cards 1 Flashcards
P1 How has a shift in changing social values from religious idealogies been reflected in relationship breakdown?
P1 Originally based on UK law and had 14 grounds for divorce, under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1959 (Cth). Proving fault caused further conflict between couples and often required a lawyer to prove, limiting some people’s access to the law. Addressed in S.48 F.L.A just have to prove marriage irretrievably broken down by living separately and apart for one year. This empowers couple and allows for more responsive result through different provisions.
P1 What are the provisions of S.48 of F.L.A?
P1 Kiss and Make Up clause (3months to reconcile w/o changing court date)2 year marriage requirement/mandatory counsellingSeparation under one roof provision (can be hard to prove:Fenech V Fenech 1976)
P1 What do the variety of options when commencing a divorce enable?
Reflects views of contemporary society, empowers couples and allows most responsive outcome to be achieved.
P2 For teh legal consequences of children, what is the process for divorcing couples and what does it centralise around?
P2 Focuses on ‘best interests’ of the child, which is in accordance with UN CROC. Parents must first agree to a parenting plan before being given a divorce, using mediation if necessary and receiving a court order if they are unsuccessful so child’s interests met.
P2 Are the legal mechanisms for the consequences of children succesful?
P2 Not as successful, but there have been many attempts to address this through reform.
P2 How is a more responsive outcome achieved when making parenting plans?
Using family dispute resolutions, as distributed by Relationships Australia, which provides conciliation, mediation conferencing and counselling, allowing for a more personal and meaningful outcome.
P2 What was the report that found there was a 32% reduction in court filings over a five year periods from using Family relationship centres?
2013 ‘getting it right for fams in Australia’ by Joan Kelly. This reduced the use of lawyers and resluted in a ‘significant reduction in costs to the Government for services’.
P2 What are the advantages of Family Resolution services?
P2 Cost effective (Joan Kelley , getting it right for families 2013) but parents could use for lower costs when they may need to attend court instead. Partners could be intimidated by another and this could affect best outcome being reached, discriminates due to economic status
P3 What was the amendment that encouraged shared parental responsibility?
P3 Family Law (Shared Parental Responsibility) Amendment Act 2006), not shared parental rights, another incorporation of UN CROC
P3 What was a criticism of the Family Law (Shared Parental Responsibility) Amendment Act 2006)?
P3 Justice Alistair Nicholson said the act was ‘more or less an attempt… to pander to the strong pressure that’s been put on the Government by various militant fathers’ groups. (THE AGE 2005).
P3 What was Professor Chisolm’s criticism of the Family Law (Shared Parental Responsibility) Amendment Act 2006)?
P3 2009 ‘Family Violence Review’, ‘friendly parent’ provisions and imposition of other partner’s legal costs if vexatious DV claims were made putting largely women and children at risk as discouraged from reporting.
P3 What did the 2016 UNSW report into the issue say?
P3 ‘making victims and perpetrators to make joint decisions’ was largely ignorant of the complexity of the cases and could result in further victimisation.
P3 What did the 2016 UNSW report indicate?
P3 Encouragement of shared parental responsibility and ability to successfuly agree easily hindered in DV cases
P4 What does the Family Law Act say about property?
P5 considers each assets, financial and non finacial contributions, as well as current and future needs.
P4 What is initially encouraged when dividing property?
P5 negotiotiation and compulsory conciliation conference w Fam court, then approved by FCC.
P4 What are the amendments regarding property?
P5 1. in 2000 for superannuation recognised as property2. The Family Law Amendment (De Facto Financial Matters and Other Measures) Act 2008 (Cth) Division of property for defacto ( changing values!)3. Kennon v Kennon (1997) recognised DV on nonfinancial contributions (less accepting!)
P5 What shows the gov’s initiative to having a more resource efficient system?
P5 2012: undergo mediation for a second time, as the emotional strain of the divorce could impair best decision from being made in the long run. Shows Gov’s proactive repsonse, shows importance of trialling methods to achieve efficiency and effectiveness