert. used for food processing, tool manufacturing, quarrying-shows possible forethought and planning.
Homo Erectus
Projecting face, sloping forehead, pentagonal skull, heavy jaw, sagittal crest, supraorbital torus. Found in Eastern Asia, 0.14-0.19 million years ago.Cranial capacity of 700-1200, closest human ancestor. First hominin to leave Africa
Homo Ergastor
Nariokotome, Lake Turkana, Kenya (Turkana Boy). 1.6 million years ago, nearly complete skeleton of an adolescent male. Growth rate closer to panin and gorilla.
Acheulean Stone Tools
Lower Palaeolithic period (1.5 million years ago), Bifacial and multi-use tools (butchery, digging, processing, cutting).
Homo Floresiensis
Found in 2003, around 1 million-60000 years ago. Found on Ling Bua, Flores Island, Indonesia. Nicknamed “the hobbit.” Small brain size of 380 to 410 cc. Large teeth and feet, bipedal with differing adaptations.
Insular Dwarfism
Adaptation to island conditions-smaller home range, few predators. Small stegadons, Giant Storks, Giant Rats. Bigger animals fill niches of absent large predators.