The Wrist and Hand Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
Recall the bones of the wrist
Distal ulna and radius and 8 carpal bones scaphoid (navicular) lunate triquetrum, pistiform, hamate capitate, trapezoid, tapezium (so long to pinky, here comes the thumb)
3 muscles for wrist extension
Extensor carpi radialis longis, brevis, and ulnaris
2 muscles for wrist flexion
Flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris
Abduction and adduction of fingers is performed by…
….dorsal and palmar interossei muscles
Atrophy of thenar muscles indicates ___ nerve compression, hypothenar muscle atrophy indicates ___
median, ulnar
Smith’s fracture
Fracture of distal radius with ventral displacement of hand, reverse of colles fracture
1st carpal metacarpal arthritis (CMC joint)
Also known as trapeziometacarpal arthritis, can be treated with NSAIDS or surgical removal
Where does dequervain’s tenosynovitis occur?
Over the extensor and abductor tendons of the thumb as they cross the radial styloid
What 2 tendons form the anatomical snuff box?
Exensor pollocis longus and extensor pollocis brevis/abductor pollocis longus
Sensation of hand nerve supply
Median does thenar surface, palmar side and part of dorsal side digits 1-3 and part of 4, ulnar does remaining palmar side and part of dorsum of hand as well as part of digit 4 and 5, radial nerve just does part of dorsum of hand and dorsum of thumb on half the hand
Finkelstein’s test
Grip thumb in wrist and then undergo ulnar deviation to test for dequarvian tenosynovitis
Thumb abduction test
Test if thumb is weak to resisted abduction indicative of isolated median nerve damage (carpal tunnel)
Scaphoid (navicular) fracture needs a ___ for fear of avascular necrosis or nonunion
referral to orthopedics
Kienbocks disease
Avascular necrosis of lunate bone of unknown etiology (perhaps disease state, perhaps fracture, etc), bone fragments can cause excruciating pain, after bone degenerates other carpal bones migrate within hand causing crippling, surgical options can result in loss of function via bone removal or fusing but helps alleviate pain
Trigger finger and management
Painless nodule in flexor tendon in palm near metacarpal head, too big to enter tendon sheath during extension of fingers from flexed position, has auditory pop when extended with effort, can be treated with steroid injections or surgery
Gamekeepers/skier’s thumb
Injury to ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb resulting from hyperabduction of MCP joint, either torn or avulsed at insertion to the proximal phalynx of the thumb, can be due to fall or skiing injury