L:T2, early challenge to the church Flashcards
What was Luthers early education like?
His Father sent him to the best schools. Luther attended Mansfield for 8 years. Learnt Latin and religion, tons of rote learning and harsh discipline.
Then went to school in Magdeburg for 1 year, run by the Brethren of the common life. (they lived like peasants and valued inner piety, humility and simplicity of life.) Later in life he stops the closure of one of these schools.
Then goes to school in Einsach for 4 years so he can board with relatives, studies latin for four years and praised his teacher’s talent.
Where did Luther go to university?
University of Erfurt (one of the best schools in Germany). He was older as most students start at 14.
what was the programme like at Uni?
Had to get a bachelors and masters in the faculty of liberal arts before you could go on to specialise in medicine, law or theology.
What did Luther study?
His liberal arts programme was probably pre-determined by his father but he studied:
Grammar, rhetoric, logic, geometry, arithmetic, music and astronomy. Coincidentally basis for a church career.
What was scholastic teaching like?
Were expected to absorb and repeat what was said to you. Lectures involved diction (textbook in Q&A form) and you would learn logical argument through practise debates.
How long did it take Luther to achieve his Bachelor of Arts degree?
1 year, which was impressive.
When did Luther get his Master of Arts degree and what did he achieve?
1505, he came second in his class out of 17 students.
What was Luthers Father called?
What did Luther’s dad decide he would become?
A Lawyer like the rest of his family.
How many months did it take into his course before Luther decided to become a monk?
2 months.
Why did Luther decide to become a monk?
Says he was in a lightening storm and was about to die when he prayed and asked God to save him and he would become a monk. St. Anna then appeared to him and saved him.
Why is this a sceptical story?
He was depressed for 6 months before thinking that he was damned to hell. It could be just an excuse to validate his decision to his father or to the idea that he is chosen by God.
What order did Luther join?
The Augustinians, which were not a closed order as they could go out into the public so technically a friar but he says monk.
Who was the Head of the Augustinians and first Dean of Faculty at Wittenberg University?
Johann Von Staupitz
How was Luther during this time?
Depressed and still thinking he was damned to hell so prays for hours, starves himself etc.
What did Staupitz do to try and help Luther (3 things)?
- Brought his attention to the works of St. Augustine at Hippo who said that God determined man’s salvation not our actions.
- Sent him to Wittenberg university where the view of God was emphasised through faith (influenced him later on in life)
- Sent Luther to visit Rome.
When did Luther get sent to Rome?
November 1510
What happened in Rome?
Luther saw the journey as a pilgrimage so did all the stuff, i.e. climbing the Scala Santa on his knees. He was unimpressed by the worldliness and insincerity of Rome.
When did Luther write the 95 thesis?
What were the 95 thesis contesting?
the sale of indulgences saying that they were lulling the poor into a false sense of security thinking their souls were saved from purgatory by a piece of paper.
When was Martin Luther excommunicated?