The Veils That Bind Us Flashcards
The retention of breath after the inhalation
Antara kumbhaka
Grounding force found in the elimination of CO2 and food waste, as well as in birthing
The suspension of breath after the exhalation
Bahya kumbhaka
The outermost hamstring in the posterior compartment of the leg (hip extender)
Biceps Femoris
The smaller, outermost gluteal muscle (hip extender)
Gluteus Medius
The larger gluteal muscle (hip extender)
Gluteus Maximus
Obstacles to our practice; veils of illusion that begin with ignorance (avidya)
Inward-moving energy located at the heart, chest, and lungs. Its functions include respiration and sensory perception
Physical control of the breath that’s meant to remove mental disruptions and create a calm mind for meditation
The muscle that stabilizes the lumbar spine and acts as a hip flexor
The inhalation
The soul as reflected by the intellect
Pure Awareness
A paired muscle, often called the QL, that supports the lumbar spine as a posterior abdominal muscle
Quadratus Lumborum
The exhalation
An equalizing energy that moves toward the center that’s located at the navel. Its functions include digestion, metabolism, and homeostasis
The most medial hamstring in the posterior compartment of the leg (hip extender)
The middle hamstring muscle in the posterior compartment of the leg next to semimembranosus and biceps femoris (hip extender
An ascending energy located at the throat, upper chest, and head. Its functions include thought, speech, exhalation, growth, and consciousness
An outward-moving and diffusive energy located at the PNS. It pervades the entire body. Its functions include circulation and movement.