Theme 4.4 - The changing status of minorties Flashcards
How many native Americans served in the armed forces during the war?
25,000. (The highest proportion of the minority groups) A further 40,000 worked in war production.
Year - Indian Claims Commission
What did the Indian Claims Commission do?
Set up to offer financial compensation to Native Americans for claims for lost lands - but not to return the lands themselves.
Year - Bracero Program
Year - Civil rights committee
Year - Brown v Board
Year - Eisenhower becomes president
What did the House Concurrent Resolution do in August 1953?
Number 108, announced the termination policy of the Indian Claims Commission. So the reservations should be broken up and Native Americans encouraged to move to urban areas to like other American Citizens
What party was Eisenhower?
How many native Americans were there in 1941?
Year - Daures Severally Act
What did the Daures Severely act do?
Split up the land the Native Americans had. If they agreed to this then they would receive an American Citizenship. They wanted the NA to become streamline Americans.
Give two examples of lands that were broken up after the Indian Claims Commission was terminated
Menominee and Klamath tribes in Wisconsin and Oregon
What was the result of the Daures Severely act?
90 million acres of land taken away from the native Americans and sold to those from Europe.
Year - Native Americans gave American citizenships
What did the new deal do for Native Americans?
The Indian Reorganisation act - preseve the Native American culture. - Lead by John Collier.
By 1960 what proportion of Native Americans had moved away due to the Daures Severely act?
13,000 out of 400,000. The rest started to return and come back to old reservations. Only 3% of the reservation land had been lost
Who was an important Native American war hero?
Idar Hais
What importance did the Native Americans have in code making?
500 soldiers move all around the world using their unique language to communicate. If they didn’t have a word for it then they would describe it - eg. Submarine = Iron Fish
What did the government want to do after the Daures Severely act?
Follow policy called assimilation (try to absorb them into the culture). Then the policy of termination - stop native American culture forever.
What is set up to bring about the policy of termination?
The Indian Claims Commission.
What steps did the Government use to try to prevent Native American cultures?
Daures Severely act - Split upland. Assimilation - absorb Termination - stop forever
How many Hispanic American moved to the USA each year between 1950-54 due to the Bracero program?
What does Bracero mean in Spanish?
Manual labourers
What was the Bracero program?
Bringing labourers over to help during the war. Most in fruit farms. This continued after the war.
How many people illegally moved to America from Mexico in 1951?
500,000 Over double those legally moving
What was the minimum wage for farmers in the Bracero program?
30 cent an hour. This is 10 times more than would have been earnt in Mexico.
What was life like for Hispanic Bracero workers?
In reality, the diet was not counted for (New diet in eating fruit), wages not inforced and segregated from others near.
Year - Civil Rights Committee set up
September 1946
How can filibuster be seen as a governmental tactic?
- method of walking until a bill had run out of time to be considered
- key example - antilynching bill
what did Executive Order 8821 do?
- July 1948
- Passed by Truman
- To desegregate the armed forces entirely and guarantee fair employment opportunities in the civil service.
- Fair Employment Board set up - but limited impact due to limited funding
Which war rendered segregation impractical?
- Korean War
- Number of casualties meant segregation was not effective
- By 1950 - Armies were fully integrated
How did the Eisenhower administration affect civil rights?
- Executive orders passed to desegregate government-run shipyards and veteran hospitals
- Encouraged the integration of school in Washington
- Brown V. Topeka case rules schools should not be segregated
His belief that racism was a mindset so laws would not work.
When was the NAACP founded and why?
- 1909
- To promote the cause of racial equality and use the law courts to fight for racial justice.
- Eg. campaign against Lynching
- Success in 1910 as abolished grandfather clause in Oklahoma which said only whites could vote.
- 1946 Convinced Supreme Court that transport crossing state boundaries should not have segregated facilities.
Explain the Plessey V. Ferguson case of 1896 and how the NAACP intervened
- Allowed segregation and emphasised that facilities must be separate but equal
- 1930 - NAACP commissioned Margold Report to investigate - 1933 report said it had been imprecise, poorly thought out and vaguely written.
- Also investigated schools in south - South Carolina spent 100 times more on white schools.
- Mississippi 4 1/5 more on white education
- 1946 - 1/4 Black Americans illiterate
- No Black institute offered PhD level and only 2 offered medical education
How did the NAACP change the education of Donald Gaines Murray?
- Not allowed to study law within home state of Maryland
- Meaning he had to travel
- However, because degree would not be from the state he would not be allowed to practice law within Maryland
- The NAACP won case and he studied in Maryland.
Give two cases in June 1950 when NAACP lawyers won crucial Court rulings
- McLaurin V. Oklahoma - Not segregate graduate schools.
- Sweatt V. Painter - Texas could not segregate law schools
Explain the Brown V. Topeka Board of Education case
- In Kansas 7 year old daughter Linda must cross railroad tracks and bus to school. Whites must closer and better.
- Supreme Courts New Cheif Justice Earl Warren ruled in the question of education separate but equal had no place. - As effected hearts and minds.
- Day 17 May 1954 called - American Revolution or ‘Black Monday’
- Said all schools to be desegregated in 5 years. - however, no time-limited implemented so many schools refused - 723 desegregated but 240,000 same. Ruling seen as ‘null void and with no effect’
Give examples of Black American artists whos music crossed the racial divide
- Count Basie
- Loui Armstrong
- Duke Ellington
- Lena Horne
- Ella Fitzgerald
- Harry Belafonte
Give examples of Black American Actors in Hollywood
- Ruby Dee
- Sindey Pointer
- Dorothy Dandridge
Give a specific example of how Hollywood was adapting and casting less stereotypically Black roles
- Walt Disneys - Song of the South 1946
- Character Uncle Remus was noble if not a little simple
- Elia Kazan Pinky 1949
- Beyond stereotypes
Why was their limited advanced within Black Hollywood?
- Pressure from the HUAC who saw racial equality as a communist ideal
- 20% of the audience from South who would not have welcomes Black American Heros.
Who was the first Black American golf player to compete in the US open?
- Ted Rhodes
- Since John Shipper in 1896
- No Black American selected for the master Tornement until 1974.
When did American Football become integrated?
- 1946
- Bill Willis played started with Cleveland Browns
- Also Woody Strode in LA Rams - later went on to have acting career.
Give an example of a Black American Baseball player
- Jackie Robinson
- Played for Brooklyn Dodgers 1946 in front of 27,000 of which 14,000 were Black.
- Helped Dodgers capture national league pennant
- voted leagues more valuable player
Give an example of Black American basketball players
- Chuck Cooper
- Earl Lloyd
Teams had unwritten quotas of max 4 Black-American players
Give a statistic of how far the NAACP was willing to go for equality
- Had 170 pending court cases
- By Jan 1956 19 had been ruled in their favour.
Give an example of how schools were avoiding the desegregation laws
- Gave grants to white students to attend private schools
- 1959 - Prince Edward County Virginia - closed public schools and enabled its white children to attend private segregated ones.
- Public placement laws.- Allowed biased tests to ensure white went to best schools
- Mississipi law made desegregation illegal.
- 1954 2% schools integrated
Give examples of the deterioration in relations during the 1950s
- 8/11 lynchings in 1955 - Eg. Schoolboy Emmett Till
- Autherine Lucy enrolled at University of Alabama riots ensued and she was expelled
- A mob of 2,000 prevented desegregation in Tennessee and National Guard brought in.
- 20,000 members of Ku Klux Klan
- Citizen councils fought integration - Claimed Gov taken over by communists - supported Southern Manifesto
What is the Southern Manifesto?
- March 1956
- 22 Southern Senators and 82/106 Southern representatives
- Accused Supreme Court of abusing its powers
- Insisted segregation was a state right
- So promised to fight Brown v. Topeka decision.