Segregation and Religion Flashcards
Who wrote “The Negro: What is His Ethnological Status’?
Who was Ariel?
- Buckner H. Payne
- Clergyman & publisher
What is the purpose of “The Negro: What is His Ethnological Status”?
- Counter-argument to the Curse of Ham
- Show that AA were beasts on the Ark, and so had no souls
- Preach the danger of miscegenation (apocalypse)
What 2 errors does “The Negro: What is His Ethnological Status” claim clergymen make about Ham?
- Ham’s name in Hebrew means black
2. Curse turned Ham black
How does “The Negro: What is His Ethnological Status” refute clerical claims about Ham?
- Curse actually against Canaan, the youngest son of Ham
- Names of Shem and Japeth do not describe their colour
- Other biblical curses do not turn people black
- Christ died to redeem us from the curse, and there are still black people
How does “The Negro: What is his Ethnological Status” prove that negroes were on the Ark as beasts?
- All the sons of Noah were white (look at their descendants)
- Noah must have been white
- Noah perfect in his genealogy, so Adam and Eve must have been white
- Negro must have been a beast
What example does “The Negro: What is his Ethnological Status” use to demonstrate similarities between Negroes and monkeys?
Gorillas frequently steal Negro women for their wives
According to “The Negro: What is his Ethnological Status”, what caused the Flood?
In “The Negro: What is his Ethnological Status”, who built the Tower of Babel?
According to “The Negro: What is his Ethnological Status”, what caused Sodom and Gomorrah?
In “The Negro: What is his Ethnological Status”, who has God always chosen to confer his blessing on humanity?
White slaveholding nations
Who wrote “The Negro: A Beast”?
Charles Carroll
What is the aim of “The Negro: A Beast”?
Use biblical and scientific facts to demonstrate that the Negro is not the offspring of Adam
In “The Negro: A Beast”, how many races of men are there?
5: White at the top, Negro at the bottom
In “The Negro: A Beast”, how does Carroll show that the Negro has less psychic power?
Smaller skull and brain
In “The Negro: A Beast”, what are 4 supposed differences between whites and blacks?
- AA do not feel pain like white men
- AA immune to many diseases
- AA biologically lazier
- AA biologically slower
What claim does Carroll refute in “The Negro: A Beast”?
The idea that colour is down to climate: actually black pigment
Who wrote “A Call to the South”?
Mark Ethridge
What was “A Call to the South”?
An article in the Nieman Reports
Who was Mark Ethridge?
A Louisville journalist
What was “A Call to the South” a response to?
The idea that the South had great potential
In “A Call to the South”, what is the ‘Industrial Trinity’?
Hydrocarbons, sulphur, and water (petrochemical industry)
In what 3 ways does “A Call to the South” debunk the economic myth of the South?
- General economic growth, but started from a lower base & still far behind
- Still the last in income per capita
- Spend the greatest proportion of income on necessities
In “A Call to the South”, what has driven the Southern states back into isolation?
The challenge of integration
Who wrote “False Concepts of the Christian Religion”?
Sen. Theodore Bilbo
What is “False Concepts of the Christian Religion”?
A chapter in “Take Your Choice: Separation or Mongrelization”
Who was Theodore Bilbo?
Democrat, Governor of Mississippi, then Senator
What amendment did Theodore Bilbo propose to the 1938 federal work-relief bill?
Deport 12 million black Americans to Liberia at federal expense to relieve unemployment
Who did Marcus Garvey say had done “wonderfully well for the Negro”?
Theodore Bilbo
What bill did Theodore Bilbo filibuster in the Senate?
1938 Costigan-Walker anti-lynching bill
What was the aim of “False Concepts of the Christian Religion”?
Refute arguments that use religious ideas in favour of absolute racial equality
According to “False Concepts of the Christian Religion”, what would abolishing barriers in churches lead to?
The approval of Christianity being stamped on marriages between whites and Negroes
In “False Concepts of the Christian Religion”, why are religious attempts to destroy the colour line the most dangerous?
Races come closest together in religion
In “False Concepts of the Christian Religion”, what 3 things is someone who wants to destroy the colour line a traitor to?
- His religion
- His country
- His race
In “False Concepts of the Christian Religion”, what is the Divine Plan?
God separated and segregated the different races by placing each in different lands
According to “False Concepts of the Christian Religion”, what would be the result of allowing intermarriage?
Giving the black man the right to destroy the white race, as racial mixing destroys white blood
In “False Concepts of the Christian Religion”, what does Bilbo argue are spiritual concepts?
Brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God: Christ did not seek actual absolute equality between men
In “False Concepts of the Christian Religion”, what implies that humans think God made a mistake in creation?
Seeking intermarriage
What does Bilbo call for in all youths in “False Concepts of the Christian Religion”?
Racial pride
Who wrote “American Dilemma”?
Gunnar Myrdal
In “American Dilemma”, what did Jim Crow change about the caste line?
- Solidified it
- No more difference in treatment due to class/education
In “American Dilemma”, in whose interest is it to discriminate against AA?
White lower class
What, according to “American Dilemma”, is a commonly held belief about segregation?
That Negroes want to be separated, that they are happy in their humble status, and would not like to be treated as equals
In “American Dilemma”, what bolsters conservative principles?
Religion: God must have intended to create two races, so negro subordination is part of God’s plan
In “American Dilemma”, what is segregation based around?
According to “American Dilemma”, what is the most common response to pleas for social equality?
“Would you like to have your daughter marry a Negro?”
Who wrote “You & Segregation”?
Herman E. Talmadge
Who was Herman E. Talmadge?
- Attorney & Democratic Georgian Governor, then Senator
- Staunch supporter of racial segregation
What did Herman E. Talmadge boycott?
The 1964 Democratic National Convention after the 1964 Civil Rights Act
In “You & Segregation”, what is of communist origin?
FEPC Legislation: like Stalin’s 1920 “All Race Law”
According to “You & Segregation” what is the goal of the NAACP?
Complete intermingling of the races
What 2 historical examples does “You & Segregation” use to defend separation of races?
- Children of Israel commanded to remain separate
2. Decline of the Roman Empire came from intermingling
In “You and Segregation”, what do the Communists want?
Creation of a Mongrel race, as Mongrel races lose their strength (explicitly nothing to do with Hitler)
In “You and Segregation”, what did Lincoln oppose?