The Skeletal System Flashcards
What is Osteology?
The study of bones
Structure of bones
Bone is composed of how much mineral matter and how much organic matter?
Mineral Matter-Two:thirds
Organic Matter-One:third
What are the different bone shapes?
*Irregular bones
Bone shapes
Long bone location
Arms & legs
Bone shapes
Short bone location
Areas like the wrist or elbow
Bone shapes
Flat bone location
Skull, scapula, and sternum
Bone shapes
Sesamoid bone location
(small round bones imbedded in tendons)
Most common in the tendons of the hands, knees and feet
Bone shapes
Irregular bones
Vertebrae, pelvis
What are the different functions of the bones?
*Shape and support
*Framework for muscle attachment
*Blood cell and platelet formation
*Mineral and fat storage
Function of the bones
Shape and support description
Size and organization of the bones dictate the shape of our body.
Example-Longer bones mean taller people
Function of the bones
Protection description
Bones that are around vital, fragile organs serve to protect them from trauma.
Example-The rib cage protects the heart and lungs
Function of the bones
Framework for muscle attachment description
Muscles attach to the bones, which allows movement of the largest bones of your limbs and the tiniest bones of the fingers and toes
Function of the bones
Blood cell and platelet formation description
Red bone marrow produces red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets-All are life-critical
Function of the bones
Mineral and fat storage
Calcium and phosphorus are stored in bone. Our body can access them when necessary.
Example- In pregnancy, calcium from the bones is used to support the needs of pregnancy.
Yellow bone marrow stores fat
How many bones in the body?
The skull
What does the skull do?
Skeleton of the head. Protects our brain.
Cranium has 8 bones
Facial skeleton has 14 bones
Of the eight bones that create the cranium only 6 bones are affected by scalp massage. The other two form the eye sockets
1 Frontal description
Extends from the top of the eyes to the top of the head to form the forehead
2,3 Parietal description
2 bones that form the crown and upper sides of the head
4 Occipital description
Forms the back of the skull, indenting above the nape area
5,6 Temporal description
2 bones located on either side of the head. Above the ears and below the parietal bones
Sphenoid is located behind the eyes and nose and connects all of the bones of the cranium
Ethmoid is spongy bone between the eyes that forms part of the nasal cavity
1 Mandible description
Facial skeleton
Lower jaw
Its the largest and strongest
2,3 Maxillae description
Facial skeleton
2 bones of the upper jaw
4,5 Nasal description
Facial skeleton
2 bones which join to form the bridge of the eye socket
6,7 Zygomatic or Malar description
Facial skeleton
2 bones that form the upper cheek and the bottom of the eye socket.
Most fragile
8,9 Lacrimal description
Facial skeleton
Smallest 2 bones of the facial skeleton. Forms the front part of the inner bottom wall of the eye socket
1-7 Cervical Vertebrae description
Neck bones
7 bones that form the top part of the spinal column.
Often lightly massaged during a facial treatment
8 Hyoid description
Neck bones
u-shaped bone at the base of the tongue. Supports the muscles of the tongue
1 Thoracic Vertebrae
Back, Chest, and Shoulder bones
12 vertebrae in the chest region that form the central region of the spine
2 Sternum
Back, Chest and Shoulder bones
Breastbone, long, narrow, flat plate that forms the center of the front of the chest
3-14 Ribs
Back, Chest and Shoulder bones
24 (12 pairs) curved bones which form the rib cage of the upper body
15 Clavicle
Back, Chest and Shoulder bones
Collarbone. Two long flat bones which go across the front of the shoulder to link the sternum to the humerus
16 Scapula
Back, Chest and Shoulder bones
Shoulder blade. Large, flat bone extending upward from the middle of the back, on the right and left side, to the joint where it attaches to the clavicle
1 Humerus
Arm, Wrist and Hand bones
Largest bone of the upper arm.
Extends from the elbow to the shoulder
2 Radius
Arm, Wrist and Hand bones
Small, long bone on the thumb side of the lower arm or forearm
3 Ulna
Arm, Wrist and Hand bones
Small, long bone on the little finger side of the lower arm
4 Carpals
Arm, Wrist and Hand bones
8 small bones held together by ligaments to form the wrist or carpus
5 Metacarpals
Arm, Wrist and Hand bones
5 long, thin bones that form the palm of the hand
6 Phalanges
Arm, Wrist and Hand bones
14 bones that form the digits of fingers. Each finger has 3 phalanges, while the thumb has only 2
1 Femur
Leg, Ankle and Foot bones
Thighbone. Longest bone in the body
2 Patella
Leg, Ankle and Foot bones
Kneecap. sits over the front of the knee joint
3 Tibia
Leg, Ankle and Foot bones
Shinbone. inner and larger of the 2 lower leg bones. Extending from the knee to the ankle
4 Fibula
Leg, Ankle and Foot bones
Outer and narrower of the 2 lower leg bones. Extending from the knee to the ankle
5 Talus
Leg, Ankle and Foot bones
Ankle bone. Sits above the heel bone and forms the lower part of the ankle, talus, tibia and fibula form the ankle joint
6 Tarsals
Leg, Ankle and Foot bones
7 bones that make up the mid-foot and rear foot. Including the talus, calcaneus (heel), navicular, 3 cuneiform bones, and cuboid
Leg, Ankle and Foot bones
7 Metatarsals
5 long, slender bones (1 for each digit) that connects the phalanges to the tarsals
8 Phalanges
Leg, Ankle and Foot bones
14 bones that form the digits. 2 phalanges in the big toe and 2 in the four other toes.
What is a bunion?
A boney bump that develops on the big toe joint. Fluid collects around the joint. Repeated pressure on the side of the big toe (metatarsals)
Poorly fitted shoes cause bunions.