The Vatican 2 Flashcards
What is the Vatican ll?
•The most recent meeting of the general council of the Catholic Church in the 1960s and an example of extraordinary magisterium where lots of changes were made to Church practices
•the purpose was for the Church to address its relationship to the modern world and to become more inclusive as it had been through significant change including 2 world wars
What evidence is there for the Vatican ll?
Pope John XXIII said he wanted to “throw open the windows of the Church” as it was seen to be separate from the world and other religions
How does the Vatican ll impact a Catholic’s life?
They will look to the teaching of the magisterium in the various Vatican II documents to fully understand the message of God in modern day life
What is the “Der Verbum” (word of God) document?
•This means “word of God” and focuses on the belief that the word of God is Jesus who can be known through the Bible and the tradition of the Church
•This has encouraged Catholics to hse the bibles as part of the their prayers which has led to more Bible study group in parishes
•Jesus says in the Bible “I am the way the truth and the life”
What is the “Sacro Sanctum” (worship) document?
•This document was created as the Church wanted people to to be involved in worship to have greater understanding of what was happening
•They did this by changing masses from Latin to the local language and by moving the altar so it would face the congregation in order for the priests actions to be seen.
•Catholics can now have a visual representation and deeper understanding of the symbolism used during mass
•Pope John XXIII said “I want to throw open the windows of the Church “
What is the “Lumen Gentium” (light of the people) document ?
•This document was created to ensure all members of the Church knew they had significant roles to play by taking on a more active role of the Church through evangelism
•this has influenced the lives of Catholics as they act on the promise made during baptism to be “light of the world” by heping others
•e.g. the Bible says “Go and make disciple of all nations”
What is the Gaudium et spes ( Joy and Hope) document?
•This document was created in response to the Church being seen as separate the the rest of the world
•it calls the Church to share in the joys,hopes, griefs and anxiety of the whole human race extending beyond the Church
•This changes a Catholic’s life as they encouraged to donate to charities like the CAFOD in order to help those in poverty around the world
•e.g. the Bible says “love thy number”