Theme 2: How did Protestantism develop? (Dates) Flashcards
When was Thomas Cranmer promoted to Archbishop of Canterbury?
1533, with Anne Boleyn’s help.
When was Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy made?
When was Henry VIII’s Treason act made?
When was Mary Barton, The Holy Maid of Kent executed?
1534 (a catholic living saint and prophesier)
When was the Pilgrimage of Grace?
When was the Dissolution of Monasteries?
When were Cromwell’s first set of injunctions, and what were they?
1536, they limited holy days, criticised pilgrimages and criticised images.
When did Cromwell establish visitations to ensure his injunctions were being carried out?
When were Cromwell’s second set of injunctions?
When was there a wave of iconoclasm?
When were Bishop Gardiner and Bonner arrested and what for?
1547, for protesting Edward VI’s religious changes.
When was the 1st act of Uniformity under Edward VI and what did it allow/instate?
1549, it allowed the marriage of priests.
When was the Book of Common Prayer, published?
When was the Western Rebellion/Prayer book rebellion?
When was the first fine for recusancy introduced and through what act?
1559, Act of Uniformity
When was the New testament published in Welsh and why?
1567, to encourage Welsh priests to abandon Catholic practices.
When was the Revolt of the Northern Earls?
When was Elizabeth I excommunicated and by which pope?
1570, Pope Pius V
When was the Treason Act under Elizabeth and what specifically did it outlaw?
1571, and the papal bull of excommunication
When were Bishops forced to start keeping a record of their recusants?
When was Elizabeth’s first bill of Royal Supremacy and Protestant settlement defeated and why?
1559, half of the members of the House of Lords were still Catholic from Mary’s reign.
How did Elizabeth undermine the Lord’s power in order to pass her her Royal Supremacy and Settlement? And When?
-1559, Cecil organises a religious debate that concludes in a Catholic walk out
-Bishops White of Winchester and Watson of Lincoln were arrested for their refusal to take part in the debate.
-Peace treaty Cateau of Cambresis signed with France therefore less likely for a French invasion.
How did Elizabeth ensure her Bill for Royal Supremacy was passed in 1559?
By Introducing Bill of Uniformity and Royal Supremacy at the same time to ensure that if the Uniformity bill ran into trouble the bill for Royal Supremacy would be passed. She took the title of Supreme Governor instead of Head to appease the Protestants.
What did Elizabeth’s bill for Uniformity include?
An oath of loyalty to be sworn by all royal officials, the penalty for the refusal of this was a loss of office. It would use the more radical 1552 prayer book with a little influence from the moderate 1549 prayer book allowing transubstantiation to be ambiguous. Church would return to less radical 1548 decoration.
What Injunctions did Elizabeth pass to help define the Church?
Dress like Edward’s reign.
Clergy need permission from 2 JP’s and a bishop to marry.
Clergy must preach 4 times a year at minimum and have an English bible.
When was the Bond of Association?
When was Mary Queen of Scots executed?
When was a Supplication for Beggars, published, who was it supported by and what did it do?
1529, published by Simon Fish, supported by Anne Boleyn, it criticised the wealth of the Catholic Church and attacked the belief of purgatory and indulgences.