The Social Gospel & Federal Council of Churches Flashcards
Who wrote “Divine White Right”?
Trevor Bowen
Who requested that “Divine White Right” be written?
Protestant Christian officials
According to “Divine White Right”, what is fundamental to the consideration of the problem?
Economic forces: problems of unemployment, lower wages, and higher costs of living
What does “Divine White Right” call upon White Churches to do?
Take the initiative in ending segregation
In “Divine White Right”, what has a direct baring on current events?
The Slave Era
According to “Divine White Right”, what was the view of Frederick Douglass on migration?
Emigration is not the permanent remedy of racial ills
In “Divine White Right”, what is the only thing that Southern White Churches are doing to help Negro Churches?
Only giving some money
According to “Divine White Right”, who is the current driving force in churches?
In “Divine White Right”, what is the church losing its dominance over?
Schooling for African Americans
Who wrote “I Speak for Myself”?
John Haynes Holmes
Who was John Haynes Holmes?
Unitarian, pacifist, and co-founder of the NAACP and ACLU
According to John Haynes Holmes in “I Speak for Myself”, what were his parishioners loyal to?
Not the creed or hierarchy, but the manner of life
In “I Speak for Myself”, where should the church be in the reform debate?
At the vanguard of the battle for reform
Who does Haynes Holmes cite as his inspiration in “I Speak for Myself”?
Walter Rauschenbusch
In “I Speak for Myself”, to what did the Church of the Messiah in NYC change its name?
Community Church of New York
In “I Speak for Myself”, how did Haynes Holmes see his destiny as a minister?
- Lay as much outside the church as in it
- Identified with political and reform movements
What 2 movements did John Haynes Holmes help to found?
- American Civil Liberties Union
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
In “I Speak For Myself”, who was the only competition for BTW?
W. E. B. DuBois
According to “I Speak For Myself”, what are the 3 periods of history of the free negro?
- Reconstruction
- Dominated by BTW
In “I Speak For Myself”, how drastic is the need for religious change?
As drastic as the Reformation
According to “I Speak For Myself”, who gave expression to the ideas of the Community Church?
Josiah Royce
In “I Speak For Myself”, what was the Community Church an attempt to do?
Apply democracy to religion
According to “I Speak For Myself”, where should reform come from?
The people, not the dictation of the minister
Who wrote “Social Work and Influence of the Negro Church”?
R. R. Wright
What was “Social Work and Influence of the Negro Church”?
An article in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences
Who was R. R. Wright Jr.?
- Sociologist
- President of Wilberforce University, Ohio
- Bishop in the AME Church
According to “Social Work and Influence of the Negro Church”, what was the ‘Negro Church’?
Portion of organised Christian teaching conducted exclusively by Negroes among the members of their race
In “Social Work and Influence of the Negro Church”, what was the chief work of the Methodist denominations?
Building of a strong central organisation: much social work by the local church has been omitted
According to “Social Work and Influence of the Negro Church”, where is the church strongest and weakest?
- Rural church the least influential
- Church strongest in the small town
In “Social Work and Influence of the Negro Church”, what are 5 obstacles to social work?
- Rapidly growing Negro city population
- Poverty of the Negroes
- Difficulty of securing cooperation between the various denominations
- Religious ideals of the many Negroes, which are chiefly emotional and concerned with heaven and hell
- Brevity of the pastor’s tenure
Who wrote “The Church and Negro Progress”?
George E. Haynes
Who was George E. Haynes?
Secretary, Commission on the Church and Race Relations, Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
What was “The Church and Negro Progress”?
An article in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
According to “The Church and Negro Progress”, what are the three sections of progress?
- Intra-group advancement
- Inter-group adjustments between the Negro population and the white population
- Internal and external, e.g. cultural contributions of Negroes
In “The Church and Negro Progress”, what are the 2 ways in which the church has helped educational progress?
- Financial support & administrative development of schools
- Organised channel for distribution of information and emotional stimulation to the rank and file
Who wrote “87 Years Behind the Black Curtain”?
R. R. Wright Jr.
What is “87 Years Behind the Black Curtain”?
In “87 Years Behind the Black Curtain”, what was the white attitude to Negro education?
- A waste of time and money
- Believed that book learning and manual work did not go together
In “87 Years Behind the Black Curtain”, what did older people believe about race relations?
That the white man was created to rule, and the black man to serve him
In “87 Years Behind the Black Curtain”, what did the older people believe about heaven?
There would be no white people in heaven
What did the whites use the bible for, in “87 Years Behind the Black Curtain”?
Used to bolster their position of superiority and rule
In “87 Years Behind the Black Curtain”, who inspired Wright in Chicago?
Reverdy Ransom at the Institutional Church
According to “87 Years Behind the Black Curtain”, what did Ransom believe about the Church?
That it should help the community in practical daily living
What newspaper did Wright edit, in “87 Years Behind the Black Curtain”?
The Christian Recorder
What was Wright’s aim, in “87 Years Behind the Black Curtain”?
Make the world the kingdom of God
According to “87 Years Behind the Black Curtain”, what did Ransom’s replacement do?
Make the Institutional Church a regular AME Church again, by removing the “social foolishness”
In “87 Years Behind the Black Curtain”, who has revolutionised Christian thinking and action on race relations?
Martin Luther King Jr.
Who wrote “Overcoming Racial and Religious Prejudices”?
R. R. Wright
What was “Overcoming Racial and Religious Prejudices”?
A World Fellowship Address
According to “Overcoming Racial and Religious Prejudices”, what multiply other difficulties?
Religious and racial prejudices
In “Overcoming Racial and Religious Prejudices”, what is one of the chief causes and supports of race prejudice?
Who wrote “The Negro, the Hope or Despair of Christianity”?
Reverdy Ransom
Who was Reverdy Ransom?
AME Bishop
Social Gosepler
Civil Rights activist
In “The Negro, the Hope or Despair of Christianity”, where does American democracy get its life from?
Spirit and inspiration of the teachings of Jesus
According to “The Negro, the Hope or Despair of Christianity”, what does the American Negro confront?
Tests the practical application of Christianity
Who wrote “How to Cure Racial and Religious Persecution”?
James Todd
What was “How to Cure Racial and Religious Persecution”?
A World Fellowship Address
According to “How to Cure Racial and Religious Persecution”, where does race persecution come from?
Who wrote “Interracial Justice and GoodWill”?
Philip Alen Shwartz
What was “Interracial Justice and GoodWill”?
A World Fellowship Address
Who wrote “Making the Gospel Plain”?
Reverdy C. Ransom
What was “Out of the Midnight Sky: A Thanksgiving Address”?
A sermon published in “Making the Gospel Plain”
In “Out of the Midnight Sky”, what is the true mark of progress?
Spiritual renewal, best measured in the progress of AA
According to “Out of the Midnight Sky”, what is the crowning glory of the development of the century?
The Parliament of Religions
What is “The Coming Vision”?
An article published in “Making the Gospel Plain”, addressing the General Conference of 1920
In “The Coming Vision”, what should the AME Church not do?
Compromise its principles
According to “The Coming Vision”, what should the mission of the AME Church be?
To save every man
What is “The Institutional Church and Social Settlement”?
Book chapter published in “Making the Gospel Plain” (part of his autobiography)
In “The Institutional Church and Social Settlement”, who opposed the church’s creation?
Leading clergymen of Chicago, specifically those from the AME Church
According to “The Institutional Church and Social Settlement”, what led to the church’s dynamiting?
Work on the 1902 strike
What is “A Program for the Negro’?
An article published in “Making the Gospel Plain”
Who does Ransom support in “A Program for the Negro”?
Booker T. Washington and his 1899 movement
Who wrote “The Church and the Negro Spirit”?
George E. Haynes
What is “The Church and the Negro Spirit”?
An article in Survey Graphic
What church does “The Church and the Negro Spirit” tell the story of?
Salem Methodist Episcopal Church taking possession of an old white church in 1924
According to “The Church and the Negro Spirit”, what are the 4 main problems facing the church?
- Adequate buildings
- Giving fellowship to newcomers of the same faith
- Adequate resources for social service
- Greet intelligent people who do not know the strains of the cities