The Social Sciences Flashcards
When did the divide between cultural and physical anthropology begin to develop?
12th century
In the 12th center what type of science did Cultural anthropology begin to become?
Social Science
In the 12th center what type of science did Physical anthropology begin to become?
Natural Science
What is Culture?
The customs, belifes, social forms and material traits of a racial, religious or social group
Cultural Anthropology focuses on what?
human cultures from begining to present day
Social anthropology studies focus on what?
individivuils interact in group settings
What is Sociology?
he scientific investigation of behaivor of individurals and groups in a society, and how they effect each other.
What is Society?
A group of people joined by common belifes, intrests, goverment, econimc systems and culture
Sociology is the study of (present or past) society?
Anthropology is the study of (present or past) society?
Society studies lifestyles of groups in?
Communites, Neigborhoods, Schools and churches
What science is nicknamed “king of the social sciences”?
What is Economics?
Economics is the study of how good and services are produced/distributitted
What are the three basic questions of Economics?
⁃ What should be produced?
⁃ How should products be produced?
⁃ For whom should the products be produced?
What is Macroeconomics?
Maceonomics borad view of all resoruces, factors of production
What is Microeconomics?
Microeconmics fouces on independent areas of economy such as busineesses, households, deomgraphic subjects
What is Geography?
⁃ Geographers study physical and human characterstics of the locations
⁃ Geographers study how people interact with there goverment
⁃ Geographers exame movement of people
⁃ Geographerst study regions (areas with similar charcteristics)
⁃ Geography how invirment effects culture
What is human geography?
The study of activities of individuals in geographic region or area is refeared to as human geography
What is population geography?
The study of demographics
What is cultural geography?
The study of cultures in a region
What is population geography?
The study of demographics is called population geography
Examin population movement and information about death and birth rates in geographic regions
History is a?
Social science and humanities
What is history?
The record of past events in order of witch they happened
What do Historians do?
Historians conduct reasurch to deturmen, accrucey significance and cause/effect of passt events
What is Psychology?
It is the study of the human mind and how it interacts with the body
What overlaps Psychology and anthropology?
Social Psychology
What is Social Psychology?
⁃ Social psycology used to reasearch beahivor and realtionships in groups settings
⁃ Social psycologists cous on reaseurch on how members of groups interact with each other
How do anthropologist use social psychology?
Anthropologitsts study the orgin of the physical social and cultural development and behaivor of humans
Social-cultural anthropologists study what?
They study the customs, culture/ social lives of groups in all settings
What do Linguistic anthropologists study?
Linguistic anthropologitsts invistagate the role of and changes to langugae over time
What do Biophysical anthropolgists study?
Biophysical anthropolgitsts reasurch evelotion of the human body look for earliest evidence of human and analize how cluture and biology influence each other
Physical anthropologists examine what to understand what?
Physical anthropoligitsts examine human relamins to understand population dememgraphics and factors affected populations (ex.desease)
What do Archeologists examine?
Achreologists examine and recover material evedence (ex.pottery) from past human cultures to determ history, customs, ect.
What do Geographers analyze?
Geographers analize distribation of phsyical and cutlural pheomena in local,regional, contintental and globel scales
What do Economic georgaphers study?
Economic geogrpahers study distibation of resorces and economic activiites
What do Politicals study?
The relationship of geography and politics
What do Cultural geographers study?
The geography and how that relates to culture
what do Physical geographers study?
Phsycial geograpehrs examine variation in climate, vegietation, ect. And how effect human activity
What do Urban Geographers study?
Cities and metropolitan areas geography and how that relates to transportation
What to Regional geographers study?
They study the physical economic polititcal and cultural characteristics of regions ranging in size
What do medical geographers investigate?
Medicial geographers investigate the health care delivery system, ediemiology and effect of enviorment on health
What is Epidemology?
The study cause and control of epidemics
What is GIS?
Geographic information systems
Who uses GIS?
What do Political scientists study?
Political systems
What do Sociologists study?
the interaction, trace orgin and growth of groups and influence ACTIVITY
the cahracteristcis hw idividuals affect each other, and the effects oscial traits effect a persons daily life
How do economics study?
⁃ Conduct reasurch, collect data, moniter trends ect
⁃ Issues (ex.intrest rates)
What types of behavior do Psychologists study?
Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, and Social
Demography is most closely related to the study of which of these?
In which of these social sciences is the study of monetary purchases of a household most often explored?
The scientific method is used most often in which of these social sciences?
Which of these subjects can be defined as the study of activities of individuals and groups in a geographic region?
human geography
In which of these social sciences would the subject of a field study examining the lives of a primitive tribe on a Pacific island be discussed?
A research study on the effect of alcoholism among college students would occur in which of these social sciences?
A narrative account of the experiences of the men who flew on B-17 bombers during World War II would be researched in which of these social sciences?
Which social scientist would study the American Legion’s practice of displaying the American flag on Memorial Day?
Which of these terms can be defined as the customs, beliefs, social norms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group?