Research Flashcards
What are the two main types of research?
Observational studies and Experimental studies
Observational studies
Collection of data by watching activities of subjects
Experimental study
studies that changes variables
Pure scientists
Scientists who study to learn knowledge
applied scientists
Scientists who study to solve problem
Deductive reasoning
Moves general to speesific to reseach a concllusion
Inductive reasoning
Moves spesific facts to a genearl to reaseve a conclution
Controlled exparment
here only one variable at a time is changed
Variabel is a condition in an exparement that is changed
Stratified random sample
The population is devided into groups of diffrent variables (ex. Ethnicity) then a random sample is taken form each group
Would another similar study yeild similar results to first study
How well reasearch mesures to what it was supposed to mesure (how effective was it)
Quantititve measurement
Is mesure of how much
Mesurment that identifys things (ex.height or length)
Counting so counting objects in a category (ex.mean, median)
The middle number
The number that appeares most
The diffrence between the greatest and least number
Bronislaw malinoski
Bronislaw malinoski developed participant observation
Frank Cushing
Frank Cushing was one first participent observeres. He became part of the society of Zuni natives in New mexico while a participent observer for 5 years
Census conducted every __ years
Census conducted every 10 years
secondary analysis
Use of data aready collected is secondary analysis
Qualitative analysis
Narative description and interpertation of what was obervered/gathered
Scientific method
Scientifict method:
1. Identify the problem or the question to be answered.
2. Research and gather information.
- Formulate a hypothesis. 4. Conduct research. 5. Identify the sample size and gather data. 6. Record and analyze data. 7. Form a conclusion.
At the conclusion of which of these research methods is an ethnography written?
participant observation
Choose the term that matches the following scenario.
An anthropologist questions the elders of a South American Indian tribe about their religious beliefs.
Choose the term that matches the following scenario.
A census of all people living in the United States is taken every 10 years.
Choose the term that matches the following scenario.
A social scientist reports the findings at the conclusion of a study of rural schools in North Dakota.
case study
Choose the term that matches the following scenario.
Social scientists call people to obtain their views on the quality of healthcare in their city.
Choose the term that matches the following scenario.
A study of small-group behavior of a selected random sample.
controlled experiment
Choose the term that matches the following scenario.
An anthropologist moves to a community to study the effects of poverty on senior citizens.
field observation
Which of these is an example of rank order?
arranging a number set from least to greatest
Which of these is an example of rank order?
arranging a number set from least to greatest
Choose the term that matches the following scenario
An anthropologist examines the census data over the past 100 years to determine the growth of minority groups in the United States.
secondary analysis
What is an ethnography?
part of a qualitative study