The Skin Flashcards
What are the three layers of the skin?
What is the epidermis?
Provides a waterproof barrier and creates the skin tone
What is the dermis?
Contains tough connective tissue, hair follicles, and sweat glands
What is the hypodermis?
Made of fat and connective tissue
What is the stratum corneum of the epidermis made of?
Dead keratinocytes
What is the stratum spinosum of the epidermis made of?
Dendritic cells
Living Keratinocytes
What is the stratum basale of the epidermis made of?
Dividing Keratinocytes
Tactile cells
What are the primary skin lesions of the skin?
Macule Patch Papule Nodule Placque Wheal Vesicle Bulla Pustule Cyst Telangiectasia Tumor
What are secondary skin lesions of the skin?
Scale Lichenification Excoriation Fissure Erosion Ulcer
What is a macule?
Flat, circumsized area that is a change in color of skin
< 1cm in diameter
What are examples of macules?
Freckles Flat moles (Nevi) Petechiae Measles Scarlet Fever
What is a patch?
Flat, nonpalpable, irregular shaped macule more than 1 cm in diameter
What is an example of a patch?
What is a papule?
An elevated, firm, circumsized area
< 1 cm in diameter
What are examples of papules?
Wart Elevated Moles Lichen Planus Fibroma Insect Bite
What is a nodule?
Elevated, firm, circumsized lesion
Deeper in dermis than a papule
1-2 cm in diameter
What is an example of a nodule?
What is a placque?
Elevated, firm, and rough lesion with flat top surface greater than 1 cm in diameter
What are examples of placques?
Seborrheic and Actinic Keratoses
What is a wheal?
Elevated, Irregular shaped area of cutaneous edema
Solid, transient
Variable diameter
What are examples of wheals?
Insect bites
Allergic reactions
What is a vesicle?
Elevated, circumsized, superficial
Does not extend into dermis
Filled with serous fluid
< 1 cm. in diameter
What are examples of vesicles?
Herpes Simplex
What is a bulla?
Vesicle more than 1 cm in diameter
What are examples of bulla?
Pemphigus vulgaris
What is a pustule?
Elevated, superficial lesions
Similar to a vesicle but with purulent fluid
What are examples of pustules?
What is a cyst?
Elevated, circumsized, encapsulated lesion
In dermis or subcutaneous layer
Filled with liquid or semisolid material
What are examples of cysts?
Sebaceous cyst
cystic acne
What is Telangiectasia?
Fine (0.5-1.0mm), irregular red lines produced by capillary dilation
Can be associated with acne rosacea, venous hypertension, systemic sclerosis, or developmental abnormalities
What is a tumor?
Elevated, solid lesion
May be clearly demarcated
Deeper in dermis
More than 2 cm in diameter
What are examples of tumors?
Neoplasms Benign tumor Lipoma Neurofibroma Hemangioma
What is a scale?
Heaped-up, keratinized cells
Flaky skin
Irregular shape
Thick or thin
Dry or oily
Variation in size
What are examples of scale?
Flaking of skin with seborrheic dermatitis following scarlet fever
Flaking of skin following a drug reaction
Dry skin
What is Lichenification?
Rough, thickened epidermis secondary to persistent rubbing, itching, or skin irritation
Often involves flexor surface of extremity
What is an example of lichenification?
Chronic Dermatitis
What is excoriation?
Loss of epidermis
Linear, hollowed out, crusted area
What is an example of excoriation?
Abrasion or scratch
What is a fissure?
Linear crack or break form the epidermis to the dermis
May be moist or dry
What are examples of fissures?
Athlete’s foot
Cracks in corner of mouth
Anal fissure
What is erosion?
Loss of part of the epidermis
Depressed, moist, glistening
Follows rupture of a vesicle or bulla or chemical injury
What is an ulcer?
Loss of epidermis and dermis
Varies in size
What is an example of an ulcer?
Pressure ulcer
What is psoriasis?
Complex autoimmune inflammatory disease that occurs in genetically susceptible individuals