History of Anthropology Flashcards
Anthropology is the study of humanity and culture
What was the enlightenment moment?
It was the concept that rose in power, they believed;
- social progress could be enchanced though search for knowledge
⁃ Many enlightment leaders did not support religon/social values of the time
⁃ Scientists of the Enlightment begain to think/reson why/how things happene in nature
⁃ Valuced reason belived in both individual/society could acive perfection
study in anthropology 1800s focused on on what?
cultures/physcial characteristics of humans
Cultural diffusion
Cultural diffusion is when chateristics of one culture sperads to another culture
Modern anthropology developed in the early ___?
1800s (19th century)
What did the late 1700s revolutions change about societies?
that group of individuals could overthrow powerful governments
Who developed the first theory of evolution?
Chevalier de Lamerack (in the late 1809)
When did the discussion of evolution become common?
the middle of the nineteenth centery
Who else supported the theory about evolution?
Edward Tylor and Sir James Frazer
Who started comparing costumes, religions and societies from around the world?
Edward Tylor and Sir James Frazer
Who nicknamed the father of modern anthropology?
Edward Tylor
What was different about the study of archeology in the 19th centery?
They didn’t concider that people were influenced by forces outside of their own culture
How did Lewis Henry Morgan believe similarities in cultures develop?
That they were not influencing each other and were instead devolving individually
Who first suggested the idea of social evolution?
Karl Marx in the mid 1800s
Which person believed in Communism?
Karl Marx
What were European anthropology scientists mostly studying in the 19th centery?
Why European cultures were better then others
Did most anthropologists beloved in evolution in the 19th century?
When did the difference between physical and cultural anthropology begin to develop?
The 12th century
What did cultural anthropologists first study?
Evolutionism and the relationships of people from different cultures. They also began to study how history and other factors effects cultures
Who was the first person to introduce anthropology into an academic setting?
Franz Boa
Where was the first department of anthropology made?
Columbia University in New York in 1899
What did Franz Boa think of evolution?
He did not think it was true and instead studied anthropology from an historical perspective
Who is Franz Boa’s famous students?
⁃ Ruth F. Benedict
⁃ Alfred L. Kroeber
⁃ Margret Mead
Who wrote the Coming of age in Somoa?
Margret Mead
What was Bronislaw Malinowski believes about anthropology.
that to study parts of culture you must first determened what fuction they do, to him current cultural events were more importnat then how culture evolve (developed idea in 1920s)
participent obeservation
anthropologists take an active role in the culture/socity they are study
written record of participents observation
Alfred Reginald Radcliffe Brown
He studied how institutions in society kept things working
Emile Durkheim
They developed functionalist theroy of society. Viewed society as group of people working for commen good
John Ogbu
Anthropologist who studied in the US
Louis Leaky, Mary Leakey, Richard Leaky
all studied humans remains in africa
____ developed one of the first theories of evolution in1809. He was a French naturalist who believed that the process of evolution was guided by natural laws.
Chevalier de Lamarck
____ a British naturalist, publishedThe Origin of Speciesin 1859, bringing the issue of evolution to center stage.
Charles Darwin
____ and others wrote about customs, religions, and cultures of people from around the world.
Sir James Frazer
____ saw history not as a meaningless succession of events, but as a social change resulting from the struggle of classes. He believed that all wealth was produced by the labor of workers.
Karl Marx
____ a British anthropologist and structural functionalist, focused his research on how the institutions in society functioned to keep everything working in an efficient manner.
Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown
____ developed the functionalist theory of sociology. He viewed society as a group of people working cooperatively for the common good.
Emile Durkheim
____ believed that the only way to study parts of a culture was to determine what function they performed.
Bronislaw Malinowski
____ was the first person to introduce anthropology into an academic setting.
Franz Boas
Which of these is the best description of Chevalier de Lamarck’s theory of evolution?
The process of evolution is controlled by natural laws.
All social institutions and social behavior are controlled by economic factors.
He studied the evolution of the social sciences.
He studied the evolution of anthropology in modern day urban areas.
The process of evolution is controlled by natural laws.
Which of these men was not involved with evolutionism?
Charles Darwin
Chevalier de Lamarck
Incorrect Response
Henry Lewis Morgan
Correct Answer
Franz Boas
Franz Boas
Which of these choices best describes Karl Marx’s social evolution theory?
He thought that people would use reason to find happiness and knowledge.
He believed all wealth is produced by labor.
He believed that the characteristics of one culture would be spread to another culture.
He believed that the entire history of a culture must be studied.
He believed all wealth is produced by labor.
Which of these statements is true?
The Industrial Revolution marked the beginning of modern-day anthropology.
The study of anthropology in the 1800s focused on culture and the physical characteristics of the human race.
The theory of functionalism was developed as a reaction of evolutionism.
Franz Boas believed the best way to study a culture was through its history.
The study of anthropology in the 1800s focused on culture and the physical characteristics of the human race.
Which of these people would be most in agreement regarding how anthropological research is conducted?
Franz Boas and Bronislaw Malinowski
Karl Marx and Charles Darwin
Emile Durkheim and Lewis Henry Morgan
Edward Tylor and John Ogbu
Franz Boas and Bronislaw Malinowski
Which of these statements best defines evolutionism?
Incorrect Response
It refers to the relationships between individuals and cultures and the ongoing changes in a society.
Correct Answer
It was used to classify cultures and societies as passing through defined stages.
It is the notion that one’s culture is better than any other culture in the world.
It would occur when the characteristics of one culture were spread to another culture.
It was used to classify cultures and societies as passing through defined stages.
Which of these is the best description of cultural diffusion?
the characteristics of one culture are spread to another culture
a study of the parts of a culture according to their function
establishment of a small centralized authority
the process of natural selection
the characteristics of one culture are spread to another culture
Which of these is the best description of pluralism?
A group of people work cooperatively together for the common good.
It is a study of the physical world, including the earth, space, and life.
It is the concept of survival of the fittest.
A person must look at more than one factor when studying a culture.
A person must look at more than one factor when studying a culture.
Which of these is the best description of structural functionalism?
The concept that one’s own culture is better than any other culture.
The past is not important, and only what is happening in the present matters.
Society is a system of interrelated elements that work together in an efficient and harmonious manner.
Anthropologists take an active role in their research study.
Society is a system of interrelated elements that work together in an efficient and harmonious manner.
Which of these is the best description of ethnocentrism?
Anthropologists take an active role a research study.
The concept that one’s own culture is better than any other culture.
Society is a system of interrelated elements that work together in an efficient and harmonious manner.
The past is not important and only what is happening in the present matters.
The concept that one’s own culture is better than any other culture.
Which of these is the most accurate description of Bronislaw Malinowski’s views?
Correct Answer
The current cultural events are more important than how the culture evolved.
Incorrect Response
The concept that one’s culture is better than any other culture.
Society is a system of interrelated elements that work together in an efficient and harmonious manner.
He developed the humanities.
The current cultural events are more important than how the culture evolved.
Which of these events occurred first?
the French Revolution
the Enlightenment
the American Revolution
the Industrial Revolution
the Enlightenment
Who developed the first theories of evolution?
Karl Marx
Emile Durkheim
Chevalier de Lamarck
Franz Boas
Chevalier de Lamarck
What was the first school in America to create a department of anthropology?
Columbia University
Harvard University
Johns Hopkins University
Yale University
Columbia University