Theme 3: The development of HR: areflection of changing values and ethical standards Flashcards
HR as a Western Concept
some argue that as they originated in the west, they don’t take into account the different cultural perspectives of Asian and other nations
Despite HR being seen as a Western Concept how have non-Western nations influenced them?
Through their influence in developing international protections for these rights.
HR are indivisible
Some nations argue that some rights are more important than others, (need right to safety and adequate shelter before civil rights become important)
In opposition to the fact that HR are indivisible, how have some nations given priority to certain rights?
They prioritise economic and social wellbeing over political and civil rights, as expressed by China in a Statement to the Vienna world conference on HR in 1993
What are collective rights seen as by some?
An attempt to water down the importance of individual rights. They believe that they should not be considered more important than 1st and 2nd generation rights
How has ‘National Security’ impaired the developing recognition of HR?
Nations justify their inhumane practices in the name of national security, EG. Guantanamo Bay.
New control order and preventative detention laws in Australia.
what has international law reflected? (outline how changing values and ethical standards have contributed to development of HR)
changes in attitudes in society, eg creation of UDHR and subsequently the ICCPR and ICESCR and other international laws have stated the views of society as to
the minimum standards of existence for humans.
example/s of changing values and ethics over time The international law supporting these reforms should be referred to.(outline how changing values and ethical standards have contributed to development of HR)
Abolition of slavery Trade unionism/ labour rights, Suffrage (universal) Peace rights Education (universal) Environmental rights Determination (Self)
when talking about ATSPEED for (outline how changing values and ethical standards have contributed to development of HR)what should be referred to?
the international law supporting these reforms
Domestic responses to international law reform
.(outline how changing values and ethical standards have contributed to development of HR)
eg: Anti-discrimination legislation in response to CEDAW;
changes to the Migration Act in response to the Refugee Convention.